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Standard 9. Participant Progress
“How satisfied were you with your service?”
We have heard this question many times.
But how can we measure participants' experience
with DSMES services accurately
and objectively?
First, by measuring their outcomes.
All DSMES participants should have plans
that contain at least one SMART Goal:
•Relevant, and
SMART goals allow us to assess
short- and long-term improvements
to determine whether
the participant is on track.
In addition, all DSMES participants
should have plans
that periodically measure at least one
clinical outcome against a baseline value.
Different considerations must
be made for:
•The population served,
•Organizational practices, and
• Availability of outcome data,
such as quality of life,
weight loss, and cost.
These outcomes should be shared regularly
with the original referring provider.
Delivering a measurable review
of the participant's experience
assists the entire team in determining
how satisfactory their DSMES services are.