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  • breaking developments.

  • Tornadoes Striking the South Tonight as millions are already sheltering at home, Let's get right to Victor Oh kendo in Jackson, Mississippi, tonight, sirens blaring across the South and Easter Sunday Severe weather outbreak underway in Monroe, Louisiana.

  • A tornado emergency this neighborhood hit hard, terrified families surveying the damage, Monroe's mayor saying between 2 to 300 homes were damaged, the regional airport taking a direct hit, planes tossed like toys, the National Weather Service and meteorologists across the region warning families to take cover and have a plan.

  • Find a small, windowless room wrapped up in blankets and pillows.

  • Put on a helmet to protect yourself from debris and stay in that 22 safe place until we give you the all clear thousands losing power.

  • Could this come in the worst possible time?

  • I can't think of a worse possible time here in Mississippi, the Corona virus pandemic, forcing families to take extra precautions when seeking shelter.

  • We're asking people to toe wear a mask into those shelters.

  • If it don't have a mask, anything.

  • You were a handkerchief, A bandanna north of here.

  • Inmates helping distribute sandbags amid flash flooding Overnight, dozens of severe weather reports, including baseball sized hail.

  • There is still a line of storms headed across the South, with the potential for even more tornadoes in the overnight hours.

  • There were so many people already indoors following those Corona virus guidelines.

  • Officials wanna make sure that you have tornado alerts ready to go on your phone because you might not hear those sirens blaring outside.

  • Tom Victor Oh, Kendall In the path of the storm tonight, Victor, you and your team stay safe.

  • Let's get right to ABC senior meteorologist Rob Marciano.

  • Tracking those storms Rob Hate on this $20 outbreak, Just ongoing.

  • Now let's get right to it.

  • We have several watches that are posted, including a PDS watch outline and read that is very dangerous.

  • We've already had not one, but two but three damaging large tornadoes on the ground in Louisiana, Mississippi.

  • Those will progress to the East will have flooding range to the north snow on the back side of this in a tornado threat tomorrow morning from north Florida all the way up through the mid Atlantic and then strong winds wrapping around that cyclone for the Northeast from Detroit to Boston when 60 to 70 miles an hour.

  • Those temporary tented cities here in New York will be a dangerous spot tomorrow, Tom.

  • All right, Rob.

  • Thank you for that.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking on ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

breaking developments.


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B2 中上級

イースターの週末には厳しい天候の発生が予想される (Severe weather outbreak expected over Easter weekend)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日