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  • [ Music playing ]

  • Oh gosh. [ Laughs ]

  • What do you think?

  • We're trying to get them more hands-on, and not only be able to solve problems on a screen.

  • Too much screen time, and having to navigate that.

  • Gaming has become a big deal in our life.

  • When we sit down to watch a movie,

  • I make it very clear that there are no devices, you're focusing on this one thing.

  • She just finally got a phone, because we needed it for coordination.

  • She's lucky she gets a phone!

  • [ Offscreen ] Are you guys allowed to use your mom's phone or computer or tablet?

  • [ both kids at the same time ] No way!

  • [ Background noise ]

  • Technology use is where we have the greatest generation gap right now.

  • So when a young person looks at their technology use,

  • they see primarily the benefits.

  • Older people look at the same thing, and they see danger.

  • So parents will come to me, and oftentimes they're looking for very strict guidelines.

  • So they'll come and say, "What age should I buy my child a phone?"

  • "What age can I let my child start playing video games?"

  • The reality is there aren't very clear-cut guidelines around this.

  • One important thing is to get your child to talk, and to begin to express themselves.

  • What is your child passionate about?

  • What does your kid find exciting about this?

  • And that way, you'll be in a lot better position in order to support them in creating smart rules and guidelines.

[ Music playing ]


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

デジタルウェルビーイング家族としてのバランスを見つける (Digital Wellbeing: Find balance as a family)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日