字幕表 動画を再生する
前回、レイチェルが日本での恥ずかしかった 経験についてのビデオを作ったのですが、
So Rachel made videos about her most embarrassing moments in Japan
私と私の家族の感想を知りたいという コメントが多数あったので、
and it seems like many people want to know what I and my family thought about her.
今回は、私の視点から箱根旅行 についてお話したいと思います。
So I'd like to tell you how we enjoyed out first family trip from my perspective.
Haha, no, I don't drink. Sorry!
さて、私は遊園地がそれほど好きでもないので、 当日はカメラ係りとして、
I don't really care for rides or amusement park in general so I was planning to be a camera man all day
レイチェルと家族の写真を 終日撮るつもりでいました。
and take lots of pictures of Rachel enjoying the day with my family.
ところが、富士急ハイランドに行く途中で、 妹が、「お化け屋敷がとても怖いらしい」
But on the way to FujiQ highland, my sister told me that the haunted house there
と教えてくれて、建物の 写真も見せてくれました。
was really good and she showed me some pictures of the inside of the house.
そしたら、バイオハザード(ゲーム)に 出てくるような建物にそっくりだったので、
And they exactly looked like a building from Resident Evil
so it got me little excited and Rachel, too
レイチェルも同じだろうと思っていました。 彼女は時々ホラー映画を一緒に見たいと言っていたからです。
or so I thought. Because, she's said she wanted to watch horror movies with me sometimes.
私はホラー映画はあまり好きではありません。 見ても、気分が良くならないからです。
I don't care for horror movies because they don't make me happy. And that's what I want.
ホラー映画よりも、気分が良くなったり、 興奮するような映画のほうが好きです。例えば、
I'd rather watch other kinds that make me feel good or excited, you know, like
おおー!スゲー良かった。 これは是非もう一度見みたい。
"Wow! It was really good. I wanna watch it again!"
You know, this kind of feeling?
But horror movies cannot make me feel this way.
I mean
what would it be like?
オオー!みーんな死んじゃった! ああ、吐きたくなるほどキモかった!
"Oh wow! ...Everyone died. It was so disgusting!
Hey Rachel, I wanna see this again!
Hey, what's wrong?
You look sad."
まあとにかく、私はレイチェルがお化け屋敷を 楽しみにしてると思ってたんです。
Anyway I thought she would be excited.
And she said she didn't want to go on the way to Fuji-Q Highland
きっと楽しめるだろうと思っていました。 まあ、大きな間違いだったんですが…
but I thought she would enjoy it anyway. And I was wrong.
レイチェルはお化け屋敷に入って すぐに泣き出してしまいました。
As soon as we got in the haunted house, she started crying.
人前で泣く様な人ではないのですが、 もう明らかに参っていました。
She's not the kind of person who cries in public but obviously she couldn't handle it at all.
家族全員が心底同情して、 非常出口から出ることにしました。
So we all felt really bad for her and decided to use an emergency exit.
でも、レイチェルはそんな勿体無いことは できないと言って、断りました。
But Rachel said she didn't want to ruin the trip and wouldn't use the emergency exits, so we all
それで、彼女を尊重してなんとか 出口まで辿り着きました。
respected her will and managed it.
結局、屋敷内を1時間ほど 歩き回りました。
We ended up walking around the haunted house for about an hour and it was much more
アシュリー・グラハムさんの護衛なんて 比じゃないくらい、難易度高かったです。(バイオハザード4)
difficult than protecting Ashley Graham if you know what I mean.
銃もハーブもなく、ゾンビから ただひたすら逃げ回るだけで、
We've got no guns, no herbs, and we were not allowed to fight against zombies--
しかも、レイチェルだけが 怖がっているので、
we just keep running away from them.
ゾンビはレイチェルだけを 脅かしまわりました。
And since Rachel was the only one who was scared
可哀想過ぎて、ゾンビに脅かすのを 控えてくれるようにお願いすらしました。
they always targeted her and chased her.
I even begged one of the zombies not to scare her too much.
最寄の非常出口を教えてくれる ゾンビすらいました。
But since Rachel looked seriously scared,
私、父、母、妹、ゾンビ全員が レイチェルに同情していました。
some zombies worried about her and told us where the closest emergency exits were.
屋敷から出た後は、とにかくレイチェルに 楽しんでもらおうと、
Me, my sister, my dad, my mom, and even some zombies--we all felt bad for her.
So, after the haunted house, we just wanted Rachel to be happy.
両親は代わりに列に並び、私は妹と一緒に レイチェルの好きな乗り物全部に連れて行きました。
And we did our best to help her enjoy the trip.
そして、私は彼女達の 写真を撮りました。
My parents waited in lines for her, and I took her to all the rides she
おかげで、帰る頃には レイチェルはとても満足気でした。
wanted to try with my sister.
私は写真を撮っていて、 乗り物にはほとんど乗らかったので、
And I took pictures of them while they were enjoying the rides.
コーヒーカップに乗ることにしました。 レイチェルと妹は、直ぐそばのベンチで
And she seemed very happy by the time we were leaving.
So, since I only rode a few rides because I was taking pictures of them,
彼女達は沢山乗り物に乗り、 私は彼女達のために写真を沢山撮った。
I decided to get on the teacups. Rachel and my sister were resting on
だったら、最後に子供とコーヒーカップで回る自分の 写真を撮ってもらうくらい良いだろう。
a bench right next to the teacups and they both seemed little tired.
子供達に本当のコーヒーカップの 遊び方を教えてやろうじゃないか。
They enjoyed many rides and I took lots of pictures. I spent all day for them.
2人に話すと、妹が一緒に 乗りたいと言いました。
So why not have them take a picture of me enjoying the teacup with bunch of little kids?
それで、レイチェルに写真を撮るようお願いしたら、 彼女も乗りたいと言いました。
I'll show those kids how to enjoy the teacups. Why not?
かなり速く回転させるから、 酔うかもしれないと言うと、
So I told Rachel and my sister about it , and then my sister said she wanted to try it
大丈夫とレイチェルが言うので三人で乗ったら、 案の定レイチェルさんが!
with me.
最初の20秒くらいは 楽しかったんです。でも、
So I asked Rachel to take a picture of us and then she said she wanted to ride
with us, too.
I told her that I would spin the cup really fast and was worried about her getting sick but she said she
レイチェルが俯いている事に気付いた時には、 彼女はもうゲロゲロに酔っていました。
be fine so I said "Ok" and we all got in the teacups... and I was wrong.
その後は、レイチェルもビデオで言ってましたが、 ベンチで死にそうになっていました。
For about the first 20 seconds, we were all having fun but after that,
as the cup spun faster and faster,
「おい、何がどうなってるんだ? 今度は彼女に何があったんだ?」
I started to be unable to hear anything.
So when I noticed that Rachel was looking down, she was already totally sick
and her world was a spinning hell.
レイチェルさん、ごめんさなさい! もう絶対、二度とあんなことはしません!
After that, as she said in her videos, she couldn't handle it at all.
その後は真っ直ぐホテルに向かいました。吐くまで 酔っていたので、みんな非常に申し訳なく思っていました。
She was dying on a bench. So when my parents got back, they were like,
ホテルの道中は曲がりくねった山道で、 彼女の具合が悪化していたので、
"Jun, what the hell is going on here? What happened to your wife this time?"
レストランで車を止め、 一旦休んでもらうことにいました。
So I was like... "We... got on the teacups and...
spun it relatively faster than the other kids...?"
I'm so sorry Rachel. I'll never get on teacups with you again, ever!
I'm sorry.
So, after that, we went straight to the hotel. She kept throwing up and we felt really
bad for her.
But on the way to the hotel there were many sharp turns and she was feeling worse in
ところで、私の両親がレイチェルに対して イライラしていたのかと言う質問がありましたが、
the car, so we decided to stop at a restaurant to let her rest first.
実際は、彼女を酔わせた私と 妹に腹を立てていました。
And at the restaurant I kept going back and forth between the restaurant
and the car to see if Rachel's okay,
レイチェルは自分が旅行を 台無しにしたと言っていましたが、
so the workers at the restaurant
got annoyed with me, like
お化け屋敷に行きたくないと言っていたのに、 半ば無理やりつれて行き、
" いらっしゃいませ。何名様で... Oh."
"It's this guy again."
"What's he doing anyway?"
翌日はレイチェルの具合も多少良くなり、 充実した時間を過ごせました。
Oh, by the way, a lot of people asked in the comments if my parents were upset with Rachel or
or if they viewed her badly for getting sick,
but actually they were upset with me and my sister for spinning the teacups so fast and
もし、行かれたらfacebookで 是非シェアしてください。
making her sick.
We all felt really bad for her.
Rachel said in her videos that she ruined the trip, but
actually I'm the one who did it.
She said she didn't want to go to the haunted house but I took her anyway.
病院で数日を過ごしましたが、 現在は元気にしています。
It was stupid of me to spin the teacups so fast...
「これからも動画を更新していくつもりですので、 よろしくお願いします」 by Rachel
I'm so sorry.
So the next day, she got better and we had a great time. It was such a nice trip.
漫画・アニメとリアルの違いについて、 (とりわけデートや恋愛など)
If you are interested in visiting Japan,
Hakone is one of the best places to go.
If you ever visit, please tell us on faceook.
By the way Rachel has been planning a lot of videos to make but
と思うことがありましたら、コメント欄に 書いておいてください。
hasn't been able to upload anything recently because a few things came up.
As most of you know she is preparing to move, and recently she also got sick
which gave her a condition called myopericarditis, which is inflammation in and around
the heart.
She had to spend a couple days in the hospital and has been taking things slow to recover
but she's doing okay now.
She wanted to let everyone know that we'll do our best to upload videos more often.
For my next video
I want to talk about the differences between manga and anime in real life,
when it comes to dating and love.
So if you've ever had any questions about love or dating when reading manga
or watching anime and wondered,
"Does that really happen in Japan?!"
please leave your question in the comments and I will answer it in my next video!
Thank you for watching!