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Have you ever wondered?
Is there some sort of science that would give you the answer on what exactly you need to do at work, to get recognized, to get that next raise to climb up in terms off your level in a company to even give your best work to the world if you work for yourself?
Well, there is a lot of science on this and one of the foremost thinkers I pay attention to when I'm trying to understand how to give my best that work is a guy by the name of Steven Cutler.
Perhaps you've heard of him.
He wrote some of the most significant books off the last seven years, including Abundance, Bold Rise of Superman and Stealing Fire.
Steven Kotler has been studying for years and years to try toe, understand scientifically what it takes to be the best you can at your work.
And there are five things that he looks at now.
His newest work, where he integrates these five elements, is called the habit off.
Ferocity was so excited cause we're gonna be bringing this to Mind Valley.
But when I want to do in this video is share with you really quickly the five principles of the habit of ferocity that you can integrate in your company and in your life this week itself.
That will change the way you function at work, so the 1st 1 is motivation.
Then there's flow, risk taking, learning and great.
Now the first thing I want you to understand this, that the word ferocity may seem fierce.
It may seem aggressive.
That is not what Steven is talking about.
Rather, when you embrace the habit of ferocity, all it means is that you are fierce towards your gold, but you're doing it in a state off ease and flow and gentleness, where it's almost as if it's a beautiful dance.
So one of the five qualities of the habit of frosty while the 1st 1 is motivation, motivation comes from knowing purpose.
So if you want a toe rapidly Bruce motivation in any company and get people more engaged in what they do more excited about the job, and this applies to us well, here's a simple hack that Steven Kotler and Daniel Pink speak about, and it's called reminding yourself off big purpose.
So here's what we do it mind body One of the fastest ways to remind you of your purpose is to ensure that you are paying attention to how you change customer lives.
So many people who work in larger companies are not directly in touch with the customer, and so they may be doing great work, but they don't see those lives changed.
One of the things we do is we have a person within my values and in this matter and a full time job is to be a tribe storyteller.
Martha travels around the world filling stories of our customers, puts them on a YouTube channel called Mind Valley Tribe.
And you know what?
The stories don't just inspire other customers.
Primarily, they served to inspire our team.
Every weekly company gathering.
Mata is the first person on stage sharing stories and slides of how we changed our customers lives.
Now can you do this in your work?
If you do, what you're going to see is a big rise and motivation now.
The second is a term called Flo.
Flo was a really powerful idea that brings out the best in you, but here's what heartless say's to get in a state of flow you gotta have a challenge that slightly above your skill level.
If the challenges too high, you feel inside.
If the challenges too low, you get bored there.
Optimal amount off challenge above your skill level, according to Cutler, is 4%.
So how do we put ourselves and flow simple?
You give yourself a goal that it's slightly beyond what you know right now.
So many people set goals based on who they are right now in what they know.
Right now.
The problem is that leads to stagnation.
You want to set your goal for what you are going to learn who you are going to be.
A classic example of how we do it here in mind.
Valley is this amazing woman.
Ola Ola is someone who organizes our events all around the world, but what's unique about her wrist every time she nails the formula born event and she makes it successful and almost automated, she sets her sights on putting on an event in a new country and in a new region, even though she knows she might now, by giving herself such a challenge, she is continuously excited about a job and best of all, she pushes the south keep growing and growing and road.
Now, the third element is risk Taking risk taking is really interesting within a company.
What we do for risk taking is to ensure that everyone who is leading a team sets a goal for the year that they know they have a 50% chance for failing at.
So let's think about this for a moment.
You're not just setting goals that you are aiming to hit your setting, at least one out of four goals that must have a 50% chance for failing.
And if you're not failing, you're probably not thinking big enough.
You're probably not taking enough risks.
A classic example here is Clement, who works in mind Body.
Clemen looks at potential ideas for new experimental acts that we can launch.
He's working on one right now.
It may take off and be huge.
It could also likely fail, but it doesn't matter.
His job is to take that risk, and there is no punishment.
There's no dishonor.
If you fail, you celebrate that failure and what you learned and you move on, so risk taking is an essential part off the habit of ferocity.
Fought concept is rapid learning.
It means constantly making yourself learn to become a better and better and better human beings.
One of the most beautiful things I've seen in terms of learning is a guy in a company called K in England.
So while holding down an important job, Mind Valley, he was dashing off on weekends to university to study for his E M B A.
And he became the youngest person in his class to finish that.
And when he completed and got that degree, he brings it back into the company.
And every few weeks a sort, he holds classes for everyone else in the company to teach him what he learned his MBA.
Not only is he learning, but everyone else is learning.
Not surprisingly, he's had an incredible trajectory in the company and become one of our most valuable people.
And finally, perseverance was.
Kotla calls that grit so great is one off the things that we often forgot that we need as a performer.
When you're trying to do something big, they are going to be road bumps on the way.
So how do you overcome those road bumps there?
Numerous ways.
One of the things that we do here is the practice of gratitude.
So are learning experience.
Design Team is constantly looking at creating the best learning systems in the world.
We want to have the world's greatest loaning plat books.
Now that is not an easy task.
And when you're working with so many different technologies and authors, you hit road bumps that could get stressful.
So what team does is that every morning before they start their day, they get on slack and they share what they're grateful for.
Everybody's celebrates one tiny aspect of their life that met them up, and by sharing it with everyone else, they light up the rest of the team.
This gives few gratitude, gives fuel, give you more grit and passionate perseverance.
So those five ideas, when you put them together, give you a recipe for the habit off ferocity.
I hope you saw some value in them, and I tried to give you really simple, tangible example so that you could bring this into your workplace in your company as soon as this week.
But if you want to go further, if you want, really mastered a habit of ferocity.
Check out the new master class that I just filmed with Steven Kotler.
It's absolutely free.
It's brilliant, it's hilarious.
And I think you're gonna get your tongue, no.