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  • I just got a call from some guy who says he's got some high tech military vehicle for cell.

  • Sounds like something he should be selling to the Pentagon.

  • But I'm gonna go check it out.

  • Maybe I could get it first.

  • Whoa.

  • What in the world is this bad man's taint?

  • It's a prototype hybrid intended for the military.

  • Awesome.

  • So where exactly did you get it?

  • Company That built military components.

  • They spent over a $1,000,000 building it, and I couldn't pass it up.

  • All right, well, it is pretty bad ass, I could tell you that.

  • I had a gun on top.

  • That's a camera that holds a gun held a 50 caliber or an M 16 set up like a fighter pilot.

  • Get a navigator and a gunner.

  • They're all behind bulletproof glass.

  • Obviously, someone did spend a lot of money on it.

  • Military contractors spend millions developing prototypes like this, And if the Pentagon actually orders these things, the payoff could be astronomical.

  • So I get in.

  • Absolutely.

  • Don't hurt yourself now.

  • Yeah, this is not exactly fat guy friendly.

  • I don't think they wanted people to get out of it.

  • Actually, it's not too bad.

  • Yeah, Especially if you were in military shape.

  • Now, have you driven it?

  • I haven't driven it.

  • They didn't give me the way to start it.

  • You know what?

  • This would be a lot of brain damage trying to figure out how to get going, Especially when there's no manual.

  • Right.

  • Come on, Rick.

  • You've got the biggest head of the shop.

  • You could figure it out.

  • So how about you looking to get out of it?

  • I'm asking 1 50 I don't know whether to tell you you're crazy.

  • Or maybe, um, there's a lot of Doom's dares and bunker nuts, and you know, somebody is gonna want this.

  • Do what If I called somebody, I don't know who you could possibly know That would know anything about it.

  • I know a guy who deals a little bit military vehicles.

  • He might be able to help me out with this.

  • Okay, I have a great idea.

  • As soon as I figure out a way to get out of here, I'm gonna give me a call.

  • I hope the guy knows he's talking about.

  • There are a lot of expensive components that they're not gonna be able to be seen just by crawling around the vehicle.

  • This is the apparatus.

  • Nice.

  • Will is a former Army Ranger and airports pair of Rescue Man.

  • Even though I hate to admit it, he knows a lot more about modern military equipment like this tonight.

  • So I'm actually familiar with this.

  • It's very cool.

  • I mean, obviously there were some guys to put some real time and effort in engineering into this so you could put a small team of guys in moving very quickly on the battlefield faster.

  • You couldn't a tank or something like that.

  • I spent 15 years in the military.

  • Special operations is what I do.

  • Some people think you have to be a little crazy to be a special ops.

  • I prefer to think of it is gifted.

  • I'm not crazy.

  • So this legal phone, Yeah, I know guys that own hellcat tanks that actually shoot.

  • So I mean, there's no reason why you can't in this now.

  • Whether or not a street legal is it is another question.

  • It's got headlights and blinkers and should all work, but right, it should should.

  • So how come the military never bought these with this particular vehicle?

  • I mean?

  • I see a lot of complicated mechanical parts and wires running everywhere.

  • It doesn't look like it's gonna hold up to an I e.

  • D blast.

  • Why would you go with a vehicle like this?

  • That tactically just looks unmanageable?

  • Getting your product picked up by the government.

  • It's a hard, hard process to go through.

  • You spend a lot of money developing it, and if you fail, you just wasted all your time and money.

  • So did you figure out a price on this thing?

  • The engine alone is probably worth anywhere from 7 to $13,000.

  • The body itself, it looks cool.

  • But what are you gonna do with it?

  • I would say maybe 25 $30,000 tops.

  • Really?

  • You really think that Lola collectors want vehicles were actually used by militaries around the world?

  • Because this is a prototype.

  • The fact that it doesn't work could become an issue.

  • I can't see ah whole lot of people going after this thing.

  • Thanks, man.

  • I appreciate it.

  • No worries.

  • Thanks.

  • Millions of dollars went into the development of that vehicle, but millions of dollars also went into the development of hurricanes and a tourniquet cost $35.

  • So you still 150 grand for it?

  • The high dollar parts that are in this thing.

  • We're still just over 100 grand.

  • We don't know if anything works.

  • Are you interested in it at all?

  • I mean, for, like, 20 grand.

  • To get this thing running is anywhere between 50 bucks and 500,000 grand on the table, man.

  • 95 thousand's kind of what I got to be at.

  • We just way too far apart.

  • OK?

  • If you change your mind, give me a call.

  • All right.

  • I've got a couple other offers if the next stoppers right offer than I'll let it go.

I just got a call from some guy who says he's got some high tech military vehicle for cell.


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B1 中級

ポーン・スターズ世界に一つだけの軍用原型が高額で手に入る! (シーズン8) |歴史 (Pawn Stars: HIGH PRICE FOR ONE-OF-A-KIND MILITARY PROTOTYPE (Season 8) | History)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日