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  • and now to the backlash for some airline customers over flights canceled by the Cove in 19 Pandemic is so many Americans Struggle with expenses Right now, a new class action lawsuit against United Airlines is seeking full refunds for passengers of canceled flights instead of just vouchers for future travel.

  • But his one senator says Congress may soon get involved.

  • Here's A B C's Geo Benitez With that story, ah, police officer in Minnesota has filed a class action lawsuit against United Airlines over what he says is a rejected refund request.

  • According to the federal lawsuit, the officer claims United refused to refund more than $1500 for three tickets he bought for a vacation flight between Hilton Head and Minneapolis planned for April.

  • United cancel the flight amid the covert 19 pandemic, and he says United offered him a travel voucher instead of a refund.

  • The lawsuit says travel vouchers provide little security in this public crisis, particularly where many individual Americans need money now to pay for basics like food and rent.

  • Senator Ed Markey has been urging airlines to refund passengers affected by Cove in 19 sending letters to airline CEOs, then listening to their passengers.

  • They're gonna wind up paying a price for this in the next piece of legislation, which we passed.

  • US.

  • Carriers have secured almost $60 billion from the federal government as part of the $2 trillion Corona virus stimulus package.

  • There are restrictions for the money.

  • They can't lay off employees through September and must temporarily eliminate stock buybacks.

  • But Marky says they may need to go a step further in the next stimulus bill to ensure passenger refunds.

  • I think it's just greed.

  • I think that received the money from the federal government as part of a bailout to keep the airlines afloat, and they still want to keep the passenger money.

  • But flights that never took place our flights where passengers canceled because they were afraid to fly.

  • Over the past week, the Department of Transportation has also warned airlines to issue prompt refunds to passengers whose flights were affected by Covert 19.

  • For its part, United tells ABC News we were served with a complaint on Tuesday night and are reviewing it.

  • Eligible travelers can request a refund if their flights have been severely adjusted or service to their destination suspended either due to government mandates or United schedule reductions related to Cove in 19 angio.

  • Benitez joins us now, Geo We just saw that response from United Airlines there.

  • What exactly qualifies for a refund?

  • It is there anything else that the airlines are doing to respond to passengers who have been impacted by covert related cancellations?

  • Yellen Z So United just sent us their policy.

  • Let me read it to you because it says this.

  • If we change your flight and can't get you to your destination, international or domestic within six hours we will refund your ticket and those travel vouchers.

  • Delta and United told us there now good for two years, Geo Benitez.

  • Thanks so much.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

and now to the backlash for some airline customers over flights canceled by the Cove in 19 Pandemic is so many Americans Struggle with expenses Right now, a new class action lawsuit against United Airlines is seeking full refunds for passengers of canceled flights instead of just vouchers for future travel.


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フライトリファンドをめぐる戦い (Battle over flight refunds)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日