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Did you just get scared? Don't worry, this is just a toy gun. But why do I have it in
my hand? Because in this lesson we are learning vocabulary related to warand weapons. So
stay with me my name is Michelle and we are going to start the lesson now.
So guys the first word that we have with us is 'Arsenal'. Have you heard this word
before? So Arsenal is a collection of weapons where you have a lot of weapons you've got
bombs and guns etc. etc. So a collection of weapons is called an Arsenal and you use it
while someone is fighting a war when a country is fighting a war. So a collection of weapons
and if you want to use it in a sentence, you could say that the country's arsenal depleted
due to the economic crisis which means that the country's collection of weapons has depleted
and maybe they do not have the most recent and updated versions of the weapons.
Okay now we look at the next word that we have with us and this is a 'surgical strike'.
So now we have looked at what is a collection of weapons called. Now we are going to look
at strike what are the different kind of strikes which means what are the different ways of
attacking another country. So strike means to attack right. So a surgical strike is okay
now let's think about it in a medical term whenever there's a surgery the doctor has
to be very careful and very precise he has to use every, every instrument in his hand,
every equipment in his hand very carefully he cannot put a mark or a cut anywhere else
except where it's required the same way in a surgical strike the bombing and the attack
has to be very specific in the targeted area otherwise the people the regular public and
not the fighters will be harmed, right? So if we do not want to harm the regular public
or the civilians then we need to have a surgical strike which means, which is very precise
or a targeted strike or a targeted attack where the general public is not hurt. But
how do we do a surgical strike? So a surgical strike is usually done through precision bombing,
right? So precision means very careful, very specific and perfect, all right? So if this
is the area that's targeted the bombing will only happen here and the rest of the area
will not be attacked where people are living so this is possibly the fighting area where
the bombing will happen. So precision bombing is done through aircrafts and it's an example
of a surgical strike so bombing that is done through the aircraft which is very, very specific.
So specific bombing and bombing means to throw bombs all right and it's in an area. So specific
bombing right and if you want to use it in a sentence
you could say that the Prime Minister declared precision bombing against the warring country.
Okay now we look at the next one that we have and this is an 'invasion'. So we use 'an'
with it the article because it starts with a vowel, all right? So an invasion is an attack
okay an attack on another country on the enemy country in their territory. So let's say that
a particular country wants to attack another country so they are invading that country.
It's better to say invading rather than saying attacking. All right so invasion means to
attack the enemy country or the enemy territory which means region. An invasion is a noun
but when we say that so and so country attacked another country or so and so country invaded
another country then invaded is the verb but invasion is the noun. Do you ever feel that
someone has invaded your private life? If someone over hears your conversation, do you
feel invaded? We can also use it in English when you feel that someone is indulging in
your private life with you a bit too much that's when you can say I felt invaded by
his comment which means that they made a very private comment or personal comment to you
which you did not like.
All right so now we look at the next one which is a 'preemptive strike'. So like I told
you earlier strike means attack so like surgical strike preemptive strike is also a way of
attacking. Now preemptive strike is done to prevent another country or another group of
fighters to attack us, okay? So if you do not want a group of fighters or a group of
Army you don't know what an army not a group of Army and army to attack you then you will
have a preemptive strike which means that you will prevent them from attacking you.
So even before they could attack you you'll have a preemptive strike on them. So to prevent
them prevent is very similar to this word preemptive. So to prevent an attack
and to use it in a sentence you could say that the government declared a preemptive
strike against the rebels. So even before the rebels could attack the government declared
a preemptive strike which means they prevented them from attacking.
Now with this we come to the next one which is an 'ambush'. So ambush is a surprise
attack it's not pronounced ambush, its ambush so an ambush is a surprise attack. So a surprise
attack is when you know, you do not know that a group of fighters or rebels are going to
attack you, but they attack you so that's what we call ambush and in a sentence you
could say that the five soldiers were killed when their bus was ambushed. Which means that
when their bus was surprisely attacked. So you can use it as a noun and as well as a
verb okay.
So like we have ambush which is a surprise attack there's a technique to ambush and that
is a 'guerrilla attack' so do you know who guerrillas are of course we know we find
them in jungles and how do they attack you won't even know when a guerrilla come and
jump on you and grab you from the back and probably squeeze you. That's how they attack
so like ambush is a surprise attack guerrilla attack is a technique to ambush which means
that this is how you attack. So people who ambush the attack like a guerrilla which means
they attack in a hidden manner in a way that you won't even know. Sudden attack. So this
is what a guerrilla attack is and usually these are forces that are not official forces
in a country so in a country there are certain group of people that are fighting against
the government and they're not official army they are you know self-organized forces and
they attack the government because they want to remove the government. So if they want
to remove the government they will attack the army forces or the official forces suddenly
right? So that's where you can use guerrilla attack and if you want to use it in a sentence
you could say that the soldiers were killed by a guerrilla attack or there was a guerrilla
attack in the mountains. Okay now there's also another term that comes from this war
term and this is actually a marketing term which is guerrilla marketing. Now this is
a special kind of marketing when a set of people have been given a small budget and
they have to market their products using that small budget. So what they do is they go to
spots like malls, parks and other open places like streets and they suddenly market their
products so that they can have access to a larger public and they know they do not have
to spend too much money. So that's guerilla marketing when they market suddenly as a surprise
and they can also have access to a huge audience. So you can use it either in business or war
your ad benefit for sure.
Okay now we look at the next one now this is 'retrograde option operation' which
means retro means to go backwards like you heard retro music which means older music,
okay? So retro means backwards and retrograde means to move a step backwards. So whenever
an army decides not to fight the war it retrogrades which means that it moves back. It's also
called as retreating. So you could use it in a sentence by saying that the army decided
to retrograde in order to stop the combat. Which means in order to stop the fight. So
combat means a fight or a war okay so that's how you can use retrograde which means to
step back in order to stop a war.
Now with this we come to the next word that we have and that is a 'friendly fire'
which I was doing in the beginning of the lesson. So friendly fire is not so friendly
also obviously there are soldiers that are hurt at the end of fire. Fire means attacking
someone using guns, okay? Now friendly fire is when a particular army okay certain members
or certain soldiers of an army attack the soldiers of their own army that's what a friendly
fire is. So attacking the soldiers of your own army. And if you want to use it in a sentence
you could say that the rates of friendly fire have been increasing over this campaign. Or
the rates of friendly fire have been increasing in this campaign which means that more and
more people are dying on the own side of their army due to mutual conflict, okay?
Now here we have the next one 'blue on blue' okay this is an adjective which is used to
describe friendly fire so blue on blue is a result of friendly fire when people attack
the soldiers of their own army this causes blue on blue deaths which means that the deaths
that are caused by the soldiers from their own army. So blue on blue deaths. So you could
again say that the, the rates or the number of blue on blue deaths have increased in the
present campaign and this is a result of friendly fire.
Okay now we look at the next word which is 'skirmish'. So skirmish means a small
unplanned fight between two opposing armies, alright? So a small unplanned fight
and a skirmish is usually between two smaller group of soldiers it's not between the whole
Army's alright it just happens between two smaller groups of soldiers and it's usually
not in a fighting area it happens off the fighting area so maybe they face each other
and counter each other away from the territory but they still have a small fight that's what
you call a skirmish. We can also have a skirmish with our friends, don't you? I often have
a skirmish with my friend and the restaurant where who's paying the bill so that's the
skirmish which is a small argument between you and your friend and you can use it in
English as well. A small argument. You can use it to talk about your daily conversations
or in your daily conversations.
Okay, so with this we come to the last and the best word of the lesson 'truce'. Truce
means to stop war it is an agreement for peace, okay? An agreement for peace. So truce is
a period of time when two opposing forces decide to stop fighting in order to find peace
or in order to discuss peace, all right? And to use it in a sentence you could say that
after the last week's riots the two forces have declared truce in order to discuss peace.
So truce is also always declared like a surgical strike or a preemptive strike is declared
and you'll quite often find this word in the newspaper. And I think it's time you also
call a truce with your friend, with whom you've been fighting for past some time. So calling
a truce means to you know end the argument with someone you know. To end a skirmish you
need to call a truce. Call a truce which means to end an argument or to end a skirmish with
somebody you know. So you could say that hey buddy we need to spend the weekend together
we might as well call it a truce which means that we might as well and our argument and
be friends again.
Okay so on this awesome note we complete today's lesson where we have learned vocabulary related
to wars and weapons so go and talk about it and call it a truce with all your friends.
Thank you so much for having me with you bye-bye