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Hey, ambitious professionals.
It's Linda Rainer of linda rainer dot com, guiding you to a career and life you'll truly enjoy.
And in today's video, I wanna walk you through five things that you can expect when it comes to your job search.
During this Corona virus situation, I want to be able to talk about what you can expect and how that can help you to eventually land the job offer that you're looking for.
Now, as a career strategist, I've had the ability to help numerous ambitious professionals land their dream job offers.
And so if this is something that you're interested in, working with me one on one, I can give you more details about that at the end of this video.
Now I've been getting a lot of questions from you, asking me about what you can expect when it comes to looking for a job during this current virus time and what you can do to maximize and optimize your efforts and whether it's worth even doing anything at all.
So I want to be able to give you some insight on that and give you some real perspective on what you can expect during this time of uncertainty when it comes to looking for a job and what you can do to optimize your time.
I know that this is a very unique situation that we're in.
And so I understand that it can be very difficult to really know how to navigate and how to even go about your daily lives without the certainty that this is going to end any time soon.
So I really want to give you some perspective.
And hopefully these five key expectations will help you frame your mind in a way where you can be more productive, more focused and more confident in your job.
Search Expectation.
Number one is recruiting.
Efforts are likely on hold right now, but not everywhere.
So, contrary to what you might believe, I've actually had several individuals reach out to me in the most recent days and weeks telling me that they landed job offers successfully all during this Corona virus situation.
Now, when I hear that, I do think for them they were lucky in the sense that they were going through interviews, probably right when Krone Virus just started, Let's say and that process continued and then they were able to eventually get their job offer.
So in a sense, it's not like they just started their job search right now in the midst of the Corona virus situation.
They started it a little bit beforehand and were able to still go through with the process.
So what about you if you haven't yet landed your job offered than what you can expect is that for the most part, and this is just what we've seen so far is that a lot of companies have put their recruiting efforts on hold, and that's understandable because of the situation that we're in.
So even if you reach out to harm majors and recruiters just know that they likely won't reach back out to you right away as quickly as they would in a typical environment.
So I know it sounds tough, and I know that it's frustrating to hear that.
So what does that mean for you?
It means that this is an opportunity for you to just simply take a step back and accept that things are going to move a little bit more slowly.
So, yes, this situation that you're in is going to take time, likely longer than you initially hoped for.
But it does not mean that you should just simply give up on your job search, because the truth is, eventually this will end.
We don't know when, but it will.
And so you want to be someone who, at that point in time, when it does end, and when companies are back up in business and they're looking to hire you want to be someone who is ready to pounce on that opportunity.
You want to be the first person that they call you want to be top of the list.
You want to be top of mind for these recruiters and hiring managers?
And how do you do that?
There are several key things you want to set up your LinkedIn profile to make sure it's as attractive as possible.
You want to make sure that you have a compelling, well written CV or resume that you're gonna be sending to these hiring managers.
You want to make sure that in the interviews you have your compelling, engaging responses to their questions.
You want to be prepared so that when these opportunities do come that you're ready to jump on them, and that you're ready to go.
You don't want to be wasting this precious time that you have to prepare yourself now.
The second thing that you can expect is that hiring managers are still keeping their eyes out for strong talent.
Just because hiring managers and recruiters aren't hiring right now doesn't mean that they're not going to hire eventually.
So that means that you still want to stay on their radar and make sure that they remember who you are and know that you're actively in the market and looking and that you're a good candidate for any potential opportunities that will come up later down the line.
It's not as though this Corona virus has stopped people from doing their jobs.
Recruiters still have to look for good talent.
Hiring managers still have to keep their eyes open, and I've appealed for any good potential job candidates, So to take advantage of this, you want to be someone who reaches out directly to these hiring managers and recruiters usually over linked in or over email and let them know that you're interested in and what opportunities you'd be interested in.
But of course, on Lee do this.
If you have a compelling, attractive CV or resume to send over to them.
If you don't have that yet, do not reach out.
You want to make sure that you have something substantial to show them so that they can be impressed and keep you top of mind for when they're ready to hire.
Now I keep talking about having an excellent resume or CV, and if you need help in that area, feel free to click on the link down below, where you can go to my free resume mastery workshop were I'll teach you techniques on how to write an attractive, compelling resume For those hiring managers and recruiters.
Expectation number three interviews will most likely be done virtually because of Corona virus.
I think this is something that is going to stick with us in the future, where hiring managers and recruiters end up using and relying on technology to do interviews more than they have in the past.
So using Skype zoom, Google hangouts or any other video call platform to do your future interviews is just something that you can expect Now.
I will be doing an upcoming video that will talk about how to look good and feel confident in video calls during interviews or even just during work meetings.
So stay tuned for that.
But for now, I do have some basic tips that will hopefully help you to be successful on video calls.
You want to make sure that you have a good quality camera or webcam set up on your laptop.
You want to make sure that the angle is that eye level to you, not beneath you not too high above you.
You want to make sure that you have good lighting.
Usually a nice, big open window in front of you is the best type of lighting.
You want to be mindful of your backdrop.
Have a wall behind you ideally and, you know, add a few nice friendly features to it, maybe a piece of art or some plans, or just something to add a little bit of color.
But to also make it look as though you are in a working environment similar to how you would look in your office.
So those air some tips that I have relating to video calls, but I'll get into more depth with that in a future video now the next two things that you can expect are a little bit different from just what I've been talking about, because they have to specifically deal with you.
Expectation number four is that if you're not aware of what you're consuming and thinking on a daily basis, you will feel anxious, stressed, frustrated and uncertain during this time period.
So what I'm saying is, if you are completely consumed with news, you're unaware of what thoughts are going through your head.
You're not doing a good job of taking care of yourself.
You can expect that you're not going to be very happy during this time, and I'm sure that's not what you want.
And that's not what I want for you, either.
When we allow ourselves to be consumed by what's going on in the news, hearing the worst case scenarios, living in fear, we end up feeling hopeless and feeling that there's nothing that we can do and feeling completely trapped in our situation.
But here's the solution.
You can train your mind.
It's all about training yourself and training your mind and being disciplined in what it is that you allow yourself to consume what it is that you allow yourself to believe and the thoughts that you decide to hold onto if you live your everyday life completely.
Unaware, unaware of what you're really doing, unaware of what you're consuming, unaware of what you're thinking, and you are noticing that you're not feeling good on a day to day basis.
Then you will likely fall victim to depression to anxiety, to stress, because you're not conscious and aware of how you're living your life.
So that is why you need to start implementing practices now that you have the time.
Start implementing practice is to dig deeper within yourself, become more aware of what it is that you're allowing into your energy field, allowing yourself to read, allowing yourself to talk to people about.
Be more aware of what's going on up here.
What's going on in here, how you're feeling everyday and start to separate the thoughts that aren't helping you and essentially eliminating them so that you can start to take care of yourself better, and you can start to feel better about where you're at and be more accepting of yourself.
In this situation, this is a tough time that we're all in.
It is extremely stressful.
I understand that.
But there is another way to live.
You don't have to live in stress and anxiety every single day.
That is a choice that you make.
If you choose to go down that path, you can choose to be more accepting of yourself.
You can choose to be more aware of the thoughts and the things that you listen to and the things that you watch and see.
You have that choice to live your life differently in a more calm and peaceful way.
So if you decide to make that choice to go down that path, then you won't fall victim to the anxiety and depression, as maybe others will.
So just know that that is something that you can expect to either I feel really bad or to feel quite good.
And lastly, the last thing that you can expect during this Corona virus situation is that this is a time to reflect on what you really want.
As much as this may feel like a curse, it's actually a spy special precious gift that you've been given, and that is the gift of time.
Time for you to be introspective.
Time for you to reflect on your life.
Up until this point, your career up until this point, where do you want to go?
When this is all over, what direction do you want to head into?
What would your ideal career look like?
You have this time to think about that, To analyze that, to reflect on that and to ask yourself some hard questions that maybe up until this point, you didn't ask because you're simply on that hamster wheel running on that hamster wheel, trying to just work and come home and just live your everyday life.
But now this is a time for you to pause for you to reflect and for you to ask yourself these questions, so see it as that as a precious gift of time.
And this is an opportunity for you to be able to move yourself in a more positive direction.
So if you can expect that this is a precious gift of time, then hopefully you'll be able to optimize it and use it well.
So there you go.
Those are my five key expectations.
When it comes to your job search during this Corona virus situation, I really hope that you take each and every one of them into account, and hopefully that's helped to frame your mind in a way where you'll feel better as you move forward in this time period.
Now, if you are someone who is currently looking for a new position and you've been struggling, as I've talked about, throat this video and you realize that you want more one on one professional guidance from someone like me, then feel free to reach out.
Head on over to my website.
Linda rainer dot com slash standout.
Get hired, read through the page, fill in the application form, and if it feels as though we are a potential match toe, work together, then one of my team members will reach out to you directly.
On top of that, I also have free workshops and resources available to you to help you with your job search as well.
Feel free to attend my resume Mastery Workshop or my interview Strategy workshop, both of which are free their pre recorded feel free to sign up and take a watch.
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