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  • COREY: I'm here at a lake bed in the middle of the desert.

  • A guy called up, said he had some dirt bikes to sell.

  • I wanted to get out to work, and I figured you can't

  • test dirt bikes in the streets.

  • So I've come out here.

  • So technically I'm working right now.

  • What we got?

  • BLAINE: That one is a 1979 390 Husqvarna OR.

  • The other one is a 1979 390 CR.

  • COREY: Cool!

  • Buddy, I am the biggest Husqvarna fan there is, BLAINE.

  • BLAINE: That's too cool!

  • And I was hoping you and I could go and take them

  • for a putt out in the desert.

  • COREY: You're hit me with a hard sell.

  • You can't let me ride it first, then try to get me to buy it.

  • BLAINE: That was my plan.

  • We go have some fun, you'll pay double.

  • [rev of engine]

  • I've been racing motocross since '72.

  • My beautiful wife, her and I wanted to go on vacation.

  • So I figured, sell my bikes that I've restored,

  • pay for the vacation, win-win deal.

  • COREY: You know, I've always liked Husqvarnas

  • because they're different.

  • You know, they can-- you can tell they actually take

  • pride when they build them.

  • Instead of the Japanese, the big 41s that just get

  • spit out of a factory.

  • BLAINE: They're made better.

  • COREY: Yeah, they have that Swedish thing about them

  • where they're just nice.

  • Let's get on in and take them for a rip, and then--

  • BLAINE: This is going to be great fun.

  • COREY: --we'll talk about money when I get back.

  • When we get back.

  • All right.

  • The restoration he did on these was great.

  • I mean, I have a Husqvarna 390 at my house

  • that I had actually turned into a chopper.

  • But actually seeing one in its original condition like this

  • is awesome. [rev of engine]

  • [music playing]

  • I really shouldn't have rode the bike

  • before we negotiated because I've been

  • a fan of them my whole life.

  • Second to Harleys, they're my favorite things.

  • BLAINE: [chuckling] Is that too much fun or what?

  • COREY: They're awesome, buddy.

  • All right, so I guess now it's time to talk money, right?

  • What are you looking to get for the pair?

  • [music playing]

  • BLAINE: For the pair, they're worth 12.

  • You need to make money, I understand all that.

  • $8,000 is way more than fair.

  • COREY: Let me give you $6,500 for the pair, boss.

  • I think that's fair. I--

  • BLAINE: Yeah.

  • Let's-- let's do $7,000--

  • COREY: $7,000?

  • BLAINE: --both walk away happy.

  • COREY: 7 grand?

  • BLAINE: We're both happy.

  • COREY: All right, man.

  • Seven grand's a deal.

  • BLAINE: You got it, buddy.

  • Thank you.

  • He got a good deal.

  • I paid for my little mini vacation.

  • It's a win-win deal.

  • [music playing]

  • COREY: What are you doing?

  • RICK: Nothing.

  • COREY: Looks like he's just trying to kick start that bike

  • and hurt yourself.

  • [guitar twang]

  • Hurt yourself, old guy?

  • RICK: Um, yeah, just-- COREY: Good.

  • RICK: --apparently I should have boots, wearing this thing.

  • COREY: Or you should stop messing with cool stuff

  • that I get.

  • RICK: [quivering]

  • COREY: Don't be mess with that.

  • I got someone coming down to maybe buy them.

  • You got your helmet on.

  • You were going to take them out for a ride.

  • I just busted you again.

  • Every time I get something that you think is cool,

  • you just try to take it.

  • You know, it's a good thing I came out here

  • because they're not running.

  • Just go inside and quit messing with stuff.

  • Go sit next to the old man, so you can sit

  • there and stare at your future.

  • Go inside.

  • RICK: What Corey doesn't seem to understand--

  • I'm the majority stockholder here,

  • and I am responsible for everything

  • that walks to the store.

  • And the majority of the money is mine.

  • So I was just doing my job, making sure the bikes are

  • in peak operating condition.

  • I was just trying to-- COREY: I don't--

  • RICK: --I was just trying to help you out.

  • COREY: Oh, thank you.

  • Appreciate it.

  • RICK: And I haven't brought a Husky since, like, 1981.

  • So Corey?

  • COREY: What?

  • RICK: I noticed the bikes are still in the back lot.

  • COREY: Working on it, man.

  • The guy says he would think about it.

  • RICK: I mean, because you were all up

  • in arms about me being even around the bikes and anything

  • else.

  • COREY: That's because I didn't want you to steal my stuff,

  • like you did with my coffee cup.

  • RICK: This has got to be the weirdest thing

  • ever you've gotten mad about.

  • COREY: All right, well I'm going to go work on the bikes.

  • RICK: What are you doing? COREY: I need a hat.

  • I'm going to go work outside on the bikes.

  • RICK: Use your own hat.

  • Give me my hat back.

  • COREY: I don't have a hat.

  • There's a hat sitting here, anybody

  • is allowed to use it, right?

  • RICK: No!

  • It's not like a coffee cup.

  • OLD MAN: Why not?

  • RICK: Yeah, I need a hat.

  • I'm bald.

  • He's got a full head of hair.

COREY: I'm here at a lake bed in the middle of the desert.


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A2 初級

ポーン・スターズ。コーリーは、2つのハスクバーナバイク(シーズン10)と仕事と遊びを混ぜる|歴史 (Pawn Stars: Corey Mixes Work and Play with Two Husqvarna Motorcycles (Season 10) | History)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日