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JULIAN KELLY: My name is Julian Kelly.
I am a quantum hardware team lead in Google AI Quantum.
And I'm going to be talking about extracting coherence
information from random circuits via something
we're calling speckle purity benchmarking.
So I want to start by quickly reviewing
cross-entropy benchmarking, which we sometimes call XEB.
So the way that this works is we are
going to decide on some random circuits.
These are interleaved layers of randomly chosen
single-qubit gates and fixed two-qubit gates.
We then take this circuit, and we send a copy of it
to the quantum computer.
And then we send a copy of it to a simulator.
We take this simulator as the ideal distribution
of what the quantum evolution should have done.
And we compare the probabilities to what
the quantum computer did, the measured probabilities.
And we expect the ideal probabilities
to be sampling from the Porter-Thomas distribution.
We can then assign a fidelity for the sequence
by comparing the measured and ideal probabilities to figure
out how all the quantum computer has done.
And, again, I want to emphasize that we are comparing
the measured fidelity against the expected
unitary evolution of what this circuit should have done.
So here's what experimental cross-entropy benchmarking
data looks like.
So what we're going to do is we're
going to take data both over a number of cycles and also
random circuit instances.
And, when we look at the raw probabilities,
we see that it looks pretty random.
So what we're going to do is we then
take the unitary that we expect to get,
and we can then compute the fidelity.
And then, out of this random looking data,
we see this nice fidelity decay.
So the way that this works is that, by choosing
depolarizing single-qubit gates, the errors, more or less,
add up.
And we get this exponential decay.
We can fit this and extract an error per cycle
for our XEB sequence.
And this is error per cycle, given some expected given
unitary evolution.
So this is fantastic, but we might
be interested in understanding where exactly our errors are
coming from.
So this is where a technique known as purity benchmarking
comes in.
And, essentially, what we're going to do
is we're going to take this XEB sequence,
and then we're going to append it with state tomography.
So, in state tomography, we run a collection of experiments
to extract the density matrix rho.
We can then figure out the purity, which is, more or less,
the trace of rho squared.
You can think of this as, essentially,
the length of a block vector squared, an n-dimensional block
So what happens if we then look at the length of this block
vector as a function of the number of cycles
in the sequence?
We can look at the decay of it, and that
tells us something about incoherent errors
that we're adding to the system.
So, basically, the block vector will
shrink if we have noise or decoherence.
So purity benchmarking allows us to figure out
the incoherent error per cycle.
And the incoherent error is the decoherence error lower bound.
And it's the best error that we could possibly get.
So this is great.
We love this.
We use this all the time.
It turns out that predicting incoherent error
is harder than you think, and it's very nice
to have a measurement in situ in the experiment that you're
carrying [? about ?] to measure it directly.
So, with that, I'm going to tell a little bit of a story.
So, last March Meeting, I was sitting
in some of the sessions, and I was inspired
to try some new type of gate.
So I decided to run back to my hotel room
and code it up and remote in and get things running.
And I took this data, and my experimentalist intuition
started tingling.
And I was thinking that, wow, the performance of this gate
seems really bad.
So, when I was looking at the raw XEB data,
I noticed that, for a low number of cycles,
the data looked quite speckly, and I
was pretty happy with the amount of speckliness
that was happening down here.
But, when I went to a high number of cycles,
I noticed these speckles started to wash out.
And I found the degree of speckliness
to be a little bit disappointing, not so speckly.
So I started thinking about this a bit more.
And this is pretty interesting because I'm
looking at the data, and I'm assessing the quality somehow,
but I don't even know what unitary
I've been actually performing.
And shouldn't the XEB data just be completely random?
So I formed an extremely simple hypothesis.
Maybe this speckle contrast is actually
telling us something about the purity, right?
So, in some sense, what I'm saying
is that, if there's low contrast,
it's telling us that our system is decohered in some way.
So I did something very, very simple,
which is I just took a cut like this,
and I took the variance of that, and I plotted it
versus cycle number.
And I see this nice exponential decay.
So, after this, I got excited, and I went to talk to some
of our awesome theory friends like Sergio Boixo
and [? Sasha ?] [? Karakov. ?] And they helped set me straight
by going through some of the math.
So what we're going to do is we're first
going to define a rescaled version of purity that
looks like this.
And you see that, essentially, this is trace of rho squared.
And there's some dimension factors
that have to do with the size of the Hilbert space.
We define it this way so that purity equals 0 corresponds
to a completely decohered state.
And a purity of 1 corresponds to a completely pure state.
We then assume a depolarizing channel model,
which is to say that the density matrix is some polarization
parameter p times a completely pure state psi plus 1
minus p times the completely decohered uniform distribution
1/D. Then, if you plug these into each other,
we can see that these parameters directly relate.
The polarization parameter is directly related
to the square root of purity, which kind of makes
sense because the polarization is telling us how much we're
in a pure state versus how much we're in a decohered state.
OK, so now let's talk about what it looks
like if we're actually going to try and measure
this density matrix rho.
If we're measuring probabilities from the pure state
distribution, we'd expect to get a Porter-Thomas distribution
like we talked about before.
And what we notice is that there is
some variance to this distribution that
is greater than 0.
However, if we're measuring probabilities
from the uniform distribution, which
corresponds to a decohered state,
we say that there's no variance at all.
And, again, this is an ECDF or an integrated histogram.
So this corresponds to a delta function with no variance.
And it turns out, if you then go back and actually do the math,
you can directly relate the purity
to the variance of the probability distributions
times some dimension factors.
So the point is that we can directly relate purity
to variance experimentally from measured probabilities.
So is this purity?
Yes, it turns out.
So let's talk about what this looks like in an experiment.
So here we took some very dense XEB data,
both the number of cycles this way
and number of circuit instances that way.
And so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to draw a cut like this.
I'm going to plot the ECDF, the integrated histogram
And we see that it obeys is very nice Porter-Thomas line.
And then, if I look over here when
we expect the state to have very much decohered,
we see that it does look like this decohered uniform
distribution like that.
So then, if we plug all this data
into the handy-dandy formula that we
showed on the previous slide, we can then
compare it to the purity as measured by tomography.
And we see that these curves line up almost exactly.
And, indeed, they provide an error lower bound.
They're outperforming the XEB fidelity
because there can be some, for example, calibration error.
So speckle purity agrees with tomography.
We get it for free from this raw XEB data.
And we are noticing this by basically
observing a general signature of quantum behavior.
That's what these contrasts mean.
So here's a simple analogy.
So, if you take some kind of [? neato ?] coherent laser,
and you send it through a crazy crystal medium,
you can see this speckle pattern showing up on,
for example, a wall.
But, if you take a kind of boring flashlight,
and you point it at something, you just
get a very blurred out pattern.
So this makes sense, which is to say
that, if you have a very decohered state,
and you try and perform a complex quantum
operation to it, it's really not going to tell you anything.
Nothing is going to happen.
OK, so let's talk about how to actually understand
the cost of these different ways of extracting purity
in terms of experimental time.
So, typically, when we're doing an XEB experiment,
we take N random circuits times N repetitions per circuit.
And then we may optionally add some number
of additional tomography configurations
to figure out how much data we need to take.
So, for example, in 2 qubits, we may take 20 random circuits,
1,000 repetitions per circuit.
And then, for 2 qubits, we have to add an additional 9
tomography repetitions.
And that means we're taking 200,000 data points
to extract a single data point here,
which is pretty expensive.
If you look at the order of scaling,
the number of circuits in XEB we'd typically
pick to be about constant.
The number of repetitions it turns
that scales exponentially due to the size of the Hilbert space.
But then we also have this additional exponential factor
doing full state tomography.
So what we're taking away from this
is that full state tomography really
is overkill for extracting the purity.
We can get it just from the speckles with the same
[? information, ?] [? only ?] we're doing it exponentially
We're actually getting rid of this 3 to the N factor.
And I do want to point out that there's still
this exponential factor that remains
due to having to figure out the full distribution
of probabilities.
So I want to now actually show data
for scaling the number of qubits up to larger system sizes.
So we can, for example, extend the XEB protocol to many qubits
in a pattern that looks something like this.
And we can measure for 3 qubits, 5, 7,
or all the way up to 10 qubits to directly extract a purity.
And we see that this still works.
We see that we get nice numbers.
We get a nice decays out of this.
And we can also then compare to the XEB directly.
I want to point out that, going all the way up to here,
we use kind of standard numbers for the number of sequences,
the number of stats, but then, at this point,
we started to feel the exponential number of samples
that we needed.
We had to crank the repetitions up to 20,000,
but even that is really not that much for extracting purity
for a 10 qubit system.
OK, so now the last thing that we can do
is we can actually do some pretty cool error budgeting.
So we can benchmark the different error processes
versus system size using the data that I just showed.
So, if we say that XEB error is equal to the incoherent error
plus the coherent error, we directly measure the XEB error,
and we directly measure the incoherent error, the purity.
That allows us to infer the coherent error.
So, if we look at, for example, the N-qubit
XEB versus these error mechanisms,
we can see that, for a low number of qubits,
we don't have much coherent error.
We are doing a very good job with calibration.
But, as we scale the system size, and we add more qubits,
we start to see just a little bit
of coherent error being added.
And we'd expect that, for example,
cross-talk effects to introduce something like this.
So we can answer these questions now
versus system size, which is are we
getting unexpected incoherent error as we scale.
And we can also answer are we getting
coherent errors, for example, cross-talk as we scale.
And, typically, these are quite challenging to measure.
So, in conclusion, we introduce this notion of speckle purity,
and it quantifies the decoherence
without even having to know the unitary that you did.
It relies on random circuits in a Porter-Thomas distribution,
which is important.
It comes free with any XEB data that you have.
So, even if you have a historical data set,
you can go and extract this from it, which is pretty neat.
We can use it for many qubit systems.
We showed up to 10 here.
And there's exponentially better scaling
than doing full state tomography.
It probes this fundamental behavior of quantum mechanics,
and it's pretty neat if you spend
some time thinking about it.
I want to point out that we have a discussion of this
in the supplemental of our quantum supremacy publication.
And I also found this nice paper that
talks about a lot of similar concepts from 2012.