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  • Cisco Certified Network Associate

  • Day One. Welcome back everybody.

  • I am Imran Rafai, your trainer for this entire series.

  • Today we would be starting with network fundamentals

  • and when I say fundamentals we would deal with the

  • very very basic of the networking

  • industry. So this video is not

  • only for the people who are going for the CCNA certification but

  • anybody who's interested to, OR looking to start a career

  • in networking feel free to watch this because you

  • are going to learn as lot. But CCMA as a certification, is a very valuable

  • certification and I urge everybody to go ahead and

  • take that certification because it is gonna add a lot of value.

  • Before I go any further I would ask

  • everybody to concentrate on the first three days

  • of our video because we will be covering

  • the very basic concepts

  • which, if I can dare, I would say

  • is going to be the base

  • of your entire networking career, maybe even twenty years from now.

  • So please concentrate and

  • be clear with every concept we cover here.

  • And in case you still have doubts please feel free to email me

  • at imran.rafai@NWKING.ORG

  • imran.rafai@NWKING.ORG

  • imran.rafai@NWKING.ORG

  • imran.rafai@NWKING.ORG

  • Alright, without further ado, let

  • us get into the video. Let's start with the

  • very basic question, "What is a network"

  • well when I asked this question to my students

  • more often than not I get answers like Facebook

  • Twitter Picasa whatever whatever you see on the screen but

  • well that is social network, that's not the network we are here to learn

  • and that definitely is not the network I am going to talk about

  • what I am intrested in is it

  • this network the network between computers

  • well this network is also the foundation or the base on which

  • applications like Twitter Facebook picassa

  • is built on. So we learn about

  • this network and maybe if we have time over the course of this

  • this series, we will talk a little bit about those

  • applications here and there. While preparing for this

  • video lecture

  • I was preparing this a image that you see on the screen and I was thinking

  • okay let me see how to explain this concept

  • to students who are starting

  • on at the networking industry so

  • how do I explain this concept without actually using a lot of technical terms

  • Or saying - 'okay this thing communicates with that

  • thing over this thing' - I mean it was difficult

  • and then I thought okay I need a better way to explain this and I i remember the

  • story that a teacher of mine told me when she taught me

  • networking. It is about

  • the olden days of how Kings exchanged messages with

  • the ally, they would pass the message

  • to a messenger who used to ride on ha specs

  • and this go through all these number the peep

  • pot along the road and in the is to go through this did the city gate and then

  • this go to other King and deliver the message

  • so if you compare that to computer network

  • the the messenger sending the message

  • so the message is like the detail that you send in the data could be anything

  • it could be a good

  • doc file a Word document or it could be an excel file it could be any major

  • could be you BDO it could be anything that detail

  • and abroad on which the the messenger traveled

  • that that basically is the network course

  • computer network has much more interesting than just paving

  • drawers up but

  • if you if you see backed is the very pleasing my computer netbook is

  • invented to communicate between computers

  • if you see this image you would see let me just take a

  • a highlighter you will see that we have the Windows PC

  • we have Linux systems an iMac

  • and we have laptop more bite for on palm top

  • you have bebe so is maybe it's running on saint always him database server

  • spite service but

  • in spite of the all running on different operating systems

  • they all can communicate absolutely perfectly with each other

  • this is the magic of computer networks

  • the computer network runs on ok

  • a global standard called or same orders sand and

  • and things like that which defines clearly what

  • when any manufacture manufactures its a networking device

  • what time how they should communicate with each other

  • so the only language of networking

  • and backed enables them to communicate with each other

  • let's try to break this a little more further and see

  • how internet works

  • so if you look at the picture on your screens

  • this is the very basic network

  • to computers connected with the wire in this case we will use

  • a catfight cable a cap to keep a look something like this:

  • and this has becoming different colors you have

  • blue-collar ones red color ones from and this is this obviously another color

  • and this the out a Kabul is just a protective layer

  • inside you have eight tiny keepers

  • these keep it going to a connector called RG fortify keep it

  • that looks something like this that you see on the screen and back of your

  • computer

  • and most the computer that you have today

  • you have a port adj a port like this

  • that is yard interferes your network interface card

  • so your network interface card is ready RG fortify connects

  • and using this you can communicate

  • these two computers can communicate with each other this

  • is the very basic form of networking and this is called as

  • Ethernet ET hedge

  • E arson net Ethernet let me just

  • right down its E sorry book my handwriting and

  • it's very difficult to right on screen

  • especially with my mouse bat lemme

  • chess eat net

  • maybe for my next video out by ice time is so that I can just

  • right tit more legible

  • handwriting alright but for now up

  • yes at this key believe connects between these two computers

  • and you can have a very basic network

  • but what happens if you have more than to computers so

  • let you have fight computers me you obviously kit I mean there's one we

  • obviously can't go on adding more

  • meet network interface cards on your computer then you can have

  • but a better bf connecting is by you making use of a networking device

  • maybe a switch or hub of course which and how but two different devices

  • they have totally different functions we will obviously learned about them in

  • future we do. pursuits

  • backed up for now you know we have a networking device in this case is a

  • switch

  • and these computers can communicate with each other

  • so for instance this guy is caught over a document that he want to send across

  • the network to this guy all he has to do is centered across

  • to use IP address what is an IP address

  • you would ask IP addresses how

  • computers to recognize each other on the network

  • the BB learn about IP addresses in the next

  • I video series but for now just not be a identifiers

  • for computers another

  • critical reason why people use networking is

  • because of devices like this in a maybe let's assume that this was a very

  • expensive

  • printer or scanner that the company invested in

  • if networking was not available the wheat this device be connected is

  • to this let me just check the college's sure that it is

  • I okay lets you select to this is

  • it would have had to be connected directly to the computer

  • no let's assume that this user maybe print one

  • beat Adi and maybe all the

  • users in this computer in this company has similar requirement that they have

  • to pre wanna poop eaters

  • every day so the company will have been missed on more

  • printer still have one more print area this guy will have one more printer

  • so company will have unnecessarily

  • invest on a lot of printers been the uses of damn

  • in all the sprinters are gonna be very very minimal

  • better before computer companies to invest money on IT infrastructures to

  • how one compute one printer

  • very expensive good quality printer light onto the network and everybody can

  • print to it

  • that's a lot of money saved and that's very efficient way of using

  • it. budget

  • so backed is the very basic

  • requirement and the reason why we have computer network

  • so a computer network in a local office you know maybe one

  • home office and a rule mine are in a single company that's called as a lamb

  • local area network and local signify that is very local

  • to a geographer clearly a

  • if this seem local lantz not desert

  • Lance and you have not the land here

  • and let's assume that your company has two offices one in New York and then you

  • have another office in Boston

  • wanna be you could communicate create a network between the

  • the the two offices a few companies because we had to

  • the kind of money that is required to cable from New York to Boston

  • and of course if you can get the permissions you could run your own

  • private cable from your Boston office to New York office no problem at all

  • but not too many companies have that kind of money

  • and not many companies would like to we aced that kind of money

  • be a better way of doing it no

  • you could connect your office to local ISP

  • ISP is nothing but Internet Service Provider

  • and the similar thing happens on the IBM Boston connects

  • their office to an ISP Internet Service Provider

  • and ISP's already have the backbone very massive a high bandwidth connections

  • between the office

  • she got beat da that you sent from here course through the network to the ISP

  • from ISB to the ISBE in Boston and then through that

  • to go back to the Boston office and a computer to this computer

  • can commit come you keep with this computer absolutely fine

  • using the ISP not this

  • farms the wide ATM network bad

  • lands are into connected with each other to form a very

  • wide ATM network and wide here signifies

  • a wide geographical Adia it could be across the country

  • it could be in different cities and then the same country

  • maybe a different countries basically it's a web

  • so dot is how it works now how to how do you connect from highspeed to

  • York ER a locally and that's what would you can replace p

  • when non months situation what happens is you

  • you get a a jack on the wall

  • you might have a smaller jack on the wall and y'all your land can

  • lawn you just connected to the jack so from your from the sewage from that out

  • of your company

  • you connected to the check back and design a speedy would

  • the leaked cable maybe they would kill aid under under the

  • ground bill a cable to the office

  • and from the office they go here from Denmark of it again maybe underground

  • daily a cable

  • Judah Boston office again there will be a wall socket

  • that is provided and you just blow to keep from the wall to you

  • your rotor and that's how

  • you are when link works when this is also

  • intended to be using the ISP

  • intimate is nothing but a better team massive

  • when which covers the entire world

  • where you have a lot of public resources so

  • if you google this is the definition of what an

  • internet is a global computer network providing

  • about it. of information and communication facilities

  • consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication

  • protocols well that is pig definition I

  • well that's exactly what it is you know internet

  • is nothing but you have a lot of and do you have a man here you have a band here

  • you have a plan here

  • you have a ban het and then just brands are connected with each other

  • so you have another ran here and you have another man here

  • another one here another one here maybe fuel

  • more here I know in India that up Whitelock

  • you have all these things and get connected let's when singer connector

  • from here

  • connected here from here connected here at these disconnected this is connected

  • this is going to this is connected this is connected

  • so this is nothing but how an internetwork so for instance if from

  • India somebody has to communicate

  • to New York this is a hold the data transfer there in court

  • if this thing disconnects you have somebody

  • the data going through along a pop so this is what

  • network internet is it is just nothing but interconnections of a lot of events

  • let's find out more about applications were talking about earlier

  • don't don't lot of use it off Internet are

  • networking as a whole we have YouTube CNN

  • EB Skype is just very ferried

  • very very few examples that a use the Internet

  • but they're Lord of sites and applications which use the internet as

  • you already know

  • know how it works is YouTube for instance is owned by Google to Google

  • has put a

  • public so a summit on the Internet that is accessible

  • to anybody on internet

  • so if I want to watch a video on youtube

  • ice I go to my web browser and type www youtube dot com

  • at the process that takes plays in the background

  • is much more complicated I'm simplifying this would process we will look into

  • exactly how it works

  • in for this video series but for now when sometimes

  • YouTube docked calm and hit enter

  • my computer sends a HTTP request

  • to YouTube's public sewer

  • when summer gets that information it is %uh find that some HTTP request so I

  • send damaged him if I backs it creates an html5 back

  • and it sends an estimate fight back to me

  • might that does it take seventies %uh that's an HTML file and I know how to

  • process it

  • so it processes that and your YouTube website come to life and you see them

  • it shows a lot of videos and you click on one of those videos this process

  • repeats

  • they send you back to beat your and and that's how that works

  • to similarly it happens to eBay you know you go to CNN Skype

  • that's how it works so this is how internet

  • works basically they have a public servant they put all the files there

  • your computer request that this in the fight back to you and this

  • is how a internet helps you

  • run that this global global ice storm worked

  • when we talk about instant very critically we need to talk about to

  • speed up internet

  • before we get to the speed up internet lets get to

  • what is the difference between bit and bite

  • bit is the smallest

  • information computer can understand it's either 0 or 1

  • but as byte is nothing but for me it spawned by 8

  • bits so a bits together form one but

  • it could be some like 1101

  • one 101 whatever something

  • to that some bite so eight bits from one but

  • now a lot of people get confused detail is

  • always denoted by bites so when I say I have 1gb of

  • RAM it is one key got bite

  • RAM but when I tell I have a 10 Mbps connection

  • it is 10 am BBS connection bits per second make up bits per second

  • connection

  • if you confuse these two it's going to be very very difficult

  • at one Mbps bite per second connection

  • is 8 Mbps connection eight games

  • the speed of what it is supposed to be so

  • speed is always denoted by the small be data size is always

  • imus big be

  • n in computer while kilo is always 1024 so

  • one kilo bit is 1024 bit similarly

  • one kilobyte is 1024 bite

  • right so for instance let me see I have 1 Mbps connection

  • and I have a fight of 128 KB bites

  • so letter for instance you have booked an inward you type

  • at the alphabet eighty now with one

  • 252 to do that one alphabet thats

  • takes about one bite capital

  • be of myspace so one

  • bite is how much it need to store this

  • at for but 8 its one bite is

  • about it is 8 beats right

  • according the convertion so too baby it takes eight bits on one

  • by to beat up alright having known that let's look at this example to

  • you have 128 keep be that is bite

  • file if I love 120 128 KB

  • now it meets to go across Asus netbook puts be 21

  • Mbps one makeup bits per second

  • how much time will it take to a simple question let's try to convert

  • 128 kilobyte if he could what to do

  • bits it is 128 into eat dip this conversion if you're not

  • bit bite it's more eight right

  • so one bite 128 byte

  • isn't too if you convert it into

  • bits it is 1024

  • kilobits of data

  • right so one 24 kilobits

  • where is that its 124 kilobits is nothing went 1

  • make a bit right on makeup it

  • but the speed it is 1 megabit per second is

  • the speed of our connection so on a connection to 1mbps

  • 8 1mb fighting which take

  • exactly one second

  • so that's what speed is so I'm stumped this the difference between speed

  • and data the difference but in bed and bite

  • so if you can understand different but a bit and bite the whole process

  • of understanding for the videos can be very very easy

  • when we talk about speed we need to want to talk about three other critical

  • factors that speed

  • deleon available at three of them all these go hand in hand

  • like for instance now when you can to keep you from your router to York

  • PC it is you that is connected at 100 Mbps

  • that's because today on land con a the maximum they can do is a 100 Mbps

  • but they don't forget that speed that they're telling is the speed between

  • your computer

  • and the hotel your internet connection maybe you wanna bps connection

  • so if you send 100 bps data

  • 100 MB per second data it will not go to use

  • internet because your intent can only do one Mbps

  • similarly you go that

  • fled to france does your banker office to New York office be sending a fight

  • so from bangor office it goes through a gate be from get where we have a wanna

  • be a slow connection

  • it comes to our bangor ice-t_ bangor ISP to Mumbai is

  • they have a 100 Mbps lay very fast

  • and then huh from Mumbai to Dubai they have but any BP is limitless

  • little slow connection from Dubai again to cairo

  • they have 100 bps line and then add credit to Madrid Letty

  • you have a 100 bps line to similarly they have

  • a smaller hi addition different speeds around the world

  • to basically when I send it to Internet this what happens intimate

  • if you if you pull off the cloud

  • it is nothing but a lot of rope is jumping could be here and that

  • now if I even if I have a very high speed connection

  • you're beat-up throughput between your bangor and New York office we depend on

  • slow connections in between so even if I had up

  • very high speed connection to 100 Mbps line Bangla

  • right eat ken only travel at the slowest link in between

  • so our stores link is the 10 Mbps land that we have here

  • so from New York office band office it will August

  • the magnet can do is the two the one MPs line that we have

  • in now New York so this is how it works

  • so I mean this is not the exact data flow from one bank go to New York

  • I've just just giving an example it need not of his quiet by in credo

  • the beat goes for some other other location but basically it

  • actually that did the packet data packet flows through one location to another

  • location to another location

  • was so like I said the speed always depends on

  • different factors of the link speed that you have one in between

  • again there's a critical factor factor is of dealey no

  • been a send the data from New York to Banglore

  • it has two like him already discussed has to pass through a lot of Nord in

  • between

  • but let's assume that we have a lot of is in Boston

  • I love Boston don't ahead so let's say we have

  • Boston office an we senator from New York to Boston

  • it has to pass through less number of nodes and Hans

  • it would reach much more quick up so

  • that's another factor if the distance between the two devices

  • is long you will

  • have delay in communication

  • and that's what to do if you see if you go to Google I mean even Google Doc

  • conferences are you go to

  • %uh YouTube dot com det redirect you to a content delivery network

  • closer to your place so PI in Singapore and you say

  • Google dot com are you HOT you go to YouTube dot com

  • YouTube would not connect you to the group with several YouTube server

  • in United States e2 will connect your to

  • up content delivery network close to Singapore may be in thinkable

  • so that diz does not much a delay on

  • days in significant delay in the communication and the

  • the whole process is much much more first so that's

  • that's the delay but if it and Republic again for instance the

  • the link between Cairo and the by is down

  • communication between New York and Banglore food

  • not happen or it would happen but then it has to take maybe along about the

  • might have another pot

  • which cause why russia and then it comes why are

  • and I know it goes why China and comes to India and annotate that's a long long

  • long

  • process sought thats another thing about available at every ability is

  • is if all the links in between are up and running

  • another thing we need to discuss in today s plea deal

  • is network topology the network topology

  • death three parliamentary network topology stock topology the ring

  • topology and the bus topology

  • the very very wooden ease of how computers work

  • connected but even today's world

  • they are in use I'm sure how

  • know when to stop how to start work start is wet all the computers or

  • devices are connected to a central

  • switch are a connecting device

  • know if this line goes down it doesn't affect everybody else only

  • this guy cause of the network

  • so in Greenpoint since every

  • computers connected to each other so if this guy goes down

  • the communication to in peace to devices can still happen through

  • this way right so that's how

  • this works none in bus

  • topology let's say for instance this is a game like that you have a different

  • device you're disconnected this devise you're not the device here that's gone

  • back

  • to every computer is connected to be a on little device

  • right now if d-link goes down here

  • this part of the network can communicate the each other but not with

  • another device from the other segment of the net for

  • that's how a bus networks let's see how

  • it is implemented in today's but because back to our ordered

  • example that we saw earlier in in this video

  • and if you see this which

  • and these data systems are the species are connected

  • in a star formation everybody's connected to this entry switch

  • here to serve all too similar thing happened in everybody's connected to the

  • switch

  • these devices are connected to the access point in stop on a mission

  • are I and but also to see

  • and if you look at the switch the switch is connected in

  • a bus formation 0 if Dept link goes down here

  • despite the network can communicate with each other but it cannot communicate

  • with anybody is from this part of the network

  • %uh sometimes you might even have networks where this is connected like

  • this

  • and this is coming to like this so even if this goes down

  • this which can still access this network at around

  • despite and they can you know get access to these

  • these windows the mean these systems here

  • so in good into real-world the network topology

  • that we use is called hybrid which the makes use of the start and

  • ring maybe I even but the bus

  • so it's a combination of all the key art either of them

  • and that's how it is so it is a hybrid that what the fuse in today's world

  • I think that is about all the information that I wanted

  • to speak about in this first video

  • we will for the get into a lot of other topics

  • in a second video this is the review of what we did

  • today I go to all the

  • I'll topics that have mentioned herein see if you understood any

  • if you think you can always call back and tried Dunleavy added more

  • a even of that if you have conclusion if you want more clarity on

  • any topic these feed feed to right into

  • in Ron doctor by at end up puking daughter large E

  • and I've look into it and I believe and you

  • we and of course subscribe to our YouTube channel

  • and you Kim getting all our viewers live

  • on you thank you for watching and

  • his visit our website by

Cisco Certified Network Associate


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200-120 CCNA|1日目:ネットワークの基礎|無料Ciscoビデオトレーニング2014|NetworKing (200-120 CCNA | Day 1: Network Fundamentals | Free Cisco Video Training 2014 | NetworKing)

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    阿勳 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日