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Welcome to show me the card dot com I'm a new Gia and I'm Hippo.
And today we're making kale chips.
Now, I know there's a lot of you, including myself, and you Wait, go to the grocery store and we see this and we think mmmmmmmm very pretty.
Very pretty.
But what do we do with this?
So we've got the fabulous recipe.
We're gonna make kale chips out of it.
It'll be healthy and really shocking.
And what happens to this green vegetable when I'm a GM?
So we have one tablespoon off olive oil over here and do this.
We're gonna add half a teaspoon off chuck masala.
1/2 teaspoon off wretchedly powder?
No, the sister taste are rigidly powder is not a spicy as we'd like it.
And you can also add a little bit of salt.
But R chop Masella already has a little extra salt in it, so we're not gonna add any more to it.
But if yours has not been at a little pinch of salt there, So what we've done with our kale once we brought it home from the grocery stores, we washed it really well.
Two or three times.
Make sure there's no dirt in there and shook off all the excess water.
And it's really nice and pretty.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna break this into about a three or four inch pieces, like so.
So all of these were gonna go and break these in, and there is a center really thick and tough stem, and we're gonna discard this.
I also have the have the oven on at 350 degrees fatter nights, and it's ready to go.
So we'll be back after we break these pieces km mixed the spices in, make sure they're no lumps, and all they're gonna do is just point over the kill.
There's a lot of a tear, so don't waste it.
Every bit is important.
You just taken extra leaf and wipe it down.
I should take several leaf so they didn't all get onto one.
And then we're gonna use our hands and mix this through.
Now the oil landed on several spots.
But if you just take your fingers and just rub it through and just, you know, do that all the oil kind of eventually gets onto every single leaf but with love Gently.
So have a watchman paper over here.
And I have two trays that I have just lined with the parchment paper, and we're gonna be using those to put the kale on to bake.
If you don't have passion paper, that's okay.
Just take a little bit off Greece and just either sprayed or just likely coat.
You're baking tray with that, and we're still okay.
So this took a couple of minutes, but then made sure that every piece had a little bit of the oil on it.
Now that one tablespoon goes a long way so and it keeps stretching and stretching, so eventually every single piece will get a little bit of the oil out with the trades.
Now we're taking these pieces and just organizing them on here, arranging them in a single layer, and it's going to go into the oven for between 12 and 15 minutes.
So many starting the edges turn a little color.
You know, I could brown color.
Just pull them out.
Kale chips air out of the oven and are sick about 11 minutes now, depending on how powerful your oven is and the situation what you.
Whatever you have, it could take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes.
But please keep a very close eye on it.
You really don't want them to burn, But ours, like, really good.
Some of them are little more brown than we need them, but, uh, you know, it's okay.
Most of them are right on, right.
I think the bigger ones up perfect.
The smaller ones turned a little shade of bone, right?
Very appreciated down.
Wanted exactly.
But yeah, and they're very good.
And, of course, let him cool down.
And they'll be like Chris.
Yep, absolutely just Mmm.
It's amazing.
That's a light and so addictive.
You can't really describe it.
It's so light.
And I taste like, What does it taste like to you, gorilla?
I know my husband brought, uh, on a trip from India.
He brought back some fried.
Could I let chips Not really chips with fried potatoes.
And this taste exactly like that?
It's not fried, and yet it produces the same flavor.
It's amazing.
It's Justus healthy yet.
So, of course, we know that Kale is really really known for its anti oxidants and its anti inflammatory properties.
so it's a really good, healthy green vegetable.
This is a great way to enjoy it, you know, and you just cannot.
Can't stop eating it.
They're so crunchy can actually hear the crunch beautiful.
So enjoy these delicious yet healthy kale chips and join us again on another episode of Show Me the curry dot com, adding up into spice to your life.