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  • I don't want you to just watch and learn from me and not take action.

  • He's how most entrepreneurs get customers.

  • Most entrepreneurs.

  • How many of you fish any anyone fishes here likes fishing?

  • Great, great most entrepreneurs is what they do.

  • They fish.

  • They try to get customer.

  • They try to get leads, to go online, to go the networking.

  • Or they go to an event like that, try to get deals, trying to get opportunities.

  • But sometimes they actually they're fishing in the wrong lick the fishing in the wrong spot.

  • The people they're looking for, the customers, the clients looking for.

  • They actually not in that lake.

  • The fish in the wrong place.

  • They're selling to the wrong market.

  • Is that possible?

  • Yes or no?

  • It's possible.

  • Or he's how they fish most of time.

  • They fish with a spear so they look.

  • They look and try to catch one damn, and they try to catch one.

  • I spent a lot time hunting, looking right or sometimes a little bit better.

  • They try to fish with, like a one fish hook with no baked.

  • Oh, because whatever they're selling is not there a compelling.

  • So you know what happens when your fish with no bait, all right, it becomes it's not fishing.

  • Game is the sitting game you see a long time right.

  • If your leader that bit there better leave it better, you get a debate what the fish likes to eat, and then you catch a fish, right?

  • That's how most people do it.

  • Would you like to know how I do it?

  • Here's how I fish.

  • Remember this.

  • I don't fish with the spear.

  • I want multiple fishing rods on a boat, and I want hundreds of these boats.

  • I don't want to fish when that time comes.

  • It's not efficient.

  • It is too slow.

  • Write it down.

  • Money loves speed.

  • It's easy to grow faster than to grow slower.

  • Is easiest Gill faster than to skill?

  • Slow?

  • I know it doesn't make sense.

  • I know it's counterintuitive.

  • Approved you.

  • Having followers on social media is absolutely meaningless If you can convert that attention into results all revenue.

  • Wouldn't it be nice if we can just go to the bank?

  • And we say I don't have a check today to deposit?

  • But man, I got lost Followers on Instagram.

  • Kennedy pauses.

  • Some likes wouldn't that be nice, right?

  • If that's the case, damn, it's just I get a dollar for every, Like it would be great.

  • What is that?

  • How it works?

  • No.

  • Is it possible that you have people who have huge falling on social media yet they don't generate a lot of revenue?

  • Yes or no?

  • It's possible.

  • Maybe it's not.

  • The right audience may be the way they are approaching the audience is it's not correct.

  • Stay with me, please, as long as you could.

  • Fame without fortune leads to frustration one more time.

  • Fame with our fortunes, least a frustration.

  • Being famous without being wealthy is fucking dump.

  • It is dumb.

  • I do not use social media for pleasure.

  • I use social media for purpose and profit, impact millions and to build my company.

  • Is the Onley saying reason to be on it?

  • You shoot and I shouldn't go to social media and seek validation.

  • Seek approval would be nice again in the morning.

  • We have to like ourselves.

  • First we look in the mirror before people like us.

  • Yes, we gotta like ourselves where we get extra like That's good.

  • That's a that's a that's icing the cake.

  • That's nice, but that's not why we do it.

  • The only seeing reason to do it is for purpose and profit income an impact.

  • That's what I believe in.

  • So I want you to think the first part of formula, which stands for S C s.

  • What is the central S C stands for Sochaux capital, Not social media.

  • Social capital.

  • And that's a big difference.

  • There's a huge difference.

  • Having a lot of falling Zala legs and and all these stuff engagements doesn't mean anything.

  • They're just social media fallings what we wanted, entrepreneur.

  • That's 500 B one social capital.

  • So would you like me to show you the difference?

  • Okay, good.

  • All right.

  • So let me demonstrate.

  • What is this?

  • Now I'm gonna do is something very risky in a moment here.

  • Do not attempt this at home, okay?

  • It's been trained by professional for many, many years.

  • Do not attempt is at home in a moment.

  • I'm gonna turn on my phone and then I'm gonna do a selfie video.

  • Now, when I do, I'm gonna turn around and I want you to make some noise.

  • Could you do that?

  • Okay, let's just go to a 32nd video, and it's we don't would be post on Instagram, and I'm going to do an offer right in front of you.

  • Very risky.

  • It is very risky.

  • Are you ready?

  • Am I ready?

  • Yes, I think so.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • All right.

  • It is a damn law coming from Sydney, Australia.

  • I'm speaking at stock on the largest business conference in conference in Australia.

  • Check this out.

  • Oh, wow.

  • See the energy?

  • I want to share something with you.

  • Imagine having the ability tow walk up stage and present with confidence.

  • And imagine having to skill to close anyone.

  • Any time for any product or service is you see the closers, the students are trained from all over the world.

  • We have produced over $34.2 billion for companies and brands around the world.

  • Because of these skill sets and I want to show cheers something very special with you Put together everything that I have popped him in.

  • A simple called a high ticket closing black book And students they pay anywhere from 10,000 to $25,000 to learn the same secrets in this black book.

  • I want you to have a copy.

  • Swipe up and get your copy today.

  • Now is not going to be cheap.

  • It is not a $20 book, but it's gonna be a lot cheaper than staying where you are and not knowing how to sell.

  • So go ahead and swipe up.

  • And with that said, I got to go back to my keynote after conference.

  • I'm going to post it on Instagram.

  • That 45 2nd video, on average, would generate about 8000.

  • Sometimes in good day, $10,000 for me, that's social capital allows you to generate money on demand, out off dinner out of thin air.

  • And it just did that in front of you.

  • And thank you for your help.

  • No wallet keys, though.

  • Thanks very much.

I don't want you to just watch and learn from me and not take action.


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A2 初級

SOCIAL CAPITAL - 顧客と絶賛ファンの無限のストリームへの秘密 (SOCIAL CAPITAL - The Secret To An Endless Stream Of Customers And Raving Fans)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日