字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント and this video, I'm gonna show you guys what it's like inside of a luxury hotel on send. 今回はラグジュアリー温泉を体験すっぞ We finally made it to digital. 網代にやっと着いたぞ! I'm gonna let you in on this little hit. みんなをこの隠れ家的場所に連れて行くぞ An area just in hour and 1/2 away from Tokyo. 東京からたったの1時間半で熱海の隣の小さな温泉街 Agenda is a small spot right next to Tommy. 今回はこの漁師の街で And we're in the cut at this old school Fishermen's town teacher lacks of the hot spring and throw down on some seafood you can actually choose which you gotta You want to wear this, Freddie? 温泉でゆっくりしてうめー魚介メシを食いにきたんだ Awesome. 着たい浴衣を自分で選ばせてくれる Look at this. サイコー That's pretty dope. これいいじゃん、カッケーぞ He's so nice. でっけー He's making tea for us. 彼がお茶を作ってくれてるぞ Mrs. 茶入れてくれて、 Look at that. あめーもんもある He just poured us some tea, and we got some sweet check out sweets that they have. よっしゃあめーやつ食ってみようぜ It almost looks like a piece of dough. こね粉みてぇだ Mushy mashie sweet. 柔らかくてボソボソしてあめーな、うめーわ It's pretty good. 甘ーもんはこんくれーにして、部屋見てみようぜ So enough of the desert. 茶の時間は終わりだ! Let me show you around the room because tee time is over. この部屋のバルコニーには露天風呂があるんだ All right, so and on the balcony, this room has its own road timber toe, which is like an own send bath. 温泉風呂のことだ But first, let me show you the rest of the room. でもまず部屋ん中案内すんな It's got a flat screen TV it's gonna save to keep your belongings. フラットスクリーンTVだろ Got a smoking section right here. 大切なもんをしまっとく金庫だろ Two seats has a fridge filled with beer and juice. 喫煙ゾーン、2席ある And it has this cool falcon area overlooking the ocean. それに冷蔵庫にはビールとジュースがいっぺー入ってる I don't know if you guys can see this. それに海を見渡せるバルコニー! Look right behind me is the ocean right there. 見えるかわかんないけど、ほら It's so breaking. 後ろに海が見えるだろ、いい感じ! Cool. これで2部屋になった! Now the two rooms air completely separated. これ結構薄いからお互いが聞こえると思うんだよね These things are pretty thin. そこにいたのか So I think you can hear each other's. 見ての通り楽しい部屋だ! Michael My go. もっと見せる前に着替えるぞ My go a cz. あ、あ、ちょっと待って、 You could see this place is pretty cool. マイコこっち着て All right, So before I show you guys more of this room, let me change first. 浴衣着るときに一つ覚えておきたいのは Actually, Mike. 左側が上に来るように来るんだ、生きてるならな Appropriate. よっしゃ探検しに行こうぜ All right, Ready? ここはロビーだ All right. ここのいいところはさ Ready, set. 東京からたったの1時間半だから Go. 電車に乗って簡単に日帰り旅行ができるんだ All right. つまり温泉にサクッと浸かって帰れるってこと So one thing that you guys need to know when you're putting on these yukata is the left side is on top. それか今回オラがしたみたいに If they're still alive, let's go explored. 一泊して朝帰るでもいい This is a lobby. とにかく東京から近いっていいよな What's really cool about this place is that it's only about an hour and 1/2 outside of Tokyo. しかもこの旅館は駅からめちゃ近けーんだ So you can just get on the train and come here for a day trip, which means that you can just go in the ones in and then go back home, or like what I'm doing tonight is just, like, stay overnight and leave in the morning, which is, like, pretty awesome, because it's just so close to Tokyo. 5分かからねぇ And this place is actually right by the trains since, like, a lesson. ほら、土産も買えるぞ A five minute walk. オラの浴衣がちょっと短かったみたいで Pretty damn. スタッフの人が長いやつ用意してくれた! Don't and check it out. 気がきくわー!サービスがいい! You could even get souvenirs here to my yukata was actually a little bit too short, so he's actually getting me a longer one. エンターテイメントルームにスロットマシーンだ! So nice. 忍者くんもあるぞ!80年代にいるみたい I love the service here. 今5階に着た Wow. ここには貸切風呂があるんだ They even got an entertainment room and slot machines. 公共の温泉は性別で分かれてるんだ Here, look, even have ninja kunai feel like him in the eighties. 片方が男性で、もう片方が女性になってる So we're on the fifth floor now. でもここならカップルで一緒に入れるんだ、いいだろ! So this is where some of the private bad czar used in the public last genders air separated seven men on one side. 部屋に露天風呂がついてなくてもここにこればいい The other women on this side And this place, you're gonna have a couple and that together. この風呂いい感じだ It's so cool. なかなか熱い So if you don't have your own private bath inside of your room, you can come here instead. 手を奥に入れれば入れるほど熱くなる Look at this on. ここで簡単に温泉の入り方を説明させてくれ It's just so nice. 温泉の入り方についてたくさん質問をもらったから It's actually pretty warm to the touch. この場で簡単に説明するな Like the more you put your hand in, the hotter and hotter it gets. つっても簡単だぞ Wow, let me just take a minute to show you guys how to use an onsen because I get so many questions from people how to use. まず温泉に浸かる前に、体を洗うんだ The one said. なんで温泉に入る前に洗わなきゃいけなかっつーと I just want to, like, break it down for you guys really quickly. 他の人も同じお湯に浸かる体 It's actually super easy. これに座って、これで湯をかける Just need to follow these quick, simple tips. 大体石鹸、シャンプー、コンディショナーが用意されてる So before you get into the horns and that you have to actually wash yourself completely, the reason why you want to wash your body before you get one sentence because everyone uses the same ones and water. ここは貸切風呂だから他に誰もいねーけど You can use these as your seats and these as a way to put water on your head. 公共の温泉だと他人が同じ温泉に入ってるから、敬意を持って行動すんだ They usually write soap, shampoo and conditioner. バシャバシャしたりしちゃダメだぞ This is a private lab. わかってるとは思うけど No one is in your body in a public bath is going to be other people in the months and water serious have to be very respect, not splashing. 5、10、15分、好きなだけお湯に浸かって Do it bad, but you probably already know signature for maybe five 15 minutes. あんまり30分とかは浸かんねぇけど Whatever you like. ぶっ倒れるからな You don't usually want to stay here longer than 30 minutes because you might pass out once you get out of that once, and all you need to do is just dry off. 温泉から出たら体を拭いて終わり You don't really need to take a shower because you don't want to watch all of one's and minerals off. シャワーを浴びる必要はないぞ Easy peasy. 温泉の成分が流れちまうからな Let's move on to the next ways. 簡単だっただろ?じゃ次の場所へ行こうぜ Oh, damn. この風呂スッゲーでかいじゃん! This place and all this is a private bath. これも貸切風呂だから You can come here with a group in shed on set together. グループで一緒に温泉をシェアすることもできるな That's awesome. 温泉の後の水はうめー Refreshing. 足湯も気持ちいいわー Right after the onset. 楽しかったな!そろそろ夕飯の時間だ Oh, this You feel so good. みんな、 Whoa, That was fun. 今日はちょっとした秘密があるんだ Now it's time for dinner. 今マイコは露天風呂に入ってんだけど All right, guys. あそこのバルコニーのやつな So I have just, like, a little secret. で今日さ、、 Michael right now is in the private on sent over there in the balcony. プロポーズするんだ!! So today, I'm actually going to propose to her once I actually got a ring. ちょい待ち So what you guys don't really know is that Michael is a huge part of my life. リングもちゃんと用意したし And in fact, he's a huge part of the channel. みんなはあんまり知らねーと思うけど You guys don't see it a lot of the times, but she's like helping me do this whole thing. マイコはオラの人生の大きな一部 And we are like, the perfect team, actually, like, not much for words, but I want to share this moment with you guys because hey, why not? このチャンネルもすげー支えてくれてんだ You guys have been here through the beginning for some of you guys that don't know my co. あんまり見かけねぇと思うけど And I haven't seen any other new this. ユーチューブも色々サポートしてくれてて Like if you watch a lot of earlier lodges in a lot of them. オラ達は最高のチームなんだ But yeah, let's do this. オラあんまり口は達者じゃねぇけど Just gotta, like, wait until she's out of the tub. 今日はこの瞬間をみんなとシェアしたいと思ったんだ So I set the camera just like outside on the balcony. だって最初からチャンネルを見てくれたから She's thinks that we're normally flogging so she won't really know, and then we'll do it. このチャンネルを見始めたばっかりの人や We'll do it. マイコを知らないって人もいると思うけど This is gonna be great. はじめの方のブログを見ると結構出てるんだ This is going to be so great. マイコが風呂から出るのをまたねーとな It is good to go. バルコニーにカメラをセットしに行くけど It's dinner time. オラが普通に撮影してるだけだと思うから問題ねぇ Wow, Look at all this awesome hood. そこで言うんだ! 言うぞ!やべー! Everything is, like, so delicate and precise. ほら!準備万端! Fully. メシの時間だ! This is the entire menu that we're getting tonight. うまそーだろ So what you see right now is just the beginning. どれも繊細で計画されてる Look at this E say Evie appetizer. でしかもさ、 This isn't heaven. 、、まじかよ This is so being told. これが今夜のメニューだ Food that. だから今出てるものはさ、 But Joshie is really nice. ただの始まりだ! Thio And this is crazy. この伊勢海老の前菜やべー They have such she me probably nightmare is gonna be this. 天国かよ Honey, is this King made I shove a shover. これは緑葉豆腐 Then they got a frickin being ass fish. これ穴子だぞ Look at that chick that out I will be an uni We're still only like halfway to the milk. 出しも効いてんな〜 There's a uni a lobby and u N ot on top. すげーぞ、刺身だろ Wow, that's a taste you don't have on an everyday basis. 多分オラが一番好きなのはこのウニだな It's like luxury to the max. これは金目鯛のしゃぶしゃぶ There's just more food and kiss keeps coming and coming. 巨大な魚も出てきた And after dinner, they even set up our food tones. ほら、これは鮑とウニ All right, I think that's it. まだこれで中盤だ Dinner was awesome. ウニだろ、鮑だろ、で上に岩のりが乗ってやがる I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. これは毎日食える味じゃねぇ And this is what it's all about. ラグジュアリーが凝縮されてる Nothing like waking up in the morning and having a private on centre right in your room on it overlooks the ocean. 食いもんがドンドン出てくんぞ This is so awesome. メシの後は布団の用意もしてくれるんだ So just chill here for another few minutes and then ready to start our day. これで終わり!明日の朝会おうぜ Look what I just found. やっぱこれだよな Ninja socks. 朝イチの温泉が部屋で入れるなんてサイコーだろ I love all the little details. しかも海が見渡せるし There's, like six different dishes in this box. サイコーすぎ〜! It's ology, usually at your cons. 後数分ここでゆっくりしたら1日のスタートだ! They have a freshly made me Mona, which is dried fish. おもしれーもん見つけたぞ I'm so hungry. 忍者ソックス! Ready? 細けーとこまで気がきくぅ All right, so that concludes the video. 箱ん中に6品も入ってる This really is an awesome day trip that you guys can take from Tokyo. アジ! So convenient. 旅館の朝食によく干物が出されるんだ What do you guys think worth coming here? 腹減った!じゃこれで終わりだ
A2 初級 日本語 温泉 風呂 マイコ バルコニー 部屋 あんまり 貸切温泉宿|東京日帰り温泉|温泉の使い方 (Private Japanese Hot Spring Hotel | Tokyo Day Trip | How to Use Onsen Public Bath) 18 0 林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語