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  • my dream to resurrect my al Camino.

  • It's finally coming true.

  • After undergoing major surgery, Don and a weak and intensive tube rehab My lifted diesel El Camino is half muscle car, half monster truck and half done under my constant supervision.

  • Guys finished up the rear to chassis.

  • They hooked up the links to the cradle and checked all the geometry on four link suspension.

  • And now it's time to install the bypass coil over shocks.

  • This thing is huge.

  • They're gonna give the El Camino that smooth ride I've always wanted.

  • Oh, look at that.

  • I love the man.

  • I'm shocked.

  • You're real punny now It's going to go anywhere.

  • Do anything showed off to the world when Muscle first showed up at the shop with his El Camino build.

  • I hated it.

  • But the fact that you saw the potential you took this little ugly duckling You nurtured it.

  • You helped it spread its wings.

  • And then it turned into this.

  • I mean, I'm proud of you.

  • Really?

  • How would you like to bring your big nurtured back?

  • The health?

  • Beautiful duck and show it off to everybody at the Monster Jam All Star Challenge.

  • Really under one condition that has to be driveable in time for the show.

  • Yes.

  • All right.

  • You about ready to get this transmission dialed and home?

  • I have been waiting since season one to get this done.

  • Getting the engine to work with the body was our very first challenge in building L Camino.

  • I just think the CM's commanding the injectors, not the fire.

  • Now, making sure that the transmission is getting all the info it needs from the engine to build up enough pressure to get out of first gear Our next challenge.

  • We already took the transmission over to Randy so that he could diagnose the problem.

  • We're gonna have some internal damage.

  • That's great lust, material.

  • What would the metal shavings be from?

  • We're gonna have to get the converter cut open Springs.

  • Then Randy cleaned up and rebuilt the entire four lady transmission care train coming up with stronger clutch components so they could handle the torque of the diesel motor.

  • Okay, boys.

  • Last piece to the puzzle.

  • Now it's done.

  • Now it's done.

  • We got new torque converter and the rebuilt transmission back in the revamped chassis for the El Camino.

  • And now it's time to make my baby purr.

  • We're going to a pressure test, this transmission.

  • So basically, take this tool right here.

  • We hook it up to the side of the transmission and it runs into this basically a transducer, and it it reads.

  • The pressure of the transmissions was like a blood pressure cuff for the transmission.

  • Basically.

  • So this is called the mainline pressure tap.

  • Yeah, it's basically the gateway to the heart of the transmission.

  • Get way too hard.

  • I love the way where you described that it doesn't lie.

  • Randy already rebuilt the entire transmission, so we know the internal components are good.

  • So for a lady, transmission is not exactly it never came behind a door.

  • A Mac.

  • So, yeah, it's a unique swap.

  • But if we test the fluid pressure and find out, there's not enough to move the clutch packs and shift gears.

  • That means the communication between the transmission and the engine's off.

  • And that's a much, much bigger problem.

  • Which means the El Camino won't be ready to take the monster jam and show off to the fans.

  • Clip it into this pressure sensor right here.

  • Okay, we're ready to roll, man.

  • So today we're looking for anywhere between 162 100.

  • Yes, I obviously they're closer than 200.

  • We love seeing that, but anything about 1 60 it's gonna prove to us that the transmission is making the pressure.

  • He stole the torque of that door, Max.

  • On one hand, it feels fantastic.

  • Finally be out on the open road inside the Camino.

  • On the other hand, I'm just praying she hits the numbers that she needs to hit, or at least close way almost got a 1 80 on that.

  • So word we're getting close to that realm with a little bit of adjusting on the way.

  • What's nice find driving me?

  • It's been my first time.

  • I got it like that.

  • A long time transmission works.

  • Randy's got to do a couple tweaks to the engine controls to make sure the engine and transmission er and perfect communication, I got to get the El Camino shined up.

  • He's gonna be the belle of the All Star ball at Monster Jim.

  • The guys at the shop stayed late, got it done.

  • And now, after years long struggle, pain and anguish, new shoes to match the new suspension, Casey lights all shining bright and ready for this.

  • What transformed into broke Amino, I thought was called the Hell Camino Thing by the kids.

  • David, you want little Charlie may saying H e double hockey sticks sit in the back of the broken.

  • You know, I got those same butterflies I get before every single race when I'm driving a monster jam.

  • The El Camino has been on a long, long journey way.

  • Did major surgery on the El Camino.

  • We cut the back half of the chassis off and replaced it with a stronger tube sub frame way took out the four lady transmission that was originally paired up with Dura Max Motor and rebuilt it with stronger valve components.

  • Way got rid of the old Lee Spring suspension and built a completely custom four link suspension with triple bypass shocks that we can tune so I could hit the jumps and fly through the air like a majestic eagle and land on a sea of clouds.

  • Here's the deal.

  • Like your suspension.

  • Yeah, there's a lot of cool stuff, but it can't defy gravity.

  • If you can dream it, you can do it.

  • Cleanup cosmetics put it on some 24 inch wills with 42 inch tires and gave it a brand new name.

  • I don't think we didn't change was signature burnt orange paint job so the bands could recognize it from miles away.

  • Hey, Speaking of fans, I got something I want to show you.

  • Diesel.

  • Dave, listen, But I am very impressed.

  • More than that, though I'm proud of you.

  • What you've created here is pretty amazing.

  • Beautiful.

  • We have another surprise tonight for you and for all the monster Jam fans.

  • Are you ready for this?

  • Will just take a little look up on the big screen.

  • It's May thing Yes, sir.

  • That really think this is the greatest news ever?

  • They're going to make the broken me.

  • No, it's your monster Jam Rock.

  • This is real life.

  • But what were you gonna tell me That you were talking to monster Jim about designing me?

  • My very own Monster Jam, bro Camino, Like I'm gonna be out on that track by myself.

  • On the road goes I need my buddy next to me.

  • You saw the potential and you made it come to life.

  • The Bass Brothers out of Monster Jam.

  • This is gonna be epic potential.

  • Maybe we should take the broken, you know, back home to Utah so that we can get to work on that potentially amazing Super Six tracked vehicle for Seema.

  • All right, but how about we take the long way to see what she can?

  • Really?

  • D'oh!

  • Deal handles nine different from what it waas granted, I never really got out of first year the first time, but it's a rough road and this thing's freakin smooth trophy truck suspension right there.

  • This is what she was born to do, my friend.

my dream to resurrect my al Camino.


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B1 中級

ディーゼル デイブの夢のエルカミーノ!| ディーゼル・ブラザース (Diesel Dave's Dream El Camino! | Diesel Brothers)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日