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  • Job interview tips series

  • 5 insider tips for phone interviews

  • In this week’s job search tip, were going to go over the different types of job interviews

  • and how you should prepare for them.

  • Today were going to talk about phone interviews and a few tips and tricks to help you nail yours.

  • That’s coming up.

  • [INTRO]

  • Hi guys, I’m Kim with Snagajob, your number one source for hourly jobs and welcome to job hunters,

  • our weekly job search advice show where we go over everything from resume tips to interview advice

  • and everything in between.

  • So I think that phone interviews are kind of like taking an open note test.

  • You are allowed to see everything out in front of you, you can have notes out in front of you,

  • and you can even lay out common job interview questions and how exactly you want to answer them.

  • While this is really lucky, you wanna make sure you don't just rely on your notes to get ahead of your interview.

  • Himy name is… (groan)... where is the...

  • Interviewing over the phone can be kind of tricky. The interviewer can’t see your awesome smile

  • or your super cool outfit, and can only really rely on your voice to get a sense of your professionalism.

  • (Talking on the phone in a very small, timid voice - almost mumbling and barely

  • Chances are, the interviewer probably has a lot of phone interviews lined up through out the day.

  • You really need to do everything that you can to stand out and get remembered for the right reasons.

  • So, while it may be really tempting to just lay in bed in your pajamas and talk over the phone,

  • you really don't want to do that. So here are a few tips to help you stand out from the crowd.

  • 1) Be ready early - Weve heard from employers who called a job seeker during their scheduled

  • interview time, only to be met with voice mail. This is completely unacceptable.

  • Whatever the case may be for the reason you didn't answer the call.

  • You're running behind, they're running behind, your clock is a little fast, and you just didn't think they call you.

  • It doesn't matter. You wanted to treat this like you're doing an in-person interview

  • and be ready about 10 minutes early. This way, you can calm all your nerves

  • and just be there ready for when they call.

  • 2) Clean up - I don’t know about you, but I am at my very best when I’m showered, dressed professionally

  • and I'm in a clean area. You may be thinking, “Kim, are you crazy!? The best thing about taking a phone interview

  • is that you don't have to clean up, you don't have to shower

  • But you really want to do your best to be as organized and as professional as possible

  • and by cleaning up yourself and cleaning up the area around you, you won't have any distractions

  • and you can just really concentrate on the interview itself.

  • during the interview is clean, organized and noise free (simply muting the television doesn’t

  • count!). You don’t want any distractions from the interview itself.

  • 3) Practice - Alright. I know I tell you this all the time,

  • but you really really have to practice what you're going to say in a job interview.

  • If you are using the cellphone, make sure you practice before hand where you're actually going to take the call.

  • Find a nice and quiet place with really good reception.

  • Nothing kills a phone interview faster than a dropped call.

  • Can you hear me now?” "Sorry, um..." "Any...any better?" "What about now?" "How about now?"

  • 4) Stand in the lightDid you know that standing up while youre talking on the phone

  • can help you sound more confident and articulate what you want to say?

  • This little trick may help you sound more interested and passionate

  • than just lounge around on a recliner.

  • Also, do not hold your phone interview in a dark room.

  • Rooms like this can make you a little sleepy and disorientated, and interviewers will be able to tell.

  • While these 4 steps may seem a little obvious or annoying to you, these small steps can make a really

  • big difference in your phone interview. Just think, if you are a little lazy with

  • it and don’t prepare, someone can come up and take the opportunity right out from under you.

  • Thanks for joining us today. If you like this video, please let us know below, so we know

  • so we know to continue to make videos like this.

  • And if you have any questions about phone interviewing or your job search in general,

  • comment below and we'll make sure to get back to you.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel by clicking that little button right threre

  • and you'll get a new job search video every week. If you're ready to get your job search started,

  • click the button down there and you'll start getting daily job alerts full off opportunities in your area.

  • Bye!

Job interview tips series


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電話面接のコツ(後編)。電話面接のコツ (Job interview tips (Part 2): Phone interviews tips)

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    謝定諺 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日