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  • [SIGHS]


  • How fortunate we all were to live in the time of Jack Foley,

  • one of the last men of might and principle.

  • He was a Caesar.

  • And what did they do at the funeral of a Caesar?

  • At the funeral of Gaius Julius Caesar,

  • a man stood at the rostrum and called out

  • criminals and conspirators--

  • those in the Senate that would sully Caesar's city

  • and dishonor his legacy.

  • And I come today to do the same.


  • When the people heard what they had done in the Senate,

  • they set upon them, tearing some apart and forcing

  • others from the city.

  • Now, I have been empowered by my great friend,

  • your august governor, not to allow blood sport,

  • but to bring justice to the venal actors who have betrayed

  • our great commonwealth!


  • Immunity-- I thought we had a deal.

  • No deal for you, pal.

  • And we will continue to purge these pews

  • until corruption has been cleansed from the Empire State.


  • Oh, Jack, I hope I've learned well from you--

  • that I have honored you, and that I have

  • given you a proper sendoff.





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B2 中上級

粛清を続ける」Ep.5オフィシャルクリップ|ビオンズ|シーズン4 ('We Will Continue to Purge These Pews' Ep. 5 Official Clip | Billions | Season 4)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日