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Now What do I do?
You guys, I got new merge.
It's available now.
Probably dot com slash tasty sense.
Guys slip up hoodies.
We got tri blend.
We got a new logo.
I digress.
Since 2012.
It's a rest.
A little.
He has been asking for that anyway.
Way kinds of stuff, zipper, putties, Beanies, polos.
Don't take my word for it is obviously I can't do this ad.
So just looking description below when you guys find the link.
All right.
So I lied.
I said you guys wouldn't see this building until it was done, but I met a crossroads here.
More than one.
I think I'm pretty convinced underfoot the Prodi, um, in there after we put the podium in the A m D bill that we did for feels editing rig.
I like this reservoir so much.
It's the same one I used in the D frame.
I can't get all the air out of the radiators.
The residence is great, but I don't feel like the residents would make more sense on a smaller build a single radiator.
And since I have to read that are connected with the fitting right there If you listen, you'll hear the sloshing in there so I can't get all the air out.
And it's one of those things where it's no.
It's no fault of the residents, really.
It's just a volume thing with two reservoirs and really comfortable them.
I've not done a lot of district late stuff, so I'll find a different use for this.
Definitely it's worth using.
But I think I'm going to switch that out with the podium after all, which will end up going in there.
And I think it'll just look way more traditional like what I'm used to.
I feel like all the flame polished acrylic will just look amazing in there.
Unfortunately, this does not have our d B.
And I say unfortunately, only because the residents does.
So that was that was gonna have a glow effect to it, too.
But that's you know, that's so minor now, because this crap look, no matter what I do, no matter what I choose, what path I go down.
Even though this is my personal computer being used for my purposes, I'm gonna be called a show no matter which way I choose to go.
And the bottom line is all the major companies are mad at me in videos piston me.
They're like, perpetually pissed at me because I've just been so vocally against the whole, like 15 skews in a single family, a graphics card.
They're mad.
They're even calling up vendors and telling them they're mad at me.
Fine, I feel have achieved something at that point, considering an achievement achievement unlocked.
Getting video.
Maddie, you 25 g right there.
If Intel is not mad at me, they will be well, they're probably mad at me now after the last video.
But Amy, I don't think is mad at me, but they continue to tell me how much they love working with us.
But then they don't include us in certain review samples.
So I don't know what's going on over there that that's Edelman, and it's 1/3 party that handles all of their like advertising stuff, so I don't know.
I don't aim.
He makes those choices or Evelyn, but I don't really care.
We got to do the threat for stuff, and that is really exciting.
I used to work 100% out of my home.
All the videos used to see were rendered on skunk works.
I also gained on Skunk Works.
I live stream Done Skunk works.
Do you know it's Congress does now.
It keeps my desk from floating away, and it watches YouTube and occasionally plays an hour or two of games a month.
So, realistically, I could get away with a frickin E machines for what I do at home now.
But I'm still a PC enthusiast, and I'm always going to be a high performance desktop with fuses or H p d t.
I could go to a 99 100 k and get like all the frames with I mean, if it's not obvious that I'm just a high end hardware enthusiast for my personal stuff, it's for the fact that I have to custom PCB 28 e.
Eisen Here in SL, I wear like 90% of the games today.
Don't even utilize us ally anymore.
It's just a enthusiast thing.
I've said it a 1,000,000 times so I could go with a 99 100 K.
But then with the fact that I have two of these guys in here and I'm gonna have multiple n V M E s S D's.
I would have a problem with PC I lanes with this guy, so that's kind of out.
But the 99 80 xy that's in here is exactly the same specs as the 10 98 e x e on Lee.
The 10 98 e x e has slightly higher, like all quarterback, lock and stuff like that, which means that it gets like the slight edge in gaming.
Um, this 99 a t x c.
It's in here, though, has a little bit of sentimental value, because when we used it, it was what we used to get our name and our name on the leaderboards for over clocking for like, the first time.
I had never been in top tens, let alone top fives or even for a minute there for CPU, the first spot on three marks.
So it's got a little bit of sentimental value there.
It's already been lapped and polished and all that sort of stuff, something I'm pretty sure I would have to do with this guy.
Yeah, obviously.
So don't even flat.
So I have sentimental value there, but this would give me a slight edge in gaming.
Neither of these CP use a terrific for gaming.
The 1998 9900 is We already talked about that.
But then I could just be like, you know, I'm mad at Intel.
I'm at it until for that $2000 CPU in there now costing $1000 showing that that right there is a representation of rip off.
But I mean again, people who buy it have to make the decision to buy it and whether or not the price of the time it's worth it to you so you can be mad at Intel, but you still ultimately have to be mad at yourself if you spent the money on it and then you mad about it later, it's called buyer's remorse.
Sometimes things happen.
New things come out like right now I'm not going to build a new hardware is available like prison third Gen.
And then you have a decision to make.
So the 39 70 exes and fills editing Rick, this is the 39 60 X.
This is significantly more course in that guy, but this is also less maximum F P s, an average f p s than that guy.
So it's kind of like I am just a just a fricking melting pot of things that I like when it comes to computers, and they're not like the best set up for anything.
I mean, it's not the fastest rendering rigged that I could build if I were to do rendering.
It's not the fastest gaming PC that I could build if I cared about gaming.
If I just cared.
Like J.
You want the absolute top tier fastest?
Do I go with a 31 75 X and over clocking a 4.8 gigahertz sound water, which I know I can do because it's cool.
It's got that big ass Dominus board that sucks up a 1200 watts from the wall that would literally increase my energy bill using more power than both my refrigerator and my A C combined.
Or do I go with Red Ripper to support the latest stuff?
That's out from a nd kind of going back to my grassroots, where I started my channel on an 81 20 FX processor, kind of bringing things back full circle, saying one day MD might win me back.
They've definitely want me back.
They want me back more so that I feel like using my thread Ripper processor, where it matters most here at the office where I actually do things using this computer like play well, the Warships while Phyllis actually editing.
Yeah, but they're fun to watch, but it's one of those things where I feel like it makes more sense to use this hardware where it has potential to actually do something like here at the office.
At least a computer gets turned on here daily Skunk Works gets turned on, like once or twice a week.
Maybe that's why I'm just like, What the hell do I do know?
Or do I go with 39 50 x and lose two cores versus that?
But then just really celebrate.
It's amazing mainstream performance capabilities with, um, I have a cool motherboard for it.
Look at the motherboard I have for that 39.
50 X if I want to go this level of build this was actually provided to us by Micro Center, and it is a crosshair formula, the exact same motherboard family I started my channel with, But look at it.
It is everything that the Intel motherboards were for the longest time with this is a sexy, sexy ass board.
We got the back plate on the back, something they never did for MD boards.
I mean, look, brands care about Andy again.
I know that there's nothing I can say or do that's gonna keep me from being called a shell, no matter which way I go, all this positivity towards a nd I'm sure is already got people wondering like you do.
You do sponsor and pay for these videos.
Of course, they sent the hardware for us to take a look at, except for the 39.
50 X.
I was actually sent by Micro Center.
There's a link down below if you guys want to check it out.
Same thing with the formula motherboard.
Yeah, The reality here is I know him well over clock this guy higher than this guy, which means out of the box, this will probably make up and the difference here, obviously, cause these are both coming over applicable, and they're both going to be probably a good 10% higher F p s wise than thread ripper and because I do.
I'm gonna be doing realistically just gaming and probably some live streams on this.
I feel like thread rivers edged out because this makes more sense to be used here in our production environment.
I think the 900 K is out only because I just feel like a backwards moved to me being an HPD tea enthusiast.
All right, here.
We're gonna do a quick, Um, I think we'll just finish this video up by giving you some substance of getting this guy in there, because I'm gonna have to redo that back wall thing now, like repainted at least that I scratched it.
Um, I want to put some more screws in it, and then I've gotto make the tubing line up.
Somebody actually had a really good suggestion here, by the way, which I should have done that.
And if this is you that suggested it, I don't remember who it was, but I want to give you credit for it.
He said instead of doing the bend here, I should have put the fitting there, and they're rotated it.
So that was just a straight 90 without, it'll keep coming out of it.
which would have more aesthetically pleasing.
And I think he's absolutely correct on that.
So the nice thing about the podium, though, because it has these different ports on there.
What I could do is because the out is right here.
This is the only out.
So I can actually rotate these mounts two here because of screws right there.
So that those space back and then I can probably get a line up into that fitting pretty well.
And then I can have the return come up there.
So let's just do that real quick.
Oh, God.
Oh, God, That's right.
It's the same two.
We'll be back.
It just like you.
I have to plug that.
Like I said, the residence is awesome.
It's just, I think for the volume of water that's in this system.
I had a ton of air that was still in the radiators.
I think I showed you guys that I was made.
Wait earlier.
Oh, no.
Uh, Well, do you gonna clean that now?
Okay, so you get that water drop out of there.
Distracted J is J.
So the residence is gonna be used in a different build, but the volume with these double rads up top and just I mean, you could see how thin it is.
So it's only about 1/4 inch if that worth of depth in there and cycling through this was nearly impossible with the fact that it had to come, like through there and down through there and then back out there and then back down again.
So it was just all kinds of crazy with this loop.
But I got really, really lucky.
So using the singular singing, So using the singularity Prodi, Um, with the D five and the extended tube they gave me this could not have fit any more.
I got so lucky.
So you can see right here I use their reservoir mounting kit, which is separate from the one actually comes with the podium, painted it to match the case.
So I got one there and one there.
But the height you can see it barely clears the fittings.
That air right there between the radiator, it barely clears the bottom, allowing me to have my cable that still comes out the bottom for this pump which is now hidden.
Remember I said the podium kind of came out to the side or their residents made it come out that way and it was gonna be ugly.
That's no longer a problem.
You can't even see it now because Peter B.
I don't have to try and turn a knob on the bottom to adjust the speed, which means I have dealer adjustment up or down.
The fitting I made in the back of that low pastor wall just happened to be at the exact same plane that the Prodi, um, ended on allowing me to connect that completely with fittings and not using any tubes.
It also a 90 an extension, another 90 and a double male rotary so that I could screw it into either ends lined up absolutely perfectly.
I mean, that's just luck.
That was not planned.
So this ended up fitting in there.
Amazingly, the only thing that's kind of sex.
What this is This is sort of a hard one to fill because the two reports right here that I used to fill um are tapped into the same thread.
So the water goes down and then some of it splashes up, and it came out as the salt spilled everywhere ideally taken off the other plug would have been perfect.
But as you could see, I can't get to it cause that fitting even loosening it to allow air to track our ticket out because of the water goes in air has to go out.
Um, would have been perfect, but I put that on there so tight with a T wrench, I can't get it off.
So I don't want to take this all back out again.
But the system is filled.
It's completely bled.
Actually, I was shaking this thing around like a madman.
Just roar to try and get all the bubbles out.
You might see some bubbles come out right now.
Shake out There goes a few air in a few.
Those are just a couple of micro bubbles that are still stuck in, like the GPU blocks.
The radiators.
The earlier you heard them sloshing because I couldn't get all the air out.
Listen, there's no more water sloshing, so this was definitely the right move and because I didn't space it out at all and make it go closer to the deep use means that I've got plenty of room right here with straight through ability toe.
Have the wiring here be a huge part of the show.
Same thing with the 24 pin.
So by not blocking these often, these air right in between the reservoir and the graphics cards means now that this is gonna be a nice open area to have wiring be nice and neat now because the residence is not blocking this whole back plate that I made for the past through fitting also means that I had to repaint that which I did because I had scratched it.
I also replaced the screws, those air actually, the same screws that you would find on the back of a graphics card.
But they were the perfect threads for the washers and the nuts I was using on the backside.
So it's spring loaded, which means it's even better fit in there now and then.
They are also like a black nickle, kind of a polished head, which just fits the build perfectly.
So now I can say the next time you will see this build will be its completion.
Phil earlier was like damage.
A just booted up already powered on make it do something.
We decided, Um, the 99 80 xy makes more sense because we're going over clock it.
What will make up any difference between the 10 9 80 and it actually has some sentimental value to me.
I I want to know now that it's spending the rest of its life just doing gaming.
And I think something else I want to do in here two hours telling feels, get a mirror cut.
That's like the dimensions of the bottom here so that I could have a mere reflecting the RGB light from this block back s so you can see the bottom of this block because you can see this one in the reflection of that back plate.
So I think having a mere down here would be kind of cool.
All right, guys, Thanks for watching.
As always, we'll see you in the next 10 and for your next bill.
What CPR you going with and why let why be the important reason why you answer?
I'm really curious as to why you chose which brand you're going with.