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  • you have said you've settled.

  • You're not a great one for the research.

  • Understatement I know you must have done.

  • You must have done some for this.

  • You must have done something.

  • All right?

  • Yep.

  • Way given.

  • Lovely Polly.

  • Who's a movement coach on Dhe.

  • I just turns out I can't change what my body does.

  • So I still walk like me, which is I've been told quite a scene in it.

  • And it's you and Prince Philip walking up the guard is it Comes on the back of my head.

  • No, it's the two of you walking up towards you out.

  • Okay, you see?

  • Oh, okay.

  • Queen do arms.

  • Yeah, We're not really concentrating a little bit, right?

  • I was doing that.

  • Okay?

  • You go to extraordinary lengths to retry going to ridiculous things.

  • I don't think it necessarily is necessary, but I enjoy it.

  • I do.

  • You love it.

  • I love it was like there I do.

  • Will you bring to school that research projects?

  • Yeah, I was a foot on.

  • Then you've got a friend is a friend of yours.

  • Uses psychic.

  • Oh, Killed?

  • Yeah.

  • You have one story comes out, obliterates its fine.

  • You think inside every other actors going OK here.

  • War I wanted, you know.

  • Yeah, I did.

  • Um, meet a psychic who is a friend of mine, and I was seeing her.

  • She's got lots and lots of different, um, strings her bone.

  • She does healing, and she does, um, other things on.

  • But she also has a, um, talent for mediumship.

  • And as I was seeing her for something else, she said, Oh, Margaret is here.

  • Does that mean anything that I said?

  • Yes, it does.

  • And I suddenly thought what I've got if I say for you guys, I have been asked a player I hadn't actually said yes.

  • At that point on.

  • Duh.

  • I said, Well, yeah.

  • No, actually, if you've got the horse, you know the horse's mouth, it's in the room.

  • You're not gonna say no.

  • Actually, you know, so on.

  • So I said, Yeah.

  • And I also I said, Would you mind if I played you on dhe?

  • You know, she said, Well, no.

  • She did say, I think you're a better idea than the other actor.

  • Who?

  • The other idea, The other You know, the other Who was the They never told me about the other possibility that there was no one got a shot right now, Theo.

  • But the It was a very typically a typical Margaret thing and that you had measure.

  • I have met her.

  • She has a way.

  • Yeah, this Yeah, she had that were sometimes complimenting and putting you down at the same time.

  • She was on the fact that she said, Yeah, I think you're better than that.

  • It was just like you never knew where you were with her.

  • Then she came through with another note, which was useful.

  • Whether it Kate, whether it was true, because the psychic was fantastically intuitive, all there really was the ghosts of Margaret.

  • Tell me.

  • I don't I don't know, But the note was good enough to get the smoking right.

  • Okay.

  • Ah, Nde I smoked in a particular way and always remember that the cigarette holder is as much a weapon for expression as anything else on.

  • That was a good note.

  • And she was somebody who was innate Lee Dramatic.

  • If your royal you can't necessarily talk much, you're a walking icon.

  • They were walking, so she was very She was very, I think conscious about the silhouette and whatever she did with the body in particular, their hands on.

  • So, you know, anyway.

  • And my waxing No, I love you.

  • I just I just You don't believe in the world people, thieves, lithe things I don't know.

  • Other people do believe and miss an all new episode of the Graham North and show Fridays at 11.

  • On catch up now.

you have said you've settled.


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A2 初級

オリビア・コルマン、自分の体が何をするか変えられない|グラハム・ノートン・ショー|金曜@夜11時|BBCアメリカ (Olivia Colman Can't Change What Her Body Does | The Graham Norton Show | Friday @ 11pm | BBC America)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日