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  • The HTC U11 is one of the most unique looking phones so far here in 2017.

  • HTC has been pushing the boundaries a little bit with this phone, with new features like

  • IP67 water resistance, dual stereo speakers and something new called Edge Sense where

  • you can interact with your phones simply by squeezing it.

  • I'll try that feature out here in a second.

  • I'm here to test the durability of this Brilliant Black version of the U11.

  • I tested the previous HTC U Ultra a few months ago, and while it passed my test and is technically

  • still alive, it's not going to win any durability awards.

  • The special sapphire edition though was pretty impressive.

  • It uses real sapphire crystals in the display making it essentially scratch proof.

  • HTC has done some pretty cool stuff lately.

  • Let's see what happens to this U11.

  • [Intro]

  • When setting up the Brilliant Black HTC U11 next to my Midnight Black Galaxy S8, both

  • of them look pretty fantastic.

  • You can clearly see the coin reflecting in each of the back panels.

  • The psychedelic colors achieved with HTC's optical spectrum hybrid deposition will leave

  • no one questioning what phone you are holding.

  • It is incredibly unique and eye catching.

  • So let's start with the scratch test.

  • My Mohs picks allow us to see what the screen is made out of.

  • HTC is advertising Gorilla Glass 5 so we shouldn't see any marks below a level 6 pick.

  • HTC has proven that it's capable of producing sapphire screens like on the HTC U Ultra that

  • I showed earlier.

  • Sapphire wouldn't scratch until a level 8.

  • And even though sapphire isn't being used here on the U11, hopefully we get to see more

  • of the sapphire in the future.

  • As expected, the U11 scored a respectable level 6 on the scratch test, right up there

  • with the iPhone 7 and the Galaxy S8.

  • Keys and coins will have no effect on the glass, but pocket sand and other common minerals

  • will still scratch it, so a screen protector is never a bad idea.

  • The fingerprint touch pad has the same glossy feel as the screen does; it is definitely

  • scratch-able.

  • It is slightly recessed below the glass, so this level of scratching would never happen

  • during normal use, but it's still good to know that even with excessive damage, the

  • fingerprint scanner can still sense and read my finger every single time.

  • The earpiece is also recessed way below the front glass.

  • It has the same fabric material that HTC has used in the past, and while it won't fall

  • out on its own, be careful not to damage it if you ever have to clean it out, unless you

  • want one of these strands tickling the inside of your ear for the next ever.

  • Normally I prefer having a metal grill for the earpiece.

  • The front camera is hidden below the Gorilla Glass 5 so it is very well protected against

  • scratching.

  • The last time HTC used a plastic camera lens was on the HTC 9 that I tested a few years

  • ago.

  • There is no plastic on the rear camera lens so that's always good.

  • The flash is still plastic.

  • Samsung managed to tuck their glass onto the glass panel, which I think looks and feels

  • a little bit better.

  • But a plastic flash is not a big issue.

  • There is a metal lip around the camera lens so hopefully that will keep it scratch free

  • far into the future.

  • And now the sidespure metal.

  • The volume button is also metal.

  • And the easy-to-find-in-your-pocket textured power button is also metal.

  • Up here by the SIM tray and the SD card tray is metal.

  • But there is no headphone jack which is disappointing.

  • One good thing though is that the Bixby button doesn't exist here either.

  • Down at the bottom we have one of the two loud speakers and the USB-C charging port.

  • One feature along the sides that is completely unique to this phone and no other device is

  • the ability to squeeze the phone and have something happen.

  • We're going to find out if it still works after all my scratching.

  • Apparently the squeeze feature can be set to work with any function or app so I'm

  • going to try this with the Audible app.

  • I kind of wish Samsung's dedicated Bixby button was programmable like this one.

  • It would make it more useful.

  • With just a few clicks I had the Edge Sense linked up to my Audible app and now any time

  • that I squeeze the phone, like a magic wand, Audible will pop up.

  • While we're on the subject of magic, Audible has every single Harry Potter book in its

  • library and I can get you a free book and a free month of Audible if you head to my

  • link in the description: slash jerryrig, all lowercase, and sign up for the

  • free trial.

  • It's way easy if you already have an Amazon account, which most people do.

  • You get to keep the free book even if you don't continue the subscription, so it's

  • a win-win either way.

  • Audible works with any phone: Android, iPhone, iPad, and even works for all three of you

  • Windows Phone users out there.

  • If Harry Potter isn't your thing, Audible literally has an unmatched selection of audio

  • books to choose from.

  • Audible also has something called Whisper sync which can have the book read itself to

  • you on your phone or computer and you won't lose your spot when you switch between devices.

  • It doesn't get much more magical than that.

  • I grew up with the Harry Potter series as it was being released, so it will always be

  • one of my favorites and I'm glad I get to offer you a free copy.

  • The burn test lasted only 8 seconds before the pixels went black and turned off.

  • The 5.5 inch LCD display did completely recover though.

  • And now the bend test.

  • The U11 almost has the same basic build and design as the U Ultra with one fatal difference.

  • When applying pressure from the back, the flexible and squeezable metal frame allows

  • the device to bend more than it should and that becomes a real problem when it flexes

  • from the front.

  • And it's dead.

  • This means that the HTC U11 will join its friends on my shelf of shame.

  • The back glass appears to be totally fine.

  • The back glass is resting on top of the frame so it's adding no structural support and

  • was not under any stress during the flex.

  • The front glass, however, is shattered along with the LCD right below it.

  • And since my channel is all about cell phone durability and reparability, let's analyze

  • and figure out why this phone didn't survive.

  • Personally, I enjoy it way more when phones survive my test so I'm glad that most phones

  • do.

  • When the U Ultra visited my channel a few months ago, it survived the bend test.

  • This is because the U Ultra uses a flat glass panel on the screen inside of a plastic frame.

  • The U11 implemented a new 3D curved glass screen that is more rigid, and also left off

  • the plastic buffer between the glass and the metal, so when pressure is applied to the

  • phone, there is nowhere for the stress to go and the glass shatters.

  • This would not be a problem if the U11 had a more rigid frame.

  • Samsung had a rigid frame and curved glass and that phone survived just fine.

  • But the combination of curved glass and a flexible frame is a disaster in an accident

  • or a drop which does happen to everyone.

  • The glass and the LCD of the U11 will fail before the frame does, rendering the phone

  • inoperable as you see here.

  • Curved glass is much less flexible than flat glass.

  • A rigid case would solve this issue, but since the phone is designed to be squeezed, you

  • would lose the squeeze function.

  • If you keep this phone in your front pocket you'll probably be fine; just don't sit

  • down with it in your back pocket or you might have glass stuck in unimaginable places.

  • If you really want a durable HTC phone, go with last year's HTC 10.

  • That was my overall top pick for the most durable phone of 2016.

  • I really do think it's awesome that HTC is pushing the limits of design and creativity

  • with the U11.

  • But on a structural and durability level, I'm giving this one a fail.

  • The flexi frame and the no headphone jack is a step backwards in my opinion, but let

  • me know what you think in the comments.

  • Would you take a beautiful design over durability and some loss of functionality?

  • It's a tough decision.

  • I will be performing a tear down on this thing.

  • I want to see what kind of pressure sensors I can find inside the frame, and since the

  • back panel is still intact, I'll also try to make it transparent.

  • The phone may be dead, but the autopsy should be interesting.

  • Don't forget to grab your free book from Audible; I'll have the link down in the

  • description.

  • And thanks for watching.

  • I'll see you around.

The HTC U11 is one of the most unique looking phones so far here in 2017.


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HTC U11耐久テスト - 傷、焼け、曲がりテストFAIL! (HTC U11 Durability Test - Scratch, Burn, Bend Test FAIL!)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日