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  • Let's talk about city on a hill.

  • You got a giant mustache for this project.

  • I know that.

  • You guys were probably held up right now, um, on production, but does the mustache.

  • It clearly comes off when you're not working.

  • Well, yeah, when it looked like it was gonna be a while before, we were gonna be back at work.

  • And, um uh, you know, I did this weird thing where I shaved it, um, and then started to let it grow back.

  • Right?

  • And it makes no sense at all.

  • But if you remember, you know, back in the old days, there was the same where if you light a cigarette, then the bus comes because it means that you're never gonna get to fist.

  • So that was my mentality.

  • My my dream is that we go back into production and our crew has their jobs back.

  • And and and and we've, you know, tried.

  • We've come out of the other side of this thing before.

  • My mustache is ready.

  • That's my dream.

  • That's all right.

  • It was a weird sort of like a roll of the dice.

  • I'm gonna I'm gonna take it often.

  • Plus my wife you know?

  • Listen, uh, dog lovers, she she is very, very supportive of whatever thing I have to be doing with my hair or my face or whatever, but, you know, it's it's kind of tough for her to live with a porn stash for, like, six months.

  • Look, it starts off, is very erotic.

  • And then the mystery fates, let's face it.

Let's talk about city on a hill.


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A2 初級

ケビン・ベーコンが "ポルノグラフィティ "を剃った理由 - TBSのCONAN (Why Kevin Bacon Shaved His “Pornstache” - CONAN on TBS)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日