字幕表 動画を再生する
recently, I've been playing a lot of Halo three trying to get myself back into Halo mood a lot for being released November.
There's just something special about that game.
I don't know if it's because it was my first game, the Xbox or what, but I just really missed it.
B R.
I missed the pit.
The world has moved on, but I'll never forget.
Nice Dad.
I spent playing one V ones with my YouTube's UBS Guardia Drift Bowl like a pro.
Just give me the bomb and will score every time, just like I do with your mom.
Tries talk in the lobby.
Back out if we lose Social Slayer all night killing Moloch Done nudes.
L G wasn't saying straight rippen have a mining t squared neighborhoods You love J.
I really miss those ISS way.
I really love the way camouflaging gov no armor abilities.
You could strengthen, and Zach, without a freaking jam pack, got a Level 50 without help from eBay to be two team doubles in about Wani games.
When we play long wolves, we try to get achievements.
When we play teams swat, we are released.
Not smart is's I really miss those dead l a three.
I really the gay gay way hoping I pray that it does not suck.
And for some reason, it's not what I hope it would be.
I know I can always come back and play a little over three.
It really is those days delivery.
I really I love the way.
So, uh, Halo Three.
I love you, bro.
The pit guardian narrows and all the great times we had an M l g.
I just can't forget about you.
Throw it up if you got it.
What a great game.
This waas.
What a great game it still is.
But if you guys were playing this, let's Ah, let's join up.
Let's play a little Halo three together at least until November when Taylor four releases and we'll take it from there.
343 Please don't let us down.
This came right here is the best man piece.
Be your wife.