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  • What do we have here?

  • I got something kind of cool.

  • "Rip Van Winkle."

  • It could be a first edition.

  • OK.

  • Do you know the story's about?

  • Rip Van Winkle gets trashed and wakes up years later.

  • But when he wakes up, his wife is dead, his kids are grown.

  • Everything has changed.

  • I've given it my best shot, but I couldn't

  • sleep for as long as he did.

  • I've lost a day or two once or twice.

  • [laughter]

  • [fake snoring]

  • It is really cool, over a 100-year-old book.

  • It's "Rip Van Winkle."

  • And the pictures in the thing are fantastic.

  • I'm hoping to get 1,500 today.

  • This is definitely an interesting book.

  • It was written by Washington Irving.

  • Yeah.

  • He was, like, the first really great American author.

  • Right.

  • You know, I mean, he did "Sleepy Hollow."

  • Yeah.

  • And it's a really short story too.

  • I mean, if you look at this, it looks like a full-sized book.

  • But it only goes for 60 pages.

  • Actually, there's great illustrations in here.

  • That's cool.

  • The prints are really pretty.

  • They're great.

  • Um, I've never really seen drawings

  • like this from this early.

  • Did you know who the artist is?

  • A guy named Rackham.

  • I think it's on the front.

  • I can almost guarantee you he was a really famous artist.

  • This was really popular right around 1900, 1910,

  • to make really expensive books.

  • In the early 1900s, books like this with fine art

  • were considered very high-end collectibles,

  • and depending on condition and some other factors,

  • could be worth a lot of money.

  • It's really, really interesting.

  • I'm intrigued.

  • What were you looking to do with it?

  • I'm looking at $1,500 for the book.

  • [music playing]

  • OK.

  • Um, the problem is condition, which--

  • this is not pretty.

  • No, it's a little scuffed.

  • And um, if you look right here, 1909.

  • It's not a first edition "Rip Van Winkle"

  • because "Rip Van Winkle" was published long before this.

  • But it could be a first edition with the illustrations.

  • Yeah.

  • And that's what makes the money in these kind of books.

  • But I have a friend.

  • She's probably, like, one of the top 20

  • book experts in the world.

  • Let her take a look at it.

  • She'll know everything about it.

  • That would be great.

  • You have a book for me.

  • Yes, I do.

  • "Rip Van Winkle."

  • OK.

  • OK, well, I know it's not a first edition because "Rip Van

  • Winkle" was written, like, in the 1820s,

  • somewhere around there.

  • Yeah, early 19th century, "Rip Van Winkle," of course,

  • by Washington Irving, one of the great early American authors.

  • What you've got here, though, it's

  • illustrated by Arthur Rackham in the early 20th century.

  • There's this era called the Golden Age of Illustration.

  • And Rackham is sort of the king of the golden age

  • of illustration.

  • Absolutely gorgeous.

  • All right, Rick.

  • What are you worried about here?

  • I have no idea what it's worth.

  • All right.

  • The first thing we need to see is

  • whether or not it's a first edition

  • illustrated by Arthur Rackham.

  • Oftentimes, that can get up into thousands easily,

  • like 9,000 even.

  • OK.

  • So what do we got here?

  • All right.

  • [music playing]

  • And I can tell you, just by looking at the title page,

  • this is not a first edition of the Rackham.

  • The first illustrated edition came out in 1905.

  • Says 1909 on the title page.

  • Job done.

  • OK.

  • So 5 bucks?

  • [laughter]

  • Well, given the condition, which obviously makes

  • a huge difference, I would probably place it more around,

  • like, 300.

  • OK.

  • Not a complete loss.

  • No, not bad at all.

  • The thing that really saves it is you've

  • got these really beautiful plates.

  • Did they ever cut these apart and frame those, or--

  • I'm going to pretend you didn't ask that question.

  • OK.

  • [laughs] Thanks.

  • You're the best.

  • You're welcome, Rick.

  • I'm happy to help out Rick.

  • This is a fine book.

  • And I know it's not a first Rackham edition

  • but it's still got some really beautiful plates.

  • And they're all intact.

  • But I think it's something good for the pawn shop.

  • I told you she knows everything

  • there is to know about books.

  • You ought to pay me $50 everything she just taught you.

  • [laughter]

  • And that's what I'll give you, 50 bucks for the thing.

  • I know she said it was worth $300.

  • But I just don't see it flying off the shelf.

  • But given that, I would counter with 175.

  • No.

  • This is going to sit for infinity.

  • I have collectors look at it, oh, it's pretty beat up.

  • It's--

  • Beautiful pictures.

  • And it's not a first edition.

  • And 150 sounds like a perfect price to settle on this.

  • I'll give you $75.

  • [sighs] Not even 100?

  • No.

  • 75 bucks.

  • That's cash right now.

  • [giggles]

  • OK.

  • I'll take that.

  • All right, I'll meet you right up front.

  • $75.

  • Today's economy, yeah, you got be happy with $75.

What do we have here?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ポーンスターズ。ヴィンテージ本の鑑定で売主を困らせる(シーズン10)|歴史 (Pawn Stars: SELLER DISAPPOINTED by Vintage Book Appraisal (Season 10) | History)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日