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  • last time we played this game.

  • Piggy.

  • You guys absolutely loved it the past two times you played.

  • Actually, you guys have destroyed the like bun without me even asking.

  • So thank you, but lost time I played it.

  • There are about 150,000 people playing well today.

  • There's 237,000 people playing at this very moment in time.

  • That's insane.

  • And the reason is because chapter eight has Bean released.

  • I don't know what's in it.

  • I don't know what's gonna happen.

  • So let's dive in.

  • Wait.

  • Is there going to be another piggy skin?

  • I think there might be another piggy skin and I feel like Karachi getting pretty good at this game.

  • We crunched up last time with three seconds to go.

  • There we go.

  • 170 Pig tokens, new skin, new skin, new skin.

  • Oh, wait.

  • What is that?

  • Clowney?

  • Oh, you can buy traps to default traps, small traps, big trap slow traps, alarm traps.

  • All hold up.

  • Let me just, uh, cash in real quick.

  • I just need to buy myself.

  • How much do I need to buy by 1000?

  • I think I need 1000 This is why I earned all these robots these hard earned.

  • Roebuck's because I wanted to buy a biggie.

  • Skins?

  • That's literally it.

  • Give me Clowney and equip that bad boy.

  • If we buy a ll the traps, we only equipped one at a time, I'm guessing.

  • So listen to that money.

  • Listen to those piggy tokens.

  • Drop.

  • You have a Cockney acquit.

  • One a time.

  • I'm gonna go slow traps.

  • 10 slow drops.

  • They've got to be good, right?

  • They must be good, right?

  • We're going back with pressing play on.

  • Hopefully.

  • Oh, great.

  • Why does it want?

  • Why does everyone choose Chapter one, huh?

  • Every single time someone chooses chapter one.

  • Hello, you guys.

  • Is this infection?

  • If so, I want to be a piggy someone come get me.

  • Oh, there it is.

  • Kill me.

  • Kill me.

  • Take my life.

  • Thing is not infection.

  • Never mind.

  • Um okay, I'm gonna need a quick redoing that one.

  • Quick redo.

  • Wait.

  • Is this it?

  • Oh, this is it.

  • It's a It's a clown.

  • Themed one.

  • Wait.

  • Hold on.

  • That this is a crown theme one.

  • This is a carnival, isn't it?

  • This makes sense.

  • Okay?

  • When we get through here definitely cannot get through.

  • Okay.

  • I'm gonna get the first person I find it way easier.

  • Three green.

  • Keyes we needs Well, anything.

  • We get our hands on those bullets a cz Well, which is kind of freaky, you know, Open monster insides.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, it's you.

  • Hello.

  • How are you?

  • You're guarding keys, though.

  • It says Why did my friends leave me in here?

  • Uh uh.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, geez.

  • He's got the Greek.

  • Keith, get the Greek e.

  • I heard the footsteps.

  • Oh, man.

  • Away dead.

  • We're so dead, this better not be.

  • Infection is well, infections.

  • The most ridiculous one.

  • I'm gonna grab this purple key just in case we need it.

  • I didn't grab the purple.

  • Keeping the public.

  • Will you open the green door, please?

  • Walden, sir.

  • Well done.

  • Bullets on a red key.

  • I'm gonna go and find where the purple Key goes and I'll meet you back here.

  • Okay, buddy.

  • I'll meet you back here.

  • Red key to get into the circus tent.

  • I don't feel like we've got that one yet.

  • On a there's a clown.

  • There's the clown.

  • The clown is actually terrifying.

  • No joke.

  • Wait.

  • Yoki That guy take a yellow key.

  • I feel like he did.

  • I need the way This is a maze.

  • Oh, it's like a mirror maze around.

  • Only picked up the orange key.

  • We need a mallet for that to get the hammer.

  • White key over here.

  • Oh, I don't know if we're about to do this in the wrench and a hammer.

  • We know how to get the hammer.

  • Oh, no.

  • I need I need to hide.

  • I need to hide.

  • And he's going to hear it has to happen.

  • There we go.

  • Oh, G's definitely come around that way.

  • On you.

  • Hello there you are you stuck?

  • Ah ha!

  • You're stuck.

  • Urinated.

  • You're laughing.

  • I don't like this clown.

  • I don't like this clown at all.

  • Hi.

  • See you later.

  • Where does the Orange Key go?

  • Guys, I am useless at this.

  • People have already.

  • They've already opened this.

  • I suck at this game.

  • The lost time.

  • I think I proved myself.

  • Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

  • I didn't mean to Cruel.

  • I was trying to run.

  • I need a plank of wood, but I feel like I could I tried to grab it.

  • I don't like woods.

  • Someone needs to find the mallet as soon as possible.

  • We stop chasing me.

  • Stop!

  • Leave me alone.

  • You're creepy.

  • You're very creepy, guys.

  • Is anyone doing anything that's worthwhile here?

  • But we all just running around with keys.

  • Why you following me?

  • And is this the right way?

  • This is a rides.

  • I need a wrench.

  • We could go on the scary Costa up, huh?

  • It's all going to be so close.

  • I was before.

  • This guy, you know, is what he's doing.

  • I think he's trying to run away from me, though born to the wrong place.

  • You go.

  • Luke, What you doing?

  • Luke?

  • What's in there?

  • What?

  • You I thought he's got slapped.

  • I definitely thought he just got slapped.

  • Okay, there's AA gun.

  • I can't get over to it, though.

  • Bush's I'm scared.

  • He's got the gun.

  • I'm out.

  • I'm out.

  • I need to go.

  • I think he needs to shoot the target.

  • He needs to get the bullets and shoot this target.

  • We've only got five minutes.

  • Look, it's me and you versus the world, cause I don't see where anyone else is.

  • Okay, Luke, Luke needs shoot the target.

  • I don't know where the target is.

  • The bullets are in here.

  • And it Go get him.

  • Get past the door.

  • Luke, this isn't the time.

  • Your name is Luke.

  • Destroy.

  • You must live up to your name right now.

  • Take the take the bullets.

  • Look.

  • Did you take the bullets?

  • Luq going?

  • Although the orange G wait.

  • What?

  • I meant to open that.

  • Don't shoot him.

  • Shoot him, Shoot him dead.

  • Oh, look, bro, I don't think he was supposed to do that.

  • Um Oh, geez.

  • Oh, geez.

  • He died with the key When we supposed to do about the key?

  • Look, he was supposed to shoot it.

  • Give me this.

  • Give me the keys.

  • There.

  • How do I get that from him?

  • I got it.

  • I got the gun.

  • I got the gun or I'm gonna go get the bullets.

  • Luke, you may have died, but don't worry.

  • I will avenge you.

  • I'm gonna get you.

  • Why is that always funny, right?

  • White key.

  • We definitely need this away.

  • I need the gun as well.

  • How do I drop things?

  • Anything.

  • I could drop things.

  • White key, White key undone.

  • Perfect.

  • I need to get the gun real quick.

  • Don't bring the clown to me.

  • Oh, jeez.

  • I need the gun.

  • Grab the gun.

  • Perfect.

  • Let's go.

  • I need to shoot that target I need to find.

  • Where is your three minutes?

  • 40.

  • I'm ready to win.

  • This broke.

  • Oh, no.

  • I'm ready to win this first time.

  • Uh, I need some bullets.

  • So, like you got some bullets, that would be great.

  • Everyone else distract?

  • Do what you're supposed to do.

  • Any bullets?

  • I need bullets.

  • I'm gonna try and shoot it anyway and see what happens.

  • You need the water pistol?

  • Not the real gun.

  • Idiot.

  • What was I thinking?

  • I wish Luke was here.

  • If Luke was here, he would know what to do.

  • But there's the There's the wrench.

  • I reckon I can grab it.

  • Don't grab it with water.

  • Gun is over near here, but I don't know how to get it.

  • I think I need the wrench.

  • We need a hammer, don't we?

  • We need a hammer, guys.

  • Where do we get the hammer?

  • I got a gun and I don't know how to use it or wait.

  • Wait, wait, wait.

  • There's ammo.

  • Here is ammo.

  • Here.

  • Give me that.

  • You're the other.

  • That's a white key.

  • Just match it.

  • For goodness sake.

  • What are you wearing on your head?

  • Oh, no.

  • What?

  • What kind of car is that?

  • You were in, like, five hats at the same time.

  • At least.

  • If they come near us, we're dead.

  • What's your name?

  • What's your name?

  • I can't read your name.

  • You're freaking out Too much.

  • Calm down.

  • It's just a Oh, yeah.

  • Maybe you should be scared.

  • We need the hammer.

  • But I don't know where to get the hammer way.

  • We don't.

  • We don't is over.

  • Well, we've got one minute until we die.

  • I need the plank.

  • Why you leaving them up here?

  • Why you leading him near me?

  • Stop!

  • Oh, great.

  • You're dead too.

  • Fantastic.

  • Well done.

  • How do we get this hammer?

  • Hello.

  • How do I get the hammer?

  • You tell me right now.

  • I think I need a yellow key.

  • And I haven't seen the yellow key yet.

  • Which is worrying?

  • Isn't the yellow key up here?

  • I thought the look is a bit on this one.

  • Person left?

  • Yes.

  • Yellow key is up here.

  • Where do you have the plank?

  • Put it down.

  • Put it down.

  • Always dead put.

  • Put the plane down.

  • Put the plank down.

  • Oh, my goodness, You're gonna get killed.

  • Oh, jeez.

  • What is going on?

  • What is going on?

  • She's killed us.

  • She's got us both killed.

  • He's celebrating.

  • Stop where the plant go, though, Where the flight goes.

  • She had the blank.

  • See?

  • I did this old time.

  • Know what?

  • Idiot?

  • You?

  • I couldn't get it because of you.

  • I bet the hammer is in the yellow safe.

  • The hammer has to be in here.

  • There's no way, guys, I feel like I did my duty.

  • I'm dead.

  • I'm sorry.

  • It's laughing.

  • Why?

  • To take me?

  • Take me.

  • I didn't even get to kill me.

  • This game gets me heated.

  • You have to work as a team.

  • If we have players alive, we could do it.

  • But if you have players of life what you know what they're doing?

  • It's even better.

  • Where did she get the plank from?

  • Though I would love to know.

  • So the plan is the gun is really goods.

  • That's not really the plan.

  • But we need the water gun to shoot the target to shoot the way.

  • Don't need the wrench for that.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • I'm so confused and I still don't know the story.

  • to this game.

  • If this gets enough likes, I'll react to there must be a YouTube video with, like a ll the things put together.

  • I feel like I burned it.

  • Oh, look, Ninja is biggie.

  • Fantastic.

  • We're gonna win this one easy.

  • Okay, here's the intro.

  • You better be ready, Mr P.

  • Or look at the look of the intro.

  • Let's call the entrance.

  • I'm coming for you.

  • Oh, man.

  • Right.

  • Let's go, fellas.

  • He must be somewhere around here.

  • Yeah, No kidding, Right?

  • This is Thea Magical Mirror room.

  • I'm pretty sure there's something.

  • There's nothing here.

  • Okay, good.

  • Good.

  • Stop.

  • Good start, Orange Key.

  • I seem to remember that was where the that was.

  • What?

  • Fox.

  • He was right.

  • Like budget.

  • Foxy.

  • Where is everyone gone?

  • Everyone's already disappeared on me.

  • Hello.

  • How are you?

  • All right.

  • I'm gonna open that.

  • Here we go.

  • And that you Oh, no biggie.

  • Is that all that coming for me?

  • I just pick us up.

  • Oh, there's the words.

  • Wait, I'm getting the woods.

  • I'm going to straight up.

  • Oh, no, I can't.

  • Never minds.

  • At least we know whether what is picky just stuck.

  • You just go to stuck I'll wait.

  • What's this?

  • Oh, this is too here.

  • Okay, Good.

  • Is anyone else doesn't walk around here or no green key.

  • I'll take it.

  • Gimme purple keys there.

  • Remember those bullets there?

  • See, I've got this sort of my brain.

  • This one's easy.

  • I'm solo in this green key.

  • Green key.

  • I mean, I'm solo in this, but my memory isn't that good.

  • Weather is the green Kiko Green key Piggies With way over there, I think we're good.

  • That's got red key.

  • Okay, that's for over here.

  • Oh, it's here.

  • You know I can't get the plank this time, so I know where it is.

  • A locket.

  • Cheeses takes forever.

  • Sometimes you'll wither in this straight away.

  • Give me the plank.

  • I think Big East just chilling in there for some reason, I don't know why.

  • What do you guys doing?

  • Hey, you look good.

  • We're already doing much Distract Gigi, That's what That's your job, right?

  • Two minutes down and we've got way further.

  • Yes, we did it.

  • We did it!

  • We did it!

  • Don't steal those keys.

  • Do not steal those case without to say what I say.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • She had the wrench put the stuff down.

  • No, They ruined.

  • It's perfect, right?

  • That was about to be a perfect run Then.

  • I fell off when they stole the keys.

  • I'm mad.

  • I'm reach Quinn.

  • I'm out to goes.

  • Will be killed right back at the theme park.

  • Let's go.

  • What does that note say?

  • Hold on.

  • So those looking for safety, this is the worst place to look.

  • Oh, no, We got another ninja.

  • What is going on today?

  • You guys better be good at this game where we need a yellow key.

  • Deaf.

  • Oh, I don't know what you guys have done because we'll wait.

  • Wait.

  • There's progress has been made.

  • The plank has been planks that his kids.

  • Good progress, guys.

  • Everything's gone, though.

  • What are you doing?

  • I'll wait.

  • They've moved this gun.

  • Water gun.

  • Oh, I'm using this.

  • I've got the water gun.

  • Guys, don't bring.

  • Don't bring picking me.

  • Don't bring picking me.

  • I've got this.

  • We just need to get the mallet.

  • I need to hit that target.

  • Talking target seven minutes.

  • Ain't too bad to try and complete this.

  • I just need to find this.

  • Let me do it.

  • No, don't bring her this way.

  • Come on.

  • Yeah.

  • Is Baba What did I get for doing that, though?

  • Why you?

  • Why you standing here?

  • Oh, she's just stole the key from under my nose.

  • Great.

  • Oh, I've got it.

  • Never minds.

  • Why would Why did I need to do that?

  • This infection?

  • No.

  • What you do choose affection.

  • You guys are.

  • She's dead.

  • She's dead.

  • That means another one's gonna be loose.

  • Yellow key.

  • I feel like we need that.

  • Yes, we do need that orange key.

  • We need as well.

  • I think that goes.

  • There's no way we're doing this in six minutes.

  • Infection?

  • No, that's not gonna happen, is it?

  • Yellow is in the yet.

  • This room.

  • Open this up.

  • Give me.

  • Give me.

  • Give me.

  • Give me.

  • Give me Open.

  • Open.

  • Open it.

  • I'm gonna bop you with this on definite populace on.

  • All right, let's use this.

  • I can't use it.

  • These old players, they must be so following me.

  • Leave me alone.

  • Let me alone!

  • What are you doing over there?

  • How are you staying there?

  • Come on, I need to use this.

  • I need this to get the hammer.

  • Yes.

  • Give me.

  • Give me what I was gonna steal it.

  • Oh, Jesus.

  • Right.

  • Minus the hammer is perfect.

  • Let's get these gold of these.

  • Yeah, has making progress, but there's two piggies know I'm dead.

  • Oh, jeez.

  • I haven't even got to use my piggy skin yet.

  • I'm going up.

  • Bye.

  • See you later on.

  • They behind me, take them instead.

  • Take them instead.

  • There's something else we need the hammer for, and I can't remember what it is.

  • And we still need to unlock this.

  • So we need orange key.

  • Oh, no.

  • Well, did I need this for use the Ferris wheel?

  • Aren't things that is there anything we can do with a Ferris wheel?

  • But he definitely the hammer for something I can't remember.

  • What?

  • My brain isn't working.

  • Well, I'm taking the gun, taking the gun.

  • And if I need Thio, know if I need to.

  • I'm using on a player.

  • If I need Thio use on a play away.

  • That's every biggies our dead guy's.

  • Everyone said right?

  • Yep.

  • There's another one.

  • All this look behind us, Shall we?

  • Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Ready?

  • There were dudes is no way, way I could believe that thegame is gonna be the end of me.

  • Don't choose infection.

  • If you want to live, just choose the normal one.

  • Police unicorn.

  • Garland counting on you.

  • I'm counting on you to pull this through.

  • Okay?

  • Good thing is, everyone is choosing carnival.

  • But bad thing is people like infection don't choose infection.

  • Don't choose infection.

  • That today was you?

  • Yes.

  • Darts, shoes, infection.

  • Please use my persuasion skills.

  • Just use player.

  • It's fine.

  • All we need is one piggy around here.

  • That's enough.

  • Thanks.

  • Appreciate it cried.

  • OMG Okay, let's win this.

  • Let's do this.

  • Our every Sze We're gonna win this.

  • It's me and you stay calm.

  • I think this is probably one of the easiest maps, actually.

  • Right?

  • Yellow key.

  • And they're easy mode Blue key over there.

  • Purple key.

  • Let's grab that just in case we need it.

  • Await you No keys here.

  • Oh, I'm getting that.

  • I'm going straight away.

  • That is a nice little find.

  • Don't mind if I do, right?

  • I'm not.

  • Guess I know this about the marriage straightaway on My God, You scared me.

  • Take the plank and put it where you're supposed to put it at your everything.

  • You can yank your claws scared me.

  • Be careful where you point those things, buddy.

  • All right, let's do this.

  • Open, open, open, open, Open.

  • I know there's another way you can use this mallet, but I'm confused as to where someone's taken the red key.

  • I think the red key needs to go in the right place.

  • Other ways.

  • It's game over, right?

  • I'm gonna take this.

  • I know where this goes.

  • I'm learning this map.

  • Quick, guys.

  • He says as he cannot find words.

  • But the blue key.

  • Oh, jeez.

  • Great.

  • Great.

  • What?

  • I'm bringing this way.

  • Don't even come near me.

  • Right.

  • That's unlock this real fast.

  • There we go.

  • Oh, I had someone die behind me.

  • You got the purple key.

  • That's good.

  • Open that.

  • Open that all?

  • You're a legend.

  • I've got the green key.

  • My car.

  • Remember where this goes?

  • We're making good progress.

  • So guys Aires is doing it.

  • She's ready to win this green.

  • All that orange.

  • Where on earth is the green key guard?

  • Definitely seen it hit.

  • Okay, let's grab this unlocked.

  • Perfect red key.

  • Gimme.

  • Okay, that's the That's the middle part is definitely open that Oh, no.

  • Here comes the clown out of your mind.

  • I play this in first person.

  • By the way, there's no way I complain a it in the other version.

  • Right?

  • Who's got the plank?

  • Plank needs go up here, guys.

  • Plant needs to go up here.

  • The problem is that is a key part in the puzzle.

  • It was you, wasn't it?

  • You had the blank.

  • We get the plank.

  • The plank.

  • Who has the plank?

  • Maybe.

  • Type plank.

  • Why?

  • You are pretty good about the flag.

  • Oh, yeah, he always made it.

  • Hold on, guys.

  • A talent.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • You guys working with amateurs here?

  • Amateurs Orange G you ink?

  • But I'm stressing out here.

  • I'm stressing over a game of piggy.

  • OK, so the strap with a little tiger man over here is Thio.

  • Unlock this and then send someone else in.

  • Someone wanna go in?

  • He wants to go in here.

  • I don't feel like dying.

  • How do I get this?

  • Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

  • Oh, got it.

  • Got it.

  • White tears by.

  • We just need the plank.

  • And then we're good, because that's the wrench.

  • Guys, How are we meant to win this?

  • We don't work together, Not the plank is not there.

  • Okay, I'm gonna unlock this.

  • Is this where we need to exit?

  • I think we just need the wrench and we're out.

  • Guys.

  • That's what we need.

  • We need is the wrench.

  • Who's got the Reg Aires?

  • You're supposed to be helping me.

  • Wait.

  • We need the wrench for this is well to move the Oh, no, wait!

  • Someone was about the wrench loss game.

  • Where's the Reg?

  • Oh, you guys gonna get killed?

  • Go together.

  • Killed?

  • I'm shouting.

  • I'm shouting and none of you can hear me.

  • It must be around here somewhere.

  • Someone's got the gun is when they've stolen it.

  • I know someone was walking around with a plank earlier.

  • I got it.

  • Wait!

  • Oh, no!

  • Owner!

  • The wrench was up here.

  • The Rangers are here and someone has taken it.

  • I'm stressed, guys.

  • I'm stressed with this close this close to complete it And someone stopping us because they don't have the wrench.

  • Someone stole it.

  • So one always She's got it.

  • She's got it.

  • Yes, Aires, Take it.

  • Give it!

  • Give it!

  • Put it down there.

  • Give me the wrench.

  • Take Aires.

  • Follow me!

  • Come this way.

  • This way!

  • Put it here.

  • Put it here.

  • Are we talking about here?

  • But here but here, Coat coat.

  • Airy's a raise.

  • You gonna meet with your key card?

  • You need to keep hard.

  • And she got the water pistol.

  • I'm going to take this just in case because I feel like we could use it for something else.

  • I've been looking for this, Reg for ages.

  • I let it go.

  • Where's the key card?

  • I haven't seen anywhere.

  • That has a key card Apart from the water gun.

  • Maybe on owner owner Gonna do it.

  • Do it.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Well done, buddy.

  • Take it.

  • Yes, Mama did it.

  • Ha ha ha!

  • No, no, no, no.

  • Don't start.

  • Even troll.

  • This is it.

  • This is us done.

  • We win us three as a team.

  • Okay us for I don't know where you came from, Ben.

  • But way out here, you can't even move your legs properly.

  • Gone.

  • Pluck it in.

  • All were outs were out.

  • Yes.

  • Dream team.

  • Yes.

  • Guys, wait for any whose body the infected Don't talk.

  • What's wrong with these guys, right?

  • I knew that.

  • I don't know.

  • I find this so funny.

  • The guard The left is cracking me up.

  • I'm Dr trey blocks.

  • What are you doing here?

  • We came to look for survivors.

  • We've got a safe place.

  • This guy's been playing Minecraft too much.

  • He's got a wooden sword and that's all he can use.

  • Oh, look.

  • There's no trust.

  • Don't trust of dead.

  • That's not friend.

  • There's one of that.

  • Sorry, I go epic because of the music.

  • Don't worry.

  • I've got this.

  • He looks like Arthur.

  • Thanks.

  • I need to know this story.

  • Guys, this story is ridiculous.

  • Well slain.

  • Wall slain Offer my goodness.

  • Yes, I am.

  • We won.

  • It's going in tomorrow's village.

  • You'll see.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah, that was so sick.

  • Ah, What's Ah, Session of piggy.

  • 30 minutes I've been recording destroyed it.

  • I don't know.

  • I'm getting so crazy.

  • Actually, I didn't even get to use my clown piggy.

  • But it doesn't matter.

  • I spent loads on traps as well.

  • So I guess we could use those next time to buy.

  • Thanks for playing right, guys.

  • Thank you so much for watching this video.

  • I hope you enjoyed Piggy.

  • If you did leave alike and leave a liking for me to react to the story because I don't know what's going on they mixed up at the end there.

  • So, yeah, the more like this gets, the more likely I am to react to it.

  • My brain is fried.

  • After that.

  • I have been shouting for ages, so it's watching If you, Brian you to the China was over here.

  • That's described on that.

  • Great.

  • Appreciate it.

  • I'll see you guys in the next one.

  • You that back in Candle Camp four Rubber Band.

last time we played this game.


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A2 初級

ピギーCARNIVAL!(ロブロックス ピギー 第8章) (Piggy CARNIVAL! (Roblox Piggy Chapter 8))

  • 19 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日