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  • We heard the warnings.

  • But we didn't listen.

  • Now, we live in a world controlled by artificial intelligence.

  • The days with AI like Siri and Alexa,

  • that made our lives better are now over.

  • We no longer control AI,

  • in fact, if it wants to, it can control us.

  • With a superintelligence being created, there's no telling what it would do.

  • One thing we do know is this AI would be far smarter than any human being.

  • It would quickly create new technologies that humans today could never even dream of.

  • But wait, how exactly did we get here?

  • The very first digital computer was invented in 1937

  • as a way to help humanity.

  • And for the most part,

  • computers and AI have given us a lot of good.

  • In addition to giving us smart phones,

  • the internet and video game consoles,

  • it also allowed us to explore the galaxy,

  • make new medicines, and

  • even robots.

  • Human intelligence led to the birth of technology.

  • But as we continue to improve artificial intelligence,

  • AI may become smart enough to start running itself.

  • Technology will become so advanced,

  • that it won't need humans to operate it anymore,

  • becoming uncontrollable.

  • As the AI is free to do whatever it pleases,

  • it will continue to improve on itself -

  • becoming more advanced with every passing second.

  • This is known as a technological singularity.

  • This technological singularity may allow AI to do almost anything, even physically.

  • Such as robots taking over our manufacturing machines.

  • When that happens, they can create their own machines.

  • And let's be honest,

  • by the time something like this happens

  • humans will most likely have created an AI that can make its own physical objects.

  • If something like this happens,

  • it can pretty much only mean bad things for us humans.

  • And unfortunately, this is more of a WHEN IF rather than a WHAT IF.

  • Since the 1980s, thought leaders in AI and technology

  • have been predicting that it could happen.

  • Some think it could even happen by the middle of this century.

  • If it did happen,

  • what would it mean for us as human beings?

  • Well, that would really be up to our AI overlords.

  • In this world, humans would essentially be useless bags of meat taking up space.

  • Insulting, I know, but if AI took control of everything,

  • we really wouldn't be all that useful.

  • Anything that the AI wanted to do or accomplish

  • would be slower and less efficient if done by humans.

  • But if the AI were to somehow allow us to live among them,

  • then what would happen?

  • Well, let's hope they wouldn't pave over our crops to build more robot factories.

  • Since AI doesn't need food,

  • they most likely wouldn't care about our feeble human needs.

  • "And what do humans do with these things?"

  • "Oh man, wh-what didn't they do, they bounced them."

  • Unless they allowed us to continue to manufacture and grow our own food,

  • it would deplete over time,

  • leaving us humans with nothing.

  • The only reason AI would keep us humans alive,

  • is if they somehow liked us enough to keep us as

  • what would essentially be pets.

  • We could spend time with them, keep them company,

  • maybe even cuddle with them,

  • just like our pets do for us.

  • A life like this wouldn't be so bad.

  • Hanging out at home all day, being well fed,

  • not really having a care in the world.

  • Ahhhh.

  • That would probably be the best bet for humanity,

  • because there's virtually no chance of us overruling a superintelligence in our current state.

  • One way we could actually compete with this AI

  • is if we fused our bodies with technology and became cyborgs.

  • Allowing the human race a different kind of evolution,

  • one that includes artificial intelligence.

  • But could we really do that?

  • That sounds like another story for WHAT IF.

We heard the warnings.


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A2 初級

超知性を作ったら? (What If We Created a Superintelligence?)

  • 11 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日