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  • that's that's classic milk.

  • I just love to see it.

  • What do you mean?

  • I don't know.

  • Our drop.

  • It is gonna be way more important than our late game or late game.

  • We can get down are dropping, contested by five teams like That's hard are too perfect jumping at the pond.

  • I mean, I guess we're all streaming.

  • Fine.

  • Check bods.

  • You mean you can't see everything else?

  • We are a team.

  • Okay?

  • All right.

  • Can you take factor?

  • Here?

  • I come with you.

  • It was like some are really low.

  • I have one or two teams wanting.

  • Yeah, he's one.

  • No one's letting with you ninja.

  • Do you want 50 50?

  • You grab a pistol.

  • Linda, What are you going?

  • Yeah, I got top speaking to one shot.

  • Reverse.

  • You get him?

  • Yes.

  • There's a guy under us with attack.

  • Tonto 50.

  • Your headshot.

  • They're both there.

  • Ones in middle.

  • They broke out of the back phone back within a r.

  • I don't have a have a justice time.

  • Can I get my full?

  • Oh, chill.

  • Chill.

  • I can't, Ms.

  • It's coming apart.

  • You get every shot.

  • My God.

  • You know right now with sniper, I can't I can't hold on there literally chasing that.

  • Only two of emergency.

  • He gets part.

  • That kid's one shot by this one.

  • Fight me for one of your rotating in.

  • Take it.

  • Chill.

  • It's what's a to be one?

  • Mom e many snipes.

  • I had no idea what to do against you.

  • So indecisive.

  • I know.

  • But then they all have fires.

  • Hits four straight shots.

  • Our pattern What?

  • Let's goes.

  • Wait, wait.

  • Don't push him.

  • Wait.

  • Trust me.

  • You need me?

  • Oh, man, I'm a slayer.

  • Oh, you're so good.

  • It's pretty far.

  • They are here.

  • Is there anything?

  • Boom.

  • You got a minute?

  • Create greater.

  • And they're gonna want this night.

  • I just got the gold one.

  • Listen, we gotta go soon.

  • I'm only holding.

  • I'm leaving right now.

  • I didn't look cool.

  • Yeah, I'll do it.

  • I'm scooped on mats 19 at three.

  • In the med kit.

  • Gold sniper.

  • That's a detect.

  • Have a green slime.

  • Tell the rods over there too.

  • We can We could grab a boat and just getting this and take it into sound by the way through.

  • That's such a br right about here.

  • Yeah, Minnie is on the way back.

  • I'm 5 4.5 to 4.

  • Did you see that?

  • Snapshot need, uh I was like it was a 300 meters.

  • It just went off into the distance.

  • Other side cutter, A shooting, shooting star, Chad.

  • I don't know.

  • I think names were in a pool.

  • Forget it.

  • One team was top of this mountain they built ramps down.

  • I'm gonna need some sniper ammo myself.

  • I'll give you something.

  • Six million.

  • Five.

  • Mandy's three maids could pick up a job.

  • Something probably for the news.

  • I know they're all hiding this time, sir.

  • Nate.

  • Nate.

  • Nate.

  • I'm farming compartment.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, how about I'm farming?

  • Almost, Max?

  • Holy.

  • We need to go south.

  • I feel Got straight South ferry and gets Ah, there's a team south right now.

  • Just try to take a shot.

  • I mean immediately broke like you.

  • A lot of my voice cracked So funny, right?

  • It's so funny.

  • Where they at south out.

  • The something's not 100 years.

  • We should still go south.

  • I think you know what is following.

  • Take the lining up outside your fine.

  • I can't go like over this river.

  • We have to go, like around the lake.

  • I'm this outside, another Medicare coming much out in here.

  • You really coach Kitty Corner Building like this.

  • Now it's going.

  • He said he's kind of he's way back from his team.

  • I agree.

  • If you can feel it over, we're going south anyways.

  • They can't.

  • Who were you talking about?

  • I see when I see a girl in the purple door on the right.

  • Yeah, I just are.

  • Yeah, right here.

  • Broken tree.

  • Nice thing, this gusting shot.

  • Yeah, she's around the house.

  • It's nice.

  • They should back up yourself.

  • Why did I get 13?

  • Oh, my God.

  • I didn't med kit I grabbed.

  • That's let's keep going out, though.

  • Little straggler that audio.

  • Yeah, like that.

  • And the one time you guys just swim, It's just you might want to follow this.

  • Yeah, just Free Gang.

  • I know how many how many people are here, though.

  • It's only 17 minutes tonight, right?

  • Yeah.

  • It's not a short 1233 It was night.

  • Watch it.

  • Watch it.

  • Watch it.

  • What people chilling a lover 43.

  • Just grenade him or something?

  • 101.

  • Yeah.

  • Let's get in range.

  • Nuclear.

  • I needed him.

  • Then it had done it.

  • Reverse.

  • Just reapply.

  • Reappoint.

  • Yeah, that's what I do.

  • I definitely have high, and he's trying to take it, But I'm still here.

  • Up amounts.

  • He's got enough.

  • Yes.

  • Hi.

  • Can we just shoot this?

  • We have an RPG.

  • Top it like a chop it.

  • Why?

  • Stopping it?

  • Chopping it.

  • Come down.

  • I'm jumping down.

  • You're topping it all.

  • I'm trying to No, they're here.

  • They're here.

  • One job finding this brick right here.

  • This is the not exactly.

  • I got to pick which one you crack scores, right?

  • I mean, you know me.

  • Yeah.

  • Scored.

  • I think the whole time he tracked me.

  • All right.

  • He is about me fighting.

  • I'm holding high.

  • I don't know.

  • I swear there was.

  • Write this down.

  • I cracked a little bit.

  • Crack crack in your box.

  • He's living in your box.

  • I want the last guy.

  • You like that, bro.

  • Fucking got you, dog.

  • Holy way gonna go far Where I have four.

  • I have a Medicaid.

  • I give you my money is like, yeah, way have a 40 mental cash in the middle.

  • I just need wouldn't look right if we can find them.

  • Go through, Missy.

  • Mr.

  • Big here drinking?

  • Wait, This ain't loaded.

  • Yeah, This is not good.

  • I know this is leading with this in this house is bullshit on me.

  • I got one.

  • I got one man covered.

  • A comfort food.

  • Uh, yeah, I got it right here.

  • We have an RPG another minute here for money.

  • I'm sexy.

  • Where many of them coming?

  • Coming, coming?

  • Only one in your mouth, kind Fung, come here, Quick.

  • Campfire Little right here.

  • I'm gonna grab that many first so you can just start it whenever I'm gonna.

  • How many wives do you have?

  • I've got double Banner.

  • Does it?

  • I don't know what We have six skills.

  • No, I e s I c A m.

  • Yeah.

  • Farm up your wood and stuff in him will move next.

  • Anyone need a r m 0 300 heaven?

  • Careful.

  • It's not worth sniping from the bridge.

  • There's someone in this very get people in this very chair.

  • Close way.

  • Go south.

  • Probably.

  • He probably left.

  • This is Dr Guy in there?

  • Careful.

  • I still don't think he's in there.

  • Hey, wasn't there is the other one.

  • He's the one in here.

  • All right.

  • That's not on the siding in a pyramid on blue.

  • Ready?

  • Who's Lori and experience my fingers.

  • Feel like throw it up.

  • Whatever.

  • Just do it.

  • Go.

  • Just go.

  • Just go, Go.

  • Perfect.

  • Perfect.

  • I got nothing.

  • I got my ass and I just followed someone.

  • They might fight for this.

  • I got sniped down.

  • What way?

  • Yeah.

  • Connected way, guys.

  • Southwest, look down, Down!

  • Left Southwest right now they're building up.

  • He's not just gonna face.

  • Right.

  • Great to 120 white.

  • We're right here.

  • These guys are rotating down.

  • Might be the pop shot, so it's like a like a solo.

  • It seems Wallace might need storm.

  • If they do, they're gonna definitely This dude looks like a solo to 10.

  • I see that.

  • Nobody got that drop, so yeah.

  • Must have been a solo.

  • You know, another guy.

  • I'm hearing the same guy.

  • I was just I just marked.

  • Yeah, it looks closed.

  • He's getting NATO.

  • You got?

  • He's still up there.

  • If there's someone there Y 20 white went out.

  • Wait.

  • Five more open, Right.

  • Yo, fun.

  • Can I get grandma?

  • Yeah, Rare They are.

  • I have a r.

  • I'm good.

  • Let's go.

  • Once you're watching below us, remember?

  • Is still there where they're still a team in this.

  • I don't know what they're doing.

  • They have been rotated.

  • Let's go, Let's go.

  • Bad use like 100 grenades on a team across.

  • Uh, way.

  • Go left.

  • Just get like, these Kids are shambles.

  • Watch out there trying to look for snipe above us.

  • Go.

  • Yeah, He's gotta get a tunnel.

  • These guys are hit One pump caramel go, but a dead body on me.

  • Claim Lou, you got here.

  • Here, Here.

  • I don't need a hope.

  • I don't need to hold it.

  • I got it.

  • Care, But we want it.

  • We don't have a hearing.

  • Yeah, straight from by getting rid of you.

  • Yeah, I'm coming down.

  • Down?

  • I did rather watch out.

  • Uh, you you had RPG called.

  • Uh oh.

  • Someone make sure we're not gonna play friend.

  • I'm gonna just chill in this room.

  • Bloom that kid.

  • Get someone.

  • Really?

  • I don't need this.

  • There's a tomb underneath that hard mats.

  • Hours you're trying, you know he's not going over.

  • We're gonna need a careful Northeast 50 13.

  • Ating is not hitting me side.

  • And she's done this.

  • It is.

  • I'm conducting two.

  • You're gonna be Hold this I trained dog waited from, I think 31 white 3 30 Chick in the red pants.

  • I do.

  • I'm a bunch of money.

  • They're gonna shoot it.

  • They're China.

  • Shoot me down.

  • I connected us.

  • I just gotta get across.

  • There's a whole team cranking the way too high, if you like.

  • You.

  • Yeah, Let go.

  • I am I right now, Right now.

  • I'm gonna connect to the metal I took a shitload of All of them are connected to the metal.

  • 30 minutes.

  • Bret, get over.

  • Hae gone in 31.

  • Anyone have names down way?

  • Sort of.

  • I don't give a fuck.

  • Rare boom, boom.

  • I'm gonna be building.

  • Be careful.

  • I'm shooting at second Crystal in brick weigh down.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • Crash killed Mitch looking brother Coming on to you guys.

  • Rachel's ring.

  • All right.

  • I have Nomad.

  • Nomad only have 80.

  • We need to go down that we didn't go down.

  • We need to go down.

  • I'm going down.

  • Way down.

  • Yeah, we need a refresher.

  • Matt's re are super high, by the way.

  • I'm gonna knock.

  • You gotta follow me.

  • I have a targeting.

  • Refreshing to get the Matt's got them all a lot of little pro like dropped two people want to be You got knocked out the storm.

  • God, I hate that guy.

  • Find out drinking for angles.

  • I'm looking Train going down, Going down, you go down another level One Easy, boys.

  • I'm gonna be Oh, that's right.

  • Get an angle.

  • 20 White 20 I Good stuff, boys.

  • Crank boys.

that's that's classic milk.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日