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  • secure Start has been elected leader off the Labour Party in the UK, The 57 year old defeated Rebecca Long Value Lisa and in a party of party ballot of party members, trades unionists on registered supporters.

  • He succeeds Jeremy Corbyn as leader of Her Majesty's opposition.

  • He said his task was to lead this great party into a new era with confidence and hope.

  • It is the honor on the privilege of my life be elected as leader of the Labour Party.

  • It comes at a moment like none other in our lifetime.

  • Corona virus has brought normal life to a halt.

  • Our cities, towns and villages, a silent, our roads, deserted public life has all but come to a standstill.

  • We're missing each other.

  • People are frightened by this strangeness, anxious about what will happen next.

  • And we have to remember that every number is a family shaken to its foundations, unable even to carry out the most poignant of ceremonies.

  • A funeral in the way that they would like it reminds us of how precious life is, but also how front job.

  • It reminds us of what really matters.

  • Our family, our friends, are relationships.

  • The love we have for one another our health, our connections with those that we don't know.

  • A greeting from a stranger, a kind word from a neighbor.

  • These make up society.

  • They remind us that we share our lives together.

  • We have to trust one another and look after one another.

  • And I could see this happening.

  • People coming together toe help the isolated on the vulnerable, checking on their neighbors.

  • So many volunteering for the n hs millions of people doing their bit to stop this virus and to save lives.

  • Our willingness to come together like this as a nation has been lying dormant for too long.

  • When millions of us stepped out onto our doorsteps to applaud the carers, visibly moved, there was hope of a better future.

secure Start has been elected leader off the Labour Party in the UK, The 57 year old defeated Rebecca Long Value Lisa and in a party of party ballot of party members, trades unionists on registered supporters.


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B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

コロナウイルス。労働党新党首としてのスターマー卿の最初のメッセージ - BBC (Coronavirus: Sir Keir Starmer's first message as new Labour Party leader - BBC)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日