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what's up everybody! welcome back to my channel.. hi okay listen!!
who's going a little crazy because we've been inside for weeks?? so literally you
guys!! Ohhhhh already Tik toKing!!! Let me do my intro bitch!!
okay everybody hello and welcome okay so today well the title gives it away this
may sound like I'm full of shit but I have actually never been on tick tock I
know it's crazy there's a lot of big account there's so many videos about me..
of weird crazy clips and I guess there's even videos of people outside of
my home!? I'm like do I gotta look over my sholder? am I gonna die like they
gotta have to arm security we shoot to kill
okay but literally let's really it let's really let's do it in today we're going
on tick tock okay so I'm a little nervous
mmm grow why am I always eating McDonald's when I film so hungry hmm I
haven't had it since the last video but okay let's talk I know it may sound
shocking I have never been on tick-tock yes I have guests featured on a few of
my friends pages y'all know wait did the video was a ninja and I also did the
tech talk with Cole and we had a lot of fun and I really didn't even grasp what
took talk was I have not signed up I know that there's a lot of things
Geoffrey accounts if you're running them bid you about to be deleted so I've
reached out to tik-tok and hopefully I will have a verified page soon but for
the in term we're gonna hop on here and I I started a page just so I can see us
right now I have 0 followers and not my real name so so there when I went on
here I just clicked discover ok and on the discover tag under my name under the
hashtags there are over 550 million tags like that's crazy to me so if you click
my name there's a whole bunch of ones that are like at the top and even though
one I did with Ninja is right there so we're gonna click through these for the
first time we're gonna see what the hell it's about okay now all of my friends
have been begging me to log in sign up and get a Tech Talk and I've been very
distant you guys I have a lot on my plate but with the coronavirus really
wrapping up in America since now we're the worst country that has it
hi government how are ya I'm like okay I really want to raise a new puppy and I'm
like I'm obviously filming content I'm working on future things but it's time
to just sit down and dive in the tik-tok and spiral okay so I have all the top
ones pulled like pulled up and we're just gonna click them and let's see what
the hell we're gonna dive into jeffree star check hi girl like as a tag Jeffrey
star Oh Jeffrey star jeffree star Jeffrey start
Jeffrey Oh Jeffrey star iconic John oh my god
Jeffrey star I want to join every star jeffree star jeffree star jeffree star
jeffree star jeffree star bed every star every star oh my god my tailor Jeffrey
star oh my god yeah she literally has maybe more palettes than I do
that was actually iconic they gave me they're like I'm like winded right now
oh my god okay thank you for supporting me I'm gonna reach out to you girl and
send you the next palette that's coming out okay next one what is this these are
the duck wasn't me ducks in my pool
I feel like a green-screen of her laughs because a real person or no she can't
get over the dots girl by hating I've been quarantined I'm bored and yes I do
have friends and family but those are also my new friends and family don't
okay we used to live in Jeffrey's check
okay I think they used to live here or they new friends and family that used to
live here that is crazy it's weird to see someone in your house before you
there oh my god there's some creepy ones about my home should we dive in deeper
now people have reached out to my assistant to my friends and about this
video that's a little sketch let's click it house during point
okay so there a cow has a literally only that video now listen that is my home
but there's no rose garden anymore and all the patio furniture is gone
so that's very convincing also a little sketchy and a little scary because
you're kind of perpetuating that you broke into my house while I was in here
which is not possible and I'm like but so if you don't really know that the
Rose Garden is gone right you'll you'll believe the video you'll believe the
video so no no one broke into my home everyone's sending it to me thank you I
really appreciate it we have everything under control
Colin and Roman are not playing games they're gonna bow and arrow someone's
ass if they even come near theirs or but whoever you are cute here is another one
proof that Jeffrey star is my neighbor for those of you who don't believe me
with the saag choice I'm literally quitting I'm getting up and quit I'm
thank you
oh my god I've been sent that video thousands of times yes that is my
neighbor um has dad actually yelled him for doing that and I thought it was
deleted until right now he apologized but it's still up so that
apologies invalid sweetie but I don't care but thank God I live in a gated
community because yeah you feel me okay let's keep it going I went through
a window are you smoking girl I guess somebody on me that got it next
oh my god okay that is cool Kerrigan he's an amazing makeup artist I actually
had never seen that tik-tok hi I'm not been on Eric Mitch I was sickening okay
give me the Jeffries moving and taking his clothes
oh by the way that song is so iconic Britney we miss you free Britney telling
us how easy it is to change
yeah they are very shady a tick-tock girl I know my house is big but you can
even get bored here yes miss quarantine oh my god boom there is so many on here
I'm just gonna keep clicking them this visit these are like all at the top
still okay ready here we go what is this ladies and gentlemen we got them
didn't get it can't relate oh my god period alright that was like Connick
okay recreating Jeffery stars outfit you cannot buy a fake virgin you better work
mister Bava I want to see you in the outfit girl
okay oh my god now the judges started single and I got bill shit I'm quitting
that picture be phurba high school you need to reel it in sweet pea
all right only jeffree star stands no what
yes by the way hi I can't wait to get copyright strikes about my own music by
the way thank you and let's dive into hashtag jeffree star cosmetics there is
a lot here ok what is this Jeffrey stars snapchat good morning everyone how are
we doing today just woke up I have the dogs got a Red Bull
oh god on Twitter I the internet that is so accurate it's scary
hey yo eyeshadow palette J Oh show your least expensive palette okay
your anaesthetic palette don't bring her in here all of this palette your most
used blood sugar your least use power bitch your most colorful palette with
your favorite pair yellow customary use every day a palette that you have not
touched yes is a long-lasting your favorite palette oh my god yeah who look
like being the last one that was really cute you're you're sweet okay what is
this oh my god engine every single mirror
hey damn I was ready to a hair web okay exercise later all right what is this a
popsicle stick at my mirror okay just customizing a mirror like she's going in
oh my god that was really cute girl do me one oh my god thumbnail now Jeff
it's our cosmetics obsession yes oh my god yes bye no bullshit collection oh my
god it keeps going home that flatly is kind of iconic slave
Wow okay here we go I love that message oh my god oh my god good tasty Picasso
baby yes that was so sweet and I love that message yeah that was a big news
story if you don't know I'm talking about good boy okay so here is Cash's
Tech Talk page I was in a music video of her a long time ago and she put a few
clips of it on it let's watch
that was so fun that was years ago for her song take it off the friends version
the full thing is on YouTube if you guys wanna check it out yes okay let's keep
scrolling okay that was kind of iconic that was cute who is this one oh my god
speaking of I miss going outside and like doing events and traveling oh my
god hi whenever the world is done having a moment let's keep going let's do a few
more you can't stop happy dreams about Dillon Kansas Jeffrey
yes oh my god that was one of the most funniest videos I've ever filmed being
Jeff Dolan by the way was iconic that character may need to come back
wow that was sickening girl hi artistry okay what is this would you throw away
your Shane merch for a thousand bitch absolutely not I was almost sure I was
like excuse me oh love that okay bitch I'm still waiting right now
alright and let's click a few more and then it's time to get really baked and
see what happens alright saw Jeffrey and Roadeo but he was in a mood
what clicking now hey yo meeting famous people check
girl you should have showered at me or instead of hello
but booties looking real cute all right look oh my god okay last one let's do
this again oh my god I remember she told me that she snuck in
I remember this person yes she did where where the last thing say again she told
me she snuck in yeah I was shocked I was like girl you better Pub at the row um
iconic it was good to meet you and II guess she was determined
okay I'm shocked friend that by me that was that was a lot I'm done with ticked
off for the day I'm fully shook as someone that has never been on there I
fully get it am I gonna dive in I have no idea I have
a lot on my plate listed I got a lot of my plate hey buddy I'm gonna I'm
listening I'm a new mother soon and a we will see what we're gonna do we're gonna
film a lot of content with the dogs I will be back with some makeup reviews
there hasn't been a lot of launches or really anything exciting so the beauty
industry I know we're at a weird limbo right now cuz retail is closed and
everyone is an uproar but baby we need some exciting launches a lot of you been
asking Jeffrey what is next for you jeffree star cosmetics had a very big
launch planned in April towards the end of April and I'm not sure what we're
gonna do yet we may still do it we may not we may just pause everything I'm not
sure I think we're just gonna take everything day by day and see what
happens but um that was a lot thank you guys for watching this video I will have
an official check talks to may be by the time this is up if not I will put it in
the link in the bio later but I love you guys thank you so much sound off below
what was your favorite video please I need to know all right I love you guys I
will see you on the next one mwah okay