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so long.
Hello, fellow YouTube mates.
I'm back here in Paris like a mad rash that won't leave the skin alone.
They actually need to get a restraining order for me to keep trying.
But I find a way.
It's called the Eurostar on.
Currently we're heading to Mew Mew, which happens to be on the last day of Paris Fashion week.
One of my favorite shows Mu Mu, of course, named after Mrs Prada herself.
It was what Grandma used to call her when she was a little girl.
And arguably this has one of the best front rows in the town.
And so I'm gonna go and talk to all of the girls and boys on the front row and figure out the do's and don'ts of front row etiquette.
I don't know.
I'm just your fashion guide, Really.
I like to bring you into these situations so you can see what it's all about.
A pregame sandwich, because what's really important in fashion is to sustain your energy.
So I had a cheese and cucumber sandwich, which is about as English as it gets in Paris, So I'm well stocked on well fueled on, well, excited.
Let's go and see the magic.
This is agent suggestion.
He kind of looks like a very beautiful statue, but with a body attached creaks.
Is the half Luffy enough?
Thank you.
I've got sandwich in my teeth.
So sorry.
Wearing matching cola's way shoulder to shoulder.
And I love this bat.
I got the smaller you carry it.
You want to know what my secret is?
I don't have anything good to have it too.
Can I ask you to?
Um because we're actually here investigating front row etiquette, the do's and don'ts sitting in the front row.
Don't ask me.
I feel like I need to be a little more conscious, like I'm always like you take pictures or do you not take This is the question some people do.
I I'm of that generation where we want to obviously capture every, Um but I never know.
Well, I'll tell you, the problem with filming things is at the end.
When the collection comes out from finale, there's dead silence because no one's clapping is there holding the phone up.
It's the world we live in.
It's very difficult in this digital age where everyone is just holding their phone.
And I think designers, I feel a bit disquieted if they hear clapping because it means people.
Yes, yes.
Clap film clap.
It's an ideal scenario.
Okay, Perfect.
Well, first of all, it's a front row before hos or front row before bro's you can use.
So you'd rather ignore friends and talk to people.
That was just a joke.
All right.
God, I took it.
Do you have any dues or don'ts to share with us?
Uh, don't wear your hat.
Don't wear your hat.
You remember that time, tabby warhead Peace never won t ever was living.
So my biggest tip is, of course, to be nice, eh?
So when someone waves or asks how you are, you wave back and you say I'm great.
How are you?
See, you're not meant to tell the truth in that.
So if someone says how you and I would say no, that well, uh, I've got some difficulties today.
Tell me that really.
I've got, like, a funny you might throw a funny time out of demonic next week.
Yeah, I just think for a long time people associate ID being unkind or cold.
Be like fashionable tray.
And perhaps in the nineties it was cool to be unkind.
But nowadays I think, actually, we are very lucky to be here, especially in a season like this, which is so surreal.
I think if you act like dicks at fashion shows shouldn't be allowed in.
Do you have a sentence that you kind of trot out?
If you don't really like what you saw, it's a bit like going to see a play and you say all the lighting was fantastic.
I always applaud someone with the courage of their convictions.
Very good.
Wow, you have great personal style.
So I don't think I've ever seen you in an outfit that doesn't look like you possess it don't mean that you're able to wear clothes like they belong to you.
However, as I know, sometimes you have to wear things that a brand that you're going to the show off.
How do you carry it off convincingly.
I think most important is that you always have.
You have to love issues.
Oh, yeah, I think you can totally pull off something that you're not like.
I would normally not wear that kind of guy as long as your shoes.
You love your shoes When the issues are not something you would ever win, it's over.
It makes sense that's being grounded.
What do you do if you're encumbered with an outfit you don't typically like?
You know you have to wear it.
How do you pull it off?
It was kind of It's difficult, I think.
Take something off.
That's what conclusion I used says.
Yeah, take one thing off, so you'll feel a bit less done.
Yeah, and then hopefully you can make it a bit more your own.
Very good.
I don't know if people know, but the clothes that you wear to a fashion show they loaned to you then arrive Thio.
So, yeah, I have to give this back in here.
We all are condition.
I have to give this back to give this back to you like a fallacy.
That way I can get any foods that would stain it.
Well, you have special Melissa.
Lt's I care.
White wine milk.
Having my old milk earlier.
Lord of milkshakes.
Just even Yeah, honestly stand.
Have you ever met on a winter?
I've never met her.
I sat across from her at at a show for New York Fashion Week.
I'm attaching a wide straight on visual eye contact.
Or did you try and catch a ride?
I was trying to just, like, completely play it cool right here.
She doesn't like she doesn't want someone to mug her.
Yes, like a Okay, Yeah, But I've never met her.
If you do find them emotional than fashion show E T o.
She actually last year and they started blasting Princess Nokia's tomboy, which is a song literally about, like buzz cuts and indifferent.
And me and my friend who has just shaved her head.
Yeah, we were like sitting in the front row like crying about how related, and it's so crazy to be in another country to be at Fashion Week and then to be able to relate to yourself.
I never thought would happen when we think of it like theater.
Yeah, you know what it's like a play.
It really is where it can be if it's a boy so mad when people don't clap.
Oh wow, there's a really big hat coming, which is perfect for what you said, Veronica said.
Don't wear has been someone with a really big hat.
She's literally wearing a don't.
It's a big hat.
We've been told you're not allowed to do that.
But maybe you should take it off.
I think she looks fabulous.
I saw that hat in the shop when I thought about it, but I knew it was a dyke.
Oh, wow.
Wow, That's amazing.
All right.
This is the real bottleneck.
Oh, sorry.
Oh, God, I'm sorry.
All right.
He only knew about me.
This is it.
This is the amazing set.
Looks a bit Kubrick to me.
And there's theater seats like you're in a cinema.
Psychedelic carpeting.
These columns and anything.
They put the lights around the Collins of pre existing.
I feel like Norick, if you could, like, add some information.
Maybe you're gonna write it on the screen underneath me talking right now, because I don't know the facts, but it looks very beautiful.
And it looks yeah, cinematic filming.
It's great.
Waterson do's and don'ts sitting in the front row.
God do cross your legs, right.
I learned that the hard way.
Don't pick your nose.
No way.
Don't date the person sitting next to me.
00 yeah, There's one.
Don't spend your entire time looking at the shoes you always got was elegantly.
Anything that's perfect.
It must be bad film.
Do you have any do's and don'ts for sitting in the booth?
Missed the show.
I actually came in the metro.
So the do's is leave half a Now, er before you think you're supposed to be Oh, so you don't show in case there's a fire next to your hotel while she didn't see any of it?
No, no, no.
Next to my hotel, that's a real does.
That's a real don't reeled.
Okay, so do do leave with enough time.
Don't gun time beyond time.
Think about the fires.
Is this fake?
It is fake here.
You wanna touch your head shoulder?
They How did they get it in there?
You know, I could ride you off into the sunset.
Your pony?
Oh, you don't believe you have a beautiful you Look one.
Do you mind talking to me about?
Of course.
I was so nervous.
It's my first time walking in a show, ever.
And that board to be a Mew Mew show.
And then I got here this morning and they said, You're opening it, and I kind of freaked out inside.
But I think you have a walk.
Yes, of course.
I practice at my my house, in the bathroom, in hallways, but not on a major one.
How's it feel?
It was hot.
I was sweating.
Do you get to keep what you were wearing?
No, unfortunately not.
But I took pictures, so I have draws memories, Figure out.
Yeah, that's it from a from thank you for watching this is fixing girl.
If she walked in the show, actually going to be come back.
Oh, my God.
I was trying to be its Maybe, um, EPO.
Good day.
So how was that experience?
Bloody, so cool.
I think the show is the most beautiful thing ever.
So saying good comment.
Well, okay, in theory, you're not supposed to cross your legs.
That's actually a thing you're not supposed to because it gets in the way of the cameras.
Takes in the car.
No one listens.
That also I'd say Don't don't sit on someone's lap.
We used to be.
It was embarrassing.
It is embarrassing.
Nobody'd say Heckerling's fine, depending on.
Okay, Well, thanks for talking to me.
My head's stuck to my face.
It's no, don't Don't worry.
We'll come up with loads of Paris Rain willing I don't know.
It's just stuff You've got a bid Ness is what I look like now I'm so happy for you Do you have it?
That was the Mu Neu show.
Just tryingto get it together Keep on it You show me land Lots of do's and don'ts The main do seem to be Make sure you pay attention during the show Clap, clap at the end on Do be polite And the don'ts were Don't try and get in the shot One for me Something over the don's Oh, sorry.
Whatever the dinos there were many Don't everyone's very positive Subscribe Bring about Leave a comment Dumbo, Leave a common number shoulders that you like buy down below.
She means in my cannon His panties That's what a damn maid coming down below.