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  • tonight I can report the sky is absolutely falling.

  • We're all doomed.

  • The end is near, the apocalypse is imminent and you're going to all die.

  • Or at least that's what the media Mob would like you to think dead.

  • Right on this the Corona Viruses is the common cold folks, the type of this thing as a pandemic as the end dramatist strain as Oh my God, If you get it, you're dead.

  • This is one of those cases where the more I learn about coronavirus, the less concerned I am.

  • There's a lot of hyperbole the national left wing media playing up fears of the Corona virus.

  • The sky is falling because we have a few dozen cases of Corona virus on a cruise ship.

  • I am far more concerned with stepping on a used heroin needle that I am getting the Corona virus.

  • But maybe that's just me.

  • It's a virus like the flu.

  • All the talk about Corona virus being so much more deadly doesn't flecked reality.

  • This virus should be compared to the flu.

  • Close at worst at worst worst case scenario, it could be the flu.

  • The far more deadly, more lethal threat right now is not the Corona virus.

  • It's this.

  • It's the ordinary old flew people are dying, right?

  • There is.

  • Nobody has died yet in the United States, as far as we know from this disease.

  • It's right on the facts, sir.

  • Actually pretty reassuring, but you'd never know it watching all this stuff.

  • You want to know how I really feel about the Corona virus?

  • Wong.

  • If I get it, I'll beat it.

  • I'm not afraid of the Corona virus, And no one else should be that afraid either.

  • It is very, very difficult to contract this virus.

  • It's milder than we thought.

  • The fatality rate is gonna drop when you hear the context.

  • It's not quite a scary.

  • It's actually the safest time to fly.

  • Everyone.

  • I know that flying right now terminals are pretty much dead.

  • And then the planes remember back in the day when you had a seat next to you possibly empty, you could stretch out a little more.

  • It's like that on every flight.

  • Now, one of the things you can do if you're healthy, you and your family.

  • It's a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant, likely you can get in get in easily.

  • Republican Congressman Matt Gates mocked concerns about the spread of the virus by wearing a gas mask on Capitol Hill.

  • When a reporter in the capital asked Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma 85 what precautions he was taking, He extended his arm with confidence.

  • Want to shake hands in our line of work?

  • You shake hands.

  • Expect the president will continue to do that.

  • I'll continue to do it.

  • We have contained this.

  • We have contained this.

  • I won't say Airtight of pretty, closed to air tight.

  • It is being contained.

  • And do you not think it's being contained?

  • Zero people in the United States of America have died from the Corona virus.

  • Zero.

  • This is a flu.

  • This is like a flu.

  • It's going to disappear one day.

  • It's like a miracle it will disappear.

  • I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called the pen DeMint.

  • I took it very seriously.

  • By the way, this program has always taken the Corona virus seriously.

tonight I can report the sky is absolutely falling.


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