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  • Scientists are always keeping an eye out for extraterrestrial life, and finding friendly,

  • intelligent life on another world?

  • Kind of a dream.

  • But if we ever want a long-distance relationship with aliens, finding them is only half the battle.

  • They also have to find us.

  • And according to a paper published online last month in the Monthly Notices of the Royal

  • Astronomical Society, that might not be so easy.

  • The researchers based their calculations on what someone on another planet would see if

  • they tried to detect planets in our solar system using the main technique we use to

  • detect planets in other star systems.

  • We've found more than three and a half thousand exoplanets since the first discoveries back

  • in the late 80s and early 90s.

  • Scientists have a few different ways of detecting them, but by far the most successful is the transit method:

  • They watch to see if a star seems to get dimmer periodically, which can mean there's something

  • regularly passing in front of it. Like a planet.

  • It's such a simple technique that we've used transits to find three-quarters of the

  • exoplanets we've discovered so far, but it has its limitsmainly, we can only

  • use transits to find planets that pass between us and their stars.

  • There are lots of exoplanets out there that we just can't detect using this method,

  • because their orbits don't line up right.

  • That limitation would also apply for any aliens using the transit method to look for planets

  • outside of their star systems.

  • They'd only be able to see us if they were in just the right place to spot Earth passing

  • in front of the Sun as we orbit.

  • So, the paper's authors used the size and locations of our Solar System's planets

  • to calculate where you'd be able to see them transit the Sun, and what they found

  • wasn't too encouraging:

  • From any random point in space, intelligent life would only have about a 2.5% chance of

  • being able to see any of the planets in our solar system transit the Sun.

  • And there's only about a 0.5% chance they'd be able to see Earth, specifically.

  • They'd have around a 0.2% chance of being able to see two planets, and a 0.02% of seeing three.

  • Which aren't great odds.

  • But the authors didn't just do their calculations and end their paper with a “Forever Alonememe.

  • They went through all the known exoplanets and found about 65 in the right place to see

  • one of the planets in our solar system, including 9 that could see Earth.

  • And based on what we know about how often different kinds of exoplanets form, they calculated

  • that there might be around ten nearby, Earth-like planets that we can't see because they're

  • at the wrong angle, but where you could see Earth transit the Sun just fine.

  • Of course, we don't actually know if there's extraterrestrial life out there, let alone

  • intelligent life that knows how to use the transit method to detect planets around other stars.

  • But if there is another civilization out there wondering if it's alone in the universe,

  • at least now we know a little more about whether they'd be able to see us.

  • Meanwhile, we're also learning more about how galaxies work.

  • There's still a lot that astronomers don't quite understand about how galaxies form,

  • and one mystery is how they get their magnetic fields.

  • But in a paper published this week in Nature Astronomy, researchers reported the best-ever

  • measurements of a distant galaxy's magnetic field, which are helping chip away at some

  • of those unanswered questions.

  • Magnetic fields are really important for helping galaxies keep in order: they help gravity

  • maintain the galaxy's overall structure, and they help gas clouds collapse to form stars.

  • It's pretty hard to study magnetic fields from a distance, though, because they tend

  • to be pretty weak, and we can't see them directly like we can see light.

  • The problem is, distant galaxies are exactly the ones we need to study to figure out how

  • today's magnetic fields came to be.

  • They're so far away that their light has taken billions of years to get to Earth, so

  • they're like a window to the early universe.

  • Astronomers usually measure a galaxy's magnetic field by studying how it affects the light

  • passing through it.

  • The technique works great for mapping nearby galaxies, and even some distant galaxies with

  • super-strong magnetic fields.

  • But it doesn't work as well for distant galaxies with plain-old average magnetic fields,

  • and without knowing more about average galaxies, we can't really understand how most galaxies evolved.

  • So the authors of this new study decided to see how light from a really bright, distant

  • galaxyabout 7.9 billion light-years awaywas affected by the magnetic field in

  • a slightly closer, more average galaxy, about 4.6 billion light-years away.

  • All that bright light made smaller effects from the closer galaxy's magnetic field

  • a lot easier to see, and because of the way these two galaxies were lined up with Earth,

  • the team was able to measure the magnetic field in the closer galaxy really precisely.

  • That gave them our best picture yet of what galaxies' magnetic fields looked like in

  • the early universe.

  • For one thing, this galaxy's magnetic field was about as strong as the fields in today's

  • galaxies, which tells us that galactic magnetic fields probably haven't changed too much

  • over the last few billion years.

  • They also found the most distant evidence yet for one of our best explanations of why

  • galaxies have magnetic fields in the first place — a dynamo, swirling gas and intense

  • cosmic rays that sustain the galaxy's magnetic field by enhancing the smaller fields from

  • things like stars.

  • So, thanks to a couple of galaxies billions of light-years away, we now know a little

  • bit more about how the universe around us came to be.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News, and thank you especially to all

  • of our patrons on Patreon who help make this show possible.

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Scientists are always keeping an eye out for extraterrestrial life, and finding friendly,


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宇宙人は地球を見ることができるのか? (Would Aliens Be Able to See Earth?)

  • 6 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日