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  • Not too far from Earth is a giant space rock

  • that has silently played host

  • to just twelve people in its entire history.

  • What would happen if we put our cosmic satellite to work

  • by covering it with solar panels?

  • This is WHAT IF,

  • and here's what would happen

  • if we covered the Moon with solar panels.

  • Because the Moon has little to no atmosphere,

  • there's no wind, no rain,

  • and no clouds on that space rock.

  • If a lunar weatherman were to tell you the forecast,

  • it would always be the same.

  • "Once again, today you're looking at a daytime high of 130°C (266°F)

  • and sunny, sunny, sunny."

  • Imagine how much energy we'd collect from a place

  • where the Sun never stopped shining.

  • But how would we even build a solar plant on the Moon?

  • One Japanese company, Shimizu, already has that covered.

  • They want to build a so-called Luna Ring.

  • And yes, it would look just the way it sounds -

  • a ring of solar panels spanning around the Moon.

  • The construction would stretch for 11,000 km (6,800 miles)

  • along the Moon's equator,

  • and would reach 400 km (250 miles) in width.

  • That's enough to cover half of the US.

  • Where on Earth would we even find enough materials

  • for assembling this enormous solar plant?

  • Well, the answer lies outside of our planet's natural budget.

  • Most of the building materials would come from the Moon itself.

  • We'd only have to launch the initial equipment over there -

  • just enough to start building more equipment

  • and manufacturing lunar robots.

  • Then a team of robots, together with a group of astronauts,

  • would handle the rest.

  • For starters, they'd construct huge excavator

  • and ore processing machines to mine the Moon.

  • Then, they'd begin assembling solar panels from the lunar materials.

  • With nothing but lunar soil and gravel,

  • they'd make concrete, ceramics and solar cells.

  • Meanwhile, astronauts on Earth

  • would be working on building spaceports in low Earth's orbit

  • to ship the remaining supplies, like hydrogen,

  • to the Moon.

  • Even with the most advanced technology we can think of,

  • the construction would take at least

  • two generations of humans to complete.

  • But once it's done, we'd have a super efficient lunar powerplant,

  • churning out power 24/7.

  • Because there are no bad weather days on the Moon.

  • Ever.

  • But what about getting that power back to Earth?

  • Well, that's the fun part.

  • On the Moon, the lunar power plant would transmit solar power

  • to the energy-converting facilities.

  • From there, the converted power would be beamed

  • to power-collecting stations on Earth

  • with lasers and microwaves.

  • How cool is that?

  • Potentially, it could deliver so much energy,

  • that we wouldn't need any other power sources at all.

  • Maybe building the lunar power plant would happen

  • at the same time we constructed

  • a human-occupied moonbase

  • that would one day grow into a fully-operational human colony.

  • But that's a story for another WHAT IF.

Not too far from Earth is a giant space rock


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B1 中級

ソーラーパネルで月を覆ったら? (What If We Covered the Moon With Solar Panels?)

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日