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A lot of people are stocking up or try.
Have tried to stock up on necessities.
Would have you tried to stock up on as best you can.
I I mean, we went to a station to buy paper towels, and there were two rolls, and I felt so guilty taking both.
So I just took one, and I came back into the RV and my wife said, What the hell you doing?
Get the other roll of paper towels, I said.
But what if somebody else needs them?
And she said, No one's going to a gas station for paper towels?
And I realized that's like a good adage, tohave in an otherwise chaotic time.
So did you go back and buy the other role?
Because I Jenna, I feel horrible.
So I'm using my dirty socks to stop up.
You know, puddles and stuff.
Um, well, I think that's noble, that you decided to take both roles.
Any indulgences that you've stocked up on.
I mean, I tried it.
I was trying to actually before, and I was trying to gain weight for a movie, and I was eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's, uh, fudge Brownie.
Um, and I was eating that every night.
I'd microwave it for about five seconds.
You can't see, but I just referenced where the microwave this and, uh, and I did find I found wind at a gas station, so I ate it that night.
I should have reckoned, you know, Please explain to me you microwave it for five seconds to get it just a little bit soft, right?
It's It's, it seems it's, too.
It's too much of a commitment.
Eat a full pint of frozen ice cream.
But if it's soft, it just feels like, you know, chicken soup or something more.
Yeah, multi eating that way.
You have made these very well known movies the zombieland movies, about surviving in a situation somewhat like the one we have now.
We're not being chased by zombies, but we are, you know, battling an invisible foe.
We're all trying to take care of ourselves.
Did you learn anything of any of your zombie land skills?
Been useful at all to you during this pandemic?
No, no, It turns out it turns out, uh, it's just a funny movie.
Yeah, just a fun movie and a late sequel.
No, Thea Thea.
Only thing like character has pure well with him.
I'm and uh, even like said it joke in the first movie about pure l.
I don't even know if it was in the script.
So if if I made the joke, then I in some way enhanced that brand.
And now I can't seem to find a pure oh, anywhere.
And, uh, not one rule that I have been helpful is now Ah, practical impossibility.
Yeah, there is no pure ao I bought expensive.
Ah, Witch Hazel.
Other night, which turns out, is just it just tones the skin.
I thought, Oh, this is alcohol I can use.
No, no, no.
What do you mean you bought witch Hazel?
Why would you buy Witch Hazel?
Who said to buy that?
I was desperate.
I had the pint of ice cream and I thought I need some hand sanitizer.
I couldn't find anything.
I just thought it was failures.
Brand witch Hazel, I thought Okay.
Worst case scenario had better pores, and it turns out this case scenarios.
You have terrible skills.
Yes, Her survival.
Yes, I know that when my wife is coming in the RV.
I'm on the Conan O'Brien show.
I have got We haven't happened anyway.
Rhea Life folks start.
My my wife is Panama and in them.
What am I love Justin.
This is the way we're dealing.
These are dark times.
You're allowed to say whatever you want.
It sounded to me like you're sitting on his hands in a hyper shit.
Your son.
Now, you said in a in a type of shit.
And then he just said he just repeated because yes, yes, Mrs.
Okay, This is fine.
This is really life.
This is what's happening.
Everyone's coping in their own way.
And the recap Jesse Eisenberg is trapped in an RV with his wife and son in law Kansas.
The valve that allows him to get rid of the excrement in the RV now functioning.
And his son just put his hand in tow.
A pipe of aforementioned shit.
Is that right?
That's it.
You sound like the character on, like, a drama after a commercial break way.