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  • more than 1.3 million people are sick and more than 76,000 have died.

  • So some make comparisons to the apocalypse, and experts say, every time there's a calamity, that is exactly what happens.

  • The scenes unfolding before us have some believing we are approaching the end of times.

  • According to Google trends, there has been a huge spike in searches about the apocalypse in the United States in the last week.

  • It's not just the covert 19 pandemic.

  • Some folks are pointing to other recent events of, shall we say biblical proportions.

  • Volcanic eruptions in New Zealand, a plague of locust in East Africa and epic wildfires in Australia that really did look like hell on Earth.

  • Are all these signs of a biblical prophecy that the apocalypse is close at hand?

  • That's what some folks believe.

  • I'm not scared of.

  • The upper lips were things like that, because I know in the end, what's going to happen.

  • Show Main Webster is a devout Christian.

  • She believes the covert 19 pandemic is a message from God.

  • I have a lot of faith and God's plans and his purposes, but Columbia University religion professor Ari Goldman says the end of the world is about as real as the zombie apocalypse show the walking Dead.

  • He points out that talk of the apocalypse frequently comes up during worldwide crises.

  • Some of our worst fears and worst predictions, um, sort of occupy us and take over our rational thinking, all right.

more than 1.3 million people are sick and more than 76,000 have died.


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黙示録だと思う人がいる理由 (Why Some People Think It's the Apocalypse)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日