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  • Hi. Ronnie. Video. Conversation skills. How to avoid them? So maybe you don't want to

  • talk to someone. This lesson is called "Conversation Skills: How to avoid a conversation." "Avoid"

  • means you want to stop having or not have something.

  • So all of your life, probably, when you have been learning English, you've learned many

  • lessons about how to have a conversation, how to talk to strangers, how to talk to people

  • on the subway, how to talk to people in a store. Sometimes, I don't want to talk to

  • anyone. Sometimes, people talk to me.

  • As an example, every morning, when I wake up, I have to walk my dog. It's cold outside.

  • I've not had my coffee yet. I don't want to walk my dog. I do not want to be outside.

  • And I'm generally not wanting to do anything except go back to bed. It seems that people

  • that have dogs love to have conversations with other people who have dogs. I don't want

  • to talk to you. I don't care. They ask me strange questions like, "Is your dog a boy

  • or a girl?" Why? Why do you care if my dog is a boy dog or a girl dog? Do you want to

  • have sex with my dog? Are you concerned if my dog has a penis? No. Stop it. Who cares?

  • "How old is your dog?" Why? Do you want to know his birthday? Are you going to have a

  • party? Is your dog and my dog going to come to my house, and are we going to have a party?

  • No. Shut up. I'm walking my dog. Don't talk to me.

  • So tips on how to avoid a conversation. Rule No. 1, very easy, don't ever make eye contact

  • with anyone you do not want to talk to. Number one rule when you want to have a conversation

  • is you must look at the people's eyes. Don't look down. Don't look up. Look at their eyes. ok?

  • So to not have a conversation, don't look anyone in the eye. I'm not talking to you.

  • The second one is: Don't ask the speaker any questions. So as an example, "Oh, hi. What

  • kind of dog do you have?", "It's a Cairn terrier". "How old is it?", "Seven". "Is it a boy or

  • a girl?", "Boy". If you've noticed, I did not ask the person about their dog because

  • I don't care. If you wanted to have a conversation with someone, you could ask the person the

  • same question. As an example, "Hi", "Hi", "Good, yeah". "What kind of dog do you have?",

  • "It's a Cairn terrier. How about you? What kind of dog do you have?", "It's a Jack Russell".

  • "Oh, cool. Don't care. Good". "How old is your dog?" "Seven. How about you? How old

  • is your dog?", "four". "Great", "Is your dog a boy or a girl?" "My dog's a boy. How about

  • you? How about your dog? Does your dog have a penis or a vagina?", "Girl". "Oh, do you

  • know what? Maybe my dog and your dog should have a party. Maybe they could have puppies.

  • That would be cool. Yeah. Okay. Good to see you. Bye".

  • Next one: Look at something or someone else. Now, maybe you have the magic of a cell phone.

  • This is a great conversation avoider. You may go as far as to pretend -- "Hi, Mom. Yeah,

  • good. No" -- that you're talking to someone on the phone. "Mom. Yeah. Busy. No. No, I

  • got -- Mom, hi. Yeah. Good". This is a great tool. You can pretend that your phone rang,

  • and you're talking to your mother. You can pretend you got a text message. Or you can

  • just look at your phone. This will indicate to the speaker that you do not want to talk

  • to them. In reverse, if you want to talk to a person and have a real conversation, put

  • your phone down. Do not text or talk on the phone when you are trying to have a conversation

  • with a real live human being. If I'm at a bar and I'm talking to you, if you take out

  • your phone and start texting someone, bye-bye. Ronnie's gone. She's getting another beer.

  • So please, if humans want to talk to you, put your phones away. You can text them later.

  • If you talk really, really, really fast and you don't say your words properly -- no one

  • has any idea what you're talking about -- they will not have a conversation with you. So

  • if you speak or talk really, really quickly, or if you mumble -- "Mumble?" "Mumble" means

  • you do not say words clearly. Some people will talk like this. They have their hand

  • -- they put their hand in front of their mouth, and you can't really hear anything that they're

  • saying because

  • [inaudible]

  • So rule No.1, put your hand down, okay? Don't talk down. When I talk like this, you can't

  • even hear -- okay? "Mumbling" means you don't say your words clearly, or they're muffled.

  • It's like this.

  • [Inaudible]

  • And talking really, really, really quickly. Maybe you are very excited to meet someone.

  • That's cool. But try and speak a little slowly so that the person can understand you.

  • Okay. So this one: strange facial expressions. If I'm having a conversation with you and

  • you're smiling and you're nodding and you're doing this, I think, "Okay, this person is

  • happy. They like what I'm saying to them". But if your face is very strange or you kind

  • of make weird facial expressions or you have -- you do strange things. If you pick your

  • nose or pick your ear or something, the person thinks that you don't care about what they're

  • saying to you. So this is a good thing. If someone's talking to you, you just go...

  • [makes faces]

  • I guarantee you they will stop talking to you, especially if you pick your nose. Number 1.

  • [picks nose] -- person's gone.

  • The other one is body language. Now, this may seem strange to you, but if you're talking

  • to someone, and you use hand expressions, it's easier for them to understand you. But

  • if you are talking to someone and your hands are folded and you don't even look at them

  • and you're like this, they think that you don't want to talk to them. So eye contact,

  • your facial expressions, and your body language are really important to avoid or to have a

  • conversation with someone. If you do not want to talk to someone, you can fold your hands

  • and look at the ground. They will stop talking to you hopefully.

  • One thing that could be very useful if you are in a bar and maybe someone -- a man or

  • a woman -- is talking to you that you don't want to talk to, a really good technique is

  • to use slang. Maybe the person's older than you, and you know some crazy whooped up slang

  • words. Instead of speaking to them like you would your mother, you would speak to them

  • like you would your best friend. You'd be like, "Yo! Hey! What's going on? What's happening

  • in the crib? Yo!" And the person who's trying to talk to you will be like, [hesitates].

  • They're gone. I guarantee it.

  • On the other hand, if you are talking to someone and you know very -- we say "big words" or

  • people who are educated say "educated words". Rather than use simple language, if you are

  • going to use very big words, it can be intimidating to people. So if you are trying to speak English

  • to someone who has a very, very large vocabulary and your vocabulary is very small, there's

  • going to be a communication breakdown because you're going to use words the other person

  • doesn't know. So the other person is not going to understand you and is not going to want

  • to talk to you. So it's really important that when you try to have a conversation, you realize

  • what vocabulary or what words you and the speaker -- or you and the listener -- both know.

  • The last one is how you project your voice, okay? The tone of your voice -- right here.

  • Angry tone. -- makes the person nervous, thinks that you're angry. I have a lot of people

  • in my class from different countries. Sometimes, a person will ask a student a question. For

  • example, "What's your name?" "My name is Ronnie". "[Shouts] What?" "Oh, my God. Why is this

  • person yelling at me? [Softly] My name is Ronnie". If you don't hear someone, it's okay

  • to say, "What?" Maybe you're going to want to smile, but be careful of your tone. You

  • do not want to use an angry voice if you're not angry. If you're angry, you let that person

  • know that you're angry. You can say, "Why do you care what kind of dog I have? Is it

  • important to you that I have a dog? Do you really care what kind it is? Where did I get

  • it? Who cares? Okay. I am pissed off. I have not had my coffee yet. So don't talk to me,

  • okay?"

  • So if you want to avoid a conversation -- maybe the person is creepy, scary. Maybe they smell

  • bad. Maybe they're drunk. Maybe you're drunk. Do all of these things. But if you want to

  • have a conversation, don't do these things. To have a conversation with someone, make

  • eye contact. Ask them questions. You can ask them the same questions. It doesn't have to

  • be about a dog. Look at the people directly in the eye. Look at who you're talking to.

  • Don't look at someone else, okay? Don't talk really quickly. Don't mumble. Don't make strange

  • faces. Don't use strange body language. Don't use slang or words the person doesn't know.

  • And don't use an angry tone. Make sure that all of these things are positive. Do and don't.

  • Please tell me about a situation that you've had where you did not want to have a conversation

  • with someone. And tell me a situation where you wish you could've had a conversation with

  • someone. I'll let you know some tips later on in life. Goodbye.

Hi. Ronnie. Video. Conversation skills. How to avoid them? So maybe you don't want to


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A2 初級

会話術~会話をしない方法を紹介! (Conversation Skills - How to avoid a conversation!)

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    Halu Hsieh に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日