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  • - Hello, lovely people.

  • Today we are going to be looking at

  • the pros and cons of power chairs.

  • (record scratches) Okay, hi, actually hi.

  • So I have some exciting news

  • and I thought it was so exciting

  • I should probably just insert it

  • into the start of the video because (gasps),

  • so last Friday I made a video

  • that was all about the pros and cons of mobility scooters,

  • the vlog where I tried one out.

  • And I was going to do the exact same thing for this video,

  • and I will in a minute,

  • that is actually still the video you're watching,

  • but I just wanted to let you know

  • that there is a kind of exciting development

  • and that I should probably tell you first.

  • So whilst researching for this video,

  • I came across a suggestion that one of you guys had left me

  • and I think I've actually found my perfect thing.

  • Maybe, does perfection exist?

  • It may possibly do so.

  • So I'm very excited and I'm very nervous

  • and I don't know, I feel a bit weird about it,

  • but the thing is, right?

  • I hit 600,000 subscribers

  • (crowd cheers) and that's a big deal.

  • That means that I should be allowed to treat myself, right?

  • And I have all you guys

  • from the lovely Kellgren-Fozard Club

  • who've been really supporting me.

  • And therefore, I think I'm actually gonna do it,

  • I'm actually gonna take the plunge.

  • I'm gonna treat myself, actually gonna buy it,

  • not at all scared.

  • Okay, okay, yeah, it's done.

  • That was a lot of money

  • and I am both terrified and excited.

  • Quite terrified, I hope I made the right choice.

  • I don't wanna cloud the opinions

  • that you might form in this video

  • by telling you which one I have gone for

  • and which one I have chosen

  • because, obviously, we're all different people

  • and we all have different needs and requirements

  • and likes and dislikes,

  • but I'm gonna tell you a bit more at the end of this video.

  • But now, the video as it was meant to be.

  • Much like my previous video

  • in the powered mobility aids series,

  • and if you haven't seen them all

  • I suggest you check out the link

  • in the description and in the card above,

  • I hired a power chair,

  • tried to use it in my daily life,

  • and actually ended up hiring a second one

  • because I got really, really freaked out

  • about how medical the chair looked

  • and really didn't want to use it

  • because medical trauma is a thing.

  • As if disabled people wanted to look good

  • in their daily lives

  • rather than everything being beige and disgusting,

  • because apparently you lose your taste

  • with your ability to walk distances.

  • It is sad but predictable that when it comes to looks,

  • there isn't a lot on the wheelchair market

  • for the discerning fashionista.

  • I mean, this chair looked like

  • it's straight from a hospital ward

  • and I don't need that reminder in my life.

  • This chair's going to tip you out

  • the second it sees a pavement.

  • Even looking at it makes me feel unsafe.

  • And for some reason,

  • the back wheels on this way really freak me out

  • 'cause apparently my brain has decided

  • that this looks like a beetle going backwards

  • and that's terrifying.

  • To be clear, I have no issues with forward facing beetles.

  • My main sadness is that everything seems

  • to come in black and gray

  • with the occasional zany color thrown in there.

  • Okay, my main sadness, she says,

  • that is ridiculous, I'm not that vapid,

  • but I do want to feel confident in my power chair

  • and, for me, that does have an element

  • of looking fancy in it.

  • And I really like looking fancy.

  • It's taken me months to do this video series with help,

  • so if you're alone in this journey,

  • you're fighting against obstacles,

  • then I am sending you a lot of love.

  • Remember, also, that a number of companies

  • will let you rent a chair to try

  • and then offer a reduction in price

  • for any chair you subsequently buy,

  • which is what I thought I'd do with this first chair

  • but, wow, bad choices!

  • (upbeat music)

  • Yeah, don't look my happiest in that chair, right?

  • Mm.

  • For me, the portability of any chair was very important

  • and I wanted to be able to fold it up

  • and for it to go in the car

  • and I thought that's what it was going to be

  • but sadly, it was the only one available that folded

  • and was not astronomically expensive to rent.

  • And did they charge me

  • 250 pounds for the week (register chiming)

  • and then 65 pounds (register chiming)

  • to deliver it

  • and then 65 pounds (register chiming)

  • to pick it up again

  • and did I then hate the chair so much

  • that I only went out in it twice?

  • I mean, yes, I say twice

  • but there's only video of one trip out

  • and my memory loss means there may be another

  • that I don't remember

  • so I'm choosing to believe that's the case.

  • Otherwise I spent 380 pounds (register chiming)

  • on a 40-minute trip to the park.

  • My insides hurt.

  • (sighs) I originally rented to chair

  • for Summer in the City, the YouTube convention,

  • and I wanted something I could zip around in

  • because the convention center is huge

  • but also then easily stand up from

  • and I also wanted to look good because,

  • why do I need to justify wanting to look good?

  • Calm down, Jessica.

  • So I rented another chair for the same week

  • without being able to get a refund on the first chair

  • and I died inside,

  • but I did look good.

  • (upbeat music)

  • So going 'round in the power chair yesterday,

  • it was really great.

  • I could get it under tables,

  • it's really nifty, it turns on itself.

  • I even managed to get around some really narrow ramps,

  • which was foolish as well

  • because I don't know how on earth

  • you'd turn on that in a mobility scooter.

  • You'd get stuck halfway down.

  • But the power chair did really well.

  • The only issue is it's set too low.

  • I'm quite a tall person apparently, who knew?

  • How are there grown men supposed to ride on this thing?

  • It's so low down,

  • which meant that all of the pressure was on my hips.

  • So my hips were just killing me all night long.

  • Though, today I'm gonna try and ride in it

  • whenever I am crossing a large distance

  • but then get out and walk around as much as possible

  • when I'm actually in places.

  • Like, we're gonna go to the lounges,

  • Instagram Lounge,

  • and I'm gonna make sure I take lots of photos.

  • (upbeat music)

  • We're apparently going to a panel, the LGBTQ+ Panel,

  • which I just managed to wrangle my way onto, ha ha!

  • I was not gonna be on it and then it was like,

  • Rose and Rosie have dropped out and now it's just men.

  • So, we're about some disabled lesbian representation, woo!

  • I think it's really interesting that you said that

  • because I think the opposite.

  • - Don't disagree with me, Jessica.

  • (audience laughs) Don't make an idiot of me.

  • - One of the things that I absolutely love about YouTube

  • is that it gives us the diversity of representation

  • that regular, traditional media is not giving us.

  • I think no matter what tiny box you fall in,

  • you are going to find at least 10 other people on YouTube

  • who are exactly the same

  • and I think that's really wonderful.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Hello, it is day three of Summer in the City

  • and I've kind of got my voice back,

  • unlike yesterday when it was just completely gone.

  • (Jessica sighs)

  • - Hello.

  • - How am I doing?

  • - You're okay. (Jessica chuckles)

  • I think I just left a bit of my mascara on you, sorry.

  • - Oh. (both laugh)

  • Hopefully it won't be too bad.

  • Off for another day of adventure.

  • For me, my channel is very much about,

  • it's not about our relationship,

  • that's not the main focus.

  • So my wife likes to say that she is a special guest star.

  • We obviously had to have talks about,

  • you know, what do you share and what do you not share?

  • The thing is, because I talk a lot

  • about disabilities and chronic illness

  • and I've lived that through my life,

  • I have a very different idea of what a boundary is.

  • So I don't have any expectation of privacy ever,

  • because when you have a chronic illness

  • and someone often has to help you get into the bath,

  • occasionally someone you've never met before

  • because your care agency sent someone really new

  • and you're like, oh, great,

  • first introduction, take my clothes off,

  • (audience laughs)

  • you have a very different idea of privacy.

  • And so she had to educate me in what privacy is

  • and what not to share with the world.

  • So, the second chair had its own issues,

  • namely that it was ridiculously heavy and slow,

  • at a bad angle for my hips,

  • and incredibly difficult to take apart.

  • I actually tried to film us taking it apart

  • but the chair made Claudia so angry

  • I thought she was gonna throw the camera

  • so I just very quietly put it away.

  • And look, just because I had that experience

  • with those two chairs,

  • I am not tarring power chairs with the same brush.

  • And please, if you decide that either of those chairs

  • are the chair for you,

  • don't assume that I'm thinking badly of your choice,

  • it's just that they're not the thing for me.

  • Or the chairs that I even had at the start of this video,

  • which, it's a whole thing, yeah.

  • But really the message that I hope you will take

  • from my mobility aid video

  • is that even if it's not the thing for me,

  • it may be for you.

  • So, calm down, wow.

  • Moving on to what I've gathered

  • about the pros and cons of power chairs.

  • As a few of you noted last week,

  • this pros and cons list is very much

  • what I have been able to gather

  • from my experiences and research

  • and it doesn't necessarily apply to all power chairs

  • and it would look very different,

  • is a list were I needing to use

  • a power chair all of the time.

  • We all have different needs, though,

  • so just think through your own list

  • and then apply that to your search.

  • Pros and cons.

  • Pros: compact, allowed on public transport,

  • intuitive joystick,

  • some can be both used indoors and outdoors,

  • it's faster than a manual wheelchair,

  • it's available in a variety of sizes,

  • narrower than a mobility scooter.

  • Cons: expensive!

  • Like, really, really expensive, yeah.

  • Slower than the mobility scooters,

  • requires disassembling if it doesn't fold,

  • if it's not foldable, you'll likely need a lift on your car,

  • if it is foldable, it's probably quite heavy,

  • nowhere to put your handbag.

  • Again, though, these are just thoughts for you

  • and you may have your own completely different list.

  • Let me know.

  • So I guess I kind of, in some ways,

  • feel a bit defeated maybe

  • and that's difficult.

  • Hey, you guys have left me

  • some really good suggestions, thank you,

  • on both comments on YouTube videos and on my Instagram

  • and I'm very grateful for those

  • and I'm gonna research, yes,

  • and find my thing, hopefully.

  • (record scratches) Okay, hi again.

  • So I'm just scrapping the outro that was gonna go here

  • and instead, I'm gonna tell you

  • all about the power chair that I just bought,

  • which one I bought, and also why,

  • because my needs and wants for mobility aids

  • fall kind of into two camps.

  • I want something that I'm able

  • to independently leave the house in,

  • go to the corner shops,

  • go to the park with the dogs,

  • that it should be able to handle hills and bumpy pathways,

  • and I also want something small

  • that I can easily get onto a bus,

  • remember, last week?

  • Yeah, a bus.

  • And that I can get on the train,

  • that I can go through a London Tube station in,

  • maybe even something that I can use inside my house

  • should it be one of those months

  • where walking just isn't happening.

  • So far, from what I've found,

  • and I've put a lot of hours into researching this,

  • that doesn't exist as one thing yet.

  • And so the compromise that I've settled on,

  • inspired by a wonderful commenter who suggested it

  • and thank you so much for this,

  • is the PW-999UL,

  • which is, what a name,

  • good job, guys, you named it well,

  • from Wheelchair88.

  • And it's not the snappiest of names

  • but it looks like a very snappy little chair.

  • So from what I've gathered through the website

  • and from reading copious reviews,

  • this chair genuinely is able

  • to handle very different surfaces.

  • It can be folded in, apparently, one second,

  • I mean, I'm assuming that's once you know

  • how to do it properly.

  • It's super light but it still goes over bumps

  • up to five centimeters, which includes curbs,

  • and the brakes can even hold the chair on a slope,

  • which is really great because I know some don't

  • and some people fall over backwards.

  • It's also possible to turn it into a manual chair

  • when it runs out of batteries.

  • Yeah, remember that from last episode too?

  • It's kind of a fear of mine now, running out of battery.

  • So you may be looking at the picture

  • that I've inserted of this chair

  • and saying, but Jessica, it's still black and gray.

  • To which I say, I have learnt to adjust my expectations.

  • And, also, motorbike workshops are actually willing

  • to respray a power chair, who knew?

  • So I guess the power chair version of "Pimp My Car"

  • will be coming in the new year.

  • So according to the website,

  • my new chair should be arriving

  • maybe at the end of November or the start of December

  • so my final video in the mobility chair series

  • will be out soon-ish.

  • I don't know, once it's here,

  • and we can try it out together for the first time.

  • It's very exciting.

  • (sighs) I shall see you in my next video (lip smacking).

  • (upbeat jazz music)

- Hello, lovely people.


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A2 初級

パワーチェアに初挑戦!// モビリティエイド3 (Trying a power chair for the first time! // Mobility Aids 3)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日