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  • Hi, I'm Evelyn From the Internets and I'm here to talk to you about business.

  • I'm sure a lot of things just popped into your head: Suits, meetings, skyscrapers, handshakes,

  • big cities, money, graphs, slide decksor the immediate UGH

  • when you think ofbusiness”?

  • But we use business skills all the time.

  • Maybe you're great at planning parties.

  • Or you're always the peacemaker when your roommates argue about dishes.

  • Or you're basically a pro at making YouTube videos that say something meaningful and

  • make people laugh.

  • Even though that just sounds like living your life, all those skills can translate to

  • the workplace.

  • It's easier than you might think.

  • Plus, you know... kind of important.

  • Gotta pay those bills.

  • So, for the next 17 weeks, I'm gonna be your host for the first half of Crash Course

  • Business, which is sponsored by Google.

  • We're doing business too, you guys.

  • We're gonna talk about Soft Skills, and help you use what you've already got to

  • stand out and make moves in the business world.

  • Soft Skills is a kind of catch-all term for buzzwords like Communication, Teamwork, Negotiations,

  • and Conflict Resolution.

  • We'll cover big-picture ideas like leadership, how to have a tough professional conversation,

  • and how to take care of yourself.

  • Because everyone's talking about burnout these days, and you can be good at business

  • and set boundaries.

  • And we'll also give you plenty of concrete tips about resume writing, interviewing, and

  • how to turn your lofty dreams into achievable goals.

  • We're here to help you hone your day-to-day business skills, look for a job, get along

  • with your coworkers, and really take your career to the next level.

  • Even if that next level is just getting started.

  • But, don't worry, we're not going to turn you into a corporate robot.

  • Companies will want to hire YOU, not just some weird carbon copy of what someone thinks

  • an employee should look and act like.

  • We'll kick off the course with an episode about trust, because it's the key to working

  • with people and building your reputation as both an employee and as a manager.

  • I'm Evelyn from the Internets, this is Crash Course Business: Soft Skills, and I'll see

  • you next week.

Hi, I'm Evelyn From the Internets and I'm here to talk to you about business.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

クラッシュコース ビジネス - ソフトスキル.プレビュー (Crash Course Business - Soft Skills: Preview)

  • 9 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日