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I'm confronted almost daily with situations
「救助できたかもしれない」 と思うことは
where people could have been rescued
but when you don't have the coordinates
でも位置情報なしで 人を見つけるのは
finding them is impossible
よほど運が良くない限り 不可能です
and just comes down to luck.
26 September 2018
アルプス東端の美峰 シュネーベルク
Andi Gremmel completed his 300th ascent of Mt. Schneeberg
アンディ グレメルはこの日 登頂300回を達成しました
the tallest peak in the Lower Austrian Alps.
I just had a gliding accident.
パラグライダーで 墜落してしまって...
I can hardly hear you.
I received the information that a paraglider had crashed.
パラグライダーで墜落した と通報を受けても
Thomas Schnalzger Emergency Call Centre Operator
Without further information
遭難者を見つけるのに 何時間もかかってしまいます
it would have taken hours to find this person.
日が落ちると 気温が急激に下がります
Christian Steiner Helicopter Pilot
As the sun goes down
スマートフォンがあれば 正確な位置を特定できますが
it gets ice cold.
緊急通話時の位置情報が 自動送信されていなかったんです
A person could freeze to death
新たなサービスで 大勢を救えると考えました
even in the summer.
2016年 Androidと欧州緊急連絡協会は
Many of us carry a smartphone
発信者の位置情報を緊急サービスに 送るサービスを開始しました
with very accurate location technology
but we realised, in an emergency
新サービスのおかげで 位置情報を受信でき
that location wasn't being sent to emergency responders.
6メートルの精度で 位置を特定できました
Maria Garcia Puyol Senior Software Engineer, Google
遭難者を見つけたときの気持ちは 言葉では言い表せません
So we saw an opportunity to help a lot of people.
In 2016, Android and EENA launched a new service
that sends a caller's location directly to emergency services.
位置情報テクノロジーが 実際の救助に役立ったと
In Andi's case, I received his location
初めて聞いたときは 本当に嬉しかったです
with the aid of this new technology.
1人でも多くの命を救えるよう サービス拡大に努めています
His position was accurate to 6 metres.
Android緊急位置情報サービスは 世界20か国で提供されており
The moment that you realise you can help someone
1日200万件以上の 救命活動に役立てられています
the feeling is indescribable
because that is the purpose of it all
the reason why you do this
why you take certain risks yourself.
It's an incredible moment
the first time you hear the stories
about how location technology is helping real people.
It's a privilege to help people in distress
and that's why we want to make it available
for more people out there.
Android Emergency Location Service
has been activated by more than 20 countries worldwide
and helps first responders locate over 2 million calls a day.