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  • Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I will teach you a trick on how to remember


  • vocabulary. So English has the largest vocabulary out of any language. I think it's close to

    語彙力があります。つまり英語はどの言語よりも 語彙が多いのですねに近いと思います。

  • 600,000 words in English. So how are you going to remember so much vocabulary? Well, when


  • I was in China, I created a little trick -- and other people use this trick, too -- that really


  • helped me to remember all the new words I was learning. So in this video, I will teach


  • you this trick. So what you do -- I have a bunch of interesting


  • pictures on the board -- is any time you come up across a new word and you're learning a


  • new word, you need to make a picture in your head of this word. A good idea is to try to


  • think of other words that sound like this word and imagine funny situations in your


  • mind. So what do I mean by that? Well, let me show you.


  • The first word I'm going to teach you today is "bald", "bald", b-a-l-d. What does it mean


  • to be "bald"? It means to have no hair, okay? So if you have no hair, you are "bald". How


  • do you remember this word? Well, if you use my trick, you can imagine a word that sounds


  • like "bald" -- maybe "ball", basketball, soccer ball. So in your mind, I want you to imagine

    "ハゲ "のように -- "ボール "かもしれない バスケットボール サッカーボール頭の中で想像してみてください

  • a ball. It can be a basketball, a soccer ball -- any type of ball. Now, imagine the ball

    ボールです。バスケットボールでもサッカーボールでも どんな種類のボールでもいいんだでは ボールを想像してみてください

  • with a face. Imagine the ball with no hair on top, maybe a little hair on the side, a

    の顔をしています。上に髪の毛がないボールを想像してみてください たぶんサイドに少し髪の毛があります

  • little hair here, but no hair on the top. Because "ball" and "bald" sound alike, if

    ここには少し髪の毛があるが、上の髪の毛はない"ボール "と "ハゲ "は似たような音がするので、もし

  • you imagine this picture for maybe ten seconds, it will help you to remember it in the future,


  • okay? Think "ball with no hair". Okay. Let's try our second word: "beard". What's

    いいですか?"髪のないボール "だと思っていいわよ2つ目の言葉を試してみましょう "ひげ""ひげ "って?

  • a beard? It's the hair that comes off a man's chin -- usually, women don't have beards.

    ひげ?男の顎から生えている髪の毛のことだ -- 普通は女性にはヒゲは生えていない。

  • So it's the hair that comes down like this. How are we going to remember this word? Well,


  • imagine a man with a beard, and inside the beard is a bird, a little bird, tweet tweet!


  • And what's it doing in the beard? Why, it's drinking beer. Okay? So this little picture


  • is -- don't know if you can see that, but that is beer. So imagine a bird drinking beer.


  • Those two words together -- beer. This isn't beer; this one is. Imagine "bird" and "beer".

    この2つの単語を合わせてビールだこれはビールじゃない、これはビールだ。"鳥 "と "ビール "を想像してみてください。

  • Together, if you put the words together, they make "beard". A bird drinking beer in a beard.


  • Can you say that fast? "Bird drinking beer in a beard." So maybe, if you picture this


  • for ten seconds, you will remember this word. Okay.


  • Next word I want to teach you today: "creamed". So what does it mean to be "creamed"? "We

    今日は次の言葉を教えたいと思います。"creamed "です。では、"クリーム状になる "とはどういうことでしょうか?"私たちは

  • creamed you guys." "You guys got creamed." It means someone lost a game very badly. If


  • our team creamed your basketball team, your basketball team lost; our team won. So you

    我々のチームは君のバスケチームを倒した 君のバスケチームは負けたが 我々のチームは勝っただから君は

  • don't want to be "creamed". If you get "creamed", it's bad. It means you lost, you lose. So

    クリーム化」されるとまずい"クリームを塗られた "となったら、それは悪いことです。負けた、負けたということですということで

  • how can you remember this? Well, imagine someone -- maybe somebody you don't like, somebody


  • you play basketball against or some sport. Imagine throwing a bunch of ice cream and


  • it hits their face -- because the keyword "cream", "ice cream". So if you can imagine

    それは彼らの顔に当たります -- キーワードは「クリーム」「アイスクリーム」だからですということで、想像してもらえれば

  • ice cream on someone's face, it will help you to remember the word "creamed". So imagine


  • that for ten seconds. So think "ice cream on face", "creamed".


  • Next one: "hammered". What is a "hammer"? A "hammer" is -- you put a nail in


  • [makes thumping sound]. This is the "hammer". What does it mean to be "hammered"? It means you


  • drink too much alcohol. You drink too much beer, too much wine, so it's not good to be


  • "hammered". You're too drunk. If you're "hammered", it's another word for very, very drunk. So

    "ハンマーで叩かれた"酔いすぎだ"ハンマーで叩かれた "ということは 別の言葉で 非常に非常に酔っているという意味ですだから

  • how can you remember the word "hammered"? Well, I told you this is a "hammer" -- imagine


  • someone drunk, maybe holding a beer in their hand and a hammer hitting their head. So that's

    酔っ払いがビールを手にして ハンマーで頭を打っていたそれは

  • the way to remember "hammered". And, again, maybe you have a word in your own language


  • that sounds like one of these words. Any mental picture will do. I think the funnier the mental


  • image, the easier it is to remember. But this will really help create an association -- it


  • will help you to remember the words. Finally, last one: "condo". What is a "condo"?


  • A "condo" is like an apartment building -- so if you live in a house, that's not a condo


  • -- but it's an apartment building that people buy -- it's similar to an apartment, but you

    -- アパートに似ていますが、アパートを買う人がいます。

  • own it. You don't pay rent; it's yours. It's your condo. So it's an apartment building


  • -- or an apartment you own. That's a "condo". How can you remember this word? I'm going

    -- それか自分のアパートだそれは「コンドミニアム」だどうやってこの言葉を覚えたの?私は

  • to give you a second. Try to think of a word like "condo", maybe in your own language,

    をあげてみてはいかがでしょうか。コンド」のような言葉を考えてみてください たぶん自分の言葉で

  • maybe you know someone with the last name "Khan". How can you remember this word? I'll

    "カーン "という名字の人を知っているかもしれません。どうしてこの言葉を覚えられるのでしょうか?私は

  • tell you my trick. "Condo" sounds sort of like "window". So a "window" is something

    私のコツを教えてあげよう"コンド "は "窓 "のように聞こえますだから "窓 "は何かというと

  • you can see out of. "I looked out my window." So that can help me remember the "dow" part,

    "窓の外を見た"私は窓の外を見た"ということで "ダウ "の部分を覚えるのに役立ちます

  • "window". How do I remember "con"? Well, I have some friends whose last name is "Khan".

    "窓 "を"con "はどうやって覚えればいいの?名字が "カーン "の友人が何人かいるんだが

  • I have a friend whose last name is "Khan". So I can imagine him looking out the window.

    私には名字が "カーン "の友人がいます。だから 彼が窓の外を見てるのを想像できる

  • Maybe if I don't know a "Khan", I know of a person from history -- from a long, long


  • time ago -- named Genghis Khan. Although in different languages, the name is a little

    時間前 -- チンギス・ハーンという名前異なる言語ではありますが、この名前は少し

  • different. But he was from Mongolia, and he was a warrior who took over all of China,


  • all of -- most of Asia, some of Europe, some of the Middle East, so a very famous warrior.


  • His name was "Genghis Khan". I can think, "Oh, Khan." And I can imagine Genghis Khan

    彼の名前は "ジンギスカン "でした。"ああ ハーンだ "と思うことができるチンギス・ハーンを想像できる

  • in a window in a condo with a sword. And if I imagine where he's living, he's living in


  • a condo. So I think "Khan", "window", "condo". So imagine this in your mind for ten seconds.


  • Close your eyes and just think "Genghis Khan", "window", "condo". Okay.

    目を閉じて "ジンギスカン "と思って "窓 "と "コンドミニアム "といいわよ

  • So this trick works really well, especially using your own language and coming up with


  • your own associations. Think of your friends' names. Do your friends' names have anything


  • in common with this word? Maybe a famous person does. You can think historical figures. You


  • can think -- other English words might help or words from your own language. But I found


  • this trick to -- it worked incredibly for me. I know a lot more Chinese words as a result


  • of this trick, and so I hope you try it. I also hope you come and visit our website at


  • to do more practice with examples like these. Until next time, take care.、このような例を参考にして、もっと練習してみてください。次回まで、お大事に。

Hello. My name is Emma, and in today's video, I will teach you a trick on how to remember


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