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  • Hey, everyone, how is it going as run the language nerd here?

  • I hope you're doing very, very well.

  • Welcome to another episode of easy English.

  • Now, I had some problems with the introduction and the conclusion of this video.

  • So I have to shoot it and record it again from my car today because I don't have anybody to hold the camera.

  • But I still think you are goingto like the video.

  • Many of you have asked me in the comments to do some videos where I interview people about different topics.

  • And so yesterday I went out and did that.

  • Um, I talked to some different people about what some of the hardest and easiest elements of learning another language are.

  • In their opinion, it's gonna be a lot of fun.

  • I think you guys will like this video, and here we go.

  • And what language their languages are you learning right now?

  • I'm learning french right now.

  • Right now.

  • I'm learning Spanish right now.

  • I'm just learning French currently learning Spanish.

  • I am trying to learn Spanish on DSO for you.

  • What are some of the let's say, some of the easiest parts of learning Spanish.

  • I find learning vocabulary is the easiest because you just learn it in a game or in context, and you practice it a couple of times in the session and you remember it for a long time.

  • Um, for me, I'd say, uh, reading French, because when you grow up in Canada, you, um you're exposed to the French language more than other languages.

  • And it's on all the nutrition labels and clothing.

  • And if you go to like a national park, you'll see the signs in French stuff like that.

  • The easiest part is that there's a lot of resources.

  • So once you have the motivation to go out and find them, it's really great.

  • Well, I know a little bit of French, so it's easy to kind of relate concepts in in Spanish to what I already know in French.

  • So are there other parts that even easier for you?

  • Um, I'd say that for me personally, pronunciation came pretty easily, but I know that lots of people struggle with that, especially because of the silent letters in front and for me.

  • I do find it easier to do the reading because you couldn't take your time with it.

  • and I also speak German.

  • So between the English and the German, often there's a lot of vocabulary overlap.

  • And having that background also really helped me with the masculine and feminine that that's a thing in French.

  • Because of my basic level of French, I find it easy toe conjugated verbs like I already get that the masculine, the feminine and learning words I find is like the vocabulary, I guess, like remembering different, different things and everything.

  • Actually not.

  • I'm good at memorizing scripts.

  • So memorizing words is, is easy.

  • It's putting them together.

  • That's hard.

  • Cut it.

  • How about some things that a little bit more challenging?

  • I think there's a lot of rules that I need to know.

  • Um, and grammar rules are, Yeah, I remember grammatical rules.

  • I'd say that the comprehension of like someone speaking directly at me, uh, that's been a bit difficult for me on Dhe speaking, of course, because I just don't have the vocabulary yet things I find hardest would probably be learning the different tenses of the verbs, like learning the difference between past and future, that sort of thing.

  • One of the hardest parts, I would say, is staying motivated.

  • Okay, Um, and just doing it every day.

  • Uh, it's hard for me because I try to take the English sentence and put that into Spanish, which is not how you are supposed to do it.

  • I guess so.

  • I try to be literal with everything.

  • Um, and I need to get my mind out of the equation.

  • And how does that make it harder?

  • It makes it harder because, well, it's like French.

  • I mean, words air kind of backwards to what?

  • English and everything.

  • And so there's just a lot of rules.

  • I just got to get out of my own way and just accept how things were done.

  • That being said when I'm not staying on top of it, I definitely find that the conversation with native speakers and especially answering questions when I'm not prepared for them.

  • Uh, difficulty is sometime is remembering, Say the differences between Santa Anna's daughter and remember remembering how you have to play our allies.

  • The paralyzed articles when you know in in English, is just the the dogs, the car.

  • So just always remembering what I'm what I'm referring to when I don't have to think about it.

  • in English.

  • And are there other languages that you speak or that you would like to learn in the future?

  • Um, I used to be fluent in French.

  • I lost most of it, So I'd like Thio get back on track without it.

  • Be nice as a Canadian to know both official languages.

  • Um, right now I speak, um, English, German and Danish and a little bit of French, Um, as faras in the future, I think I might try to pick up Spanish, but I don't have a set plan for that.

  • Or the next one.

  • If I can get Spanish down, I'm gonna learn French next.

  • I'd like to learn more of Chinese because I've I've taken a class on it before, and it's just a interesting language.

  • So we have Amanda and meet up right now in there if you're ever interested.

  • I know I've intended it once before, but I did.

  • Yes, but I don't, uh I don't have time today, Not a problem.

  • Well, right now I do speak German.

  • Um, I kind of wanna learn Russia next, I think.

  • Not sure why, but that's just something I've been interested in.

  • It all depends kind of on where I will be next.

  • Depending on what country I'll be living in.

  • Yes, that'll have.

  • Ah, they play a big part of it.

  • Nice.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Well, everyone, thank you for watching this video.

  • I hope you liked it.

  • Please tell me in the comments.

  • In your opinion, what are some of the easiest and hardest parts of learning?

  • Another language?

  • I'm very, very curious.

  • Um, have a good rest your day and we will talk in the next video.

  • Bye for now to see you.

Hey, everyone, how is it going as run the language nerd here?


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A2 初級

語学学習で一番難しいのは何ですか?| 英語学習のコツとは? (What's the Hardest Part of Learning a Language? | Easy English 35)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日