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Hey everybody, welcome back to Flag/Fan Friday
...Which is not being uploaded on Friday for the first time... (¬_¬)
There was a little issue with the Japan episode.
Sorry about that! I am currently filming this on location. I am in Italy at my host
Frederico's house. This is his room. He's really cool. He's a musician so, yeah. In any case,
Yes, I am fully aware that we use the wrong image of Akira Toriyama.
...we just used Hayao Miyazaki's picture twice for some reason... (¬_¬)
And yes I'm aware that in the country cutout image of Japan, the Kuril islands are included
But by the time the video was uploaded, it was too late,
and I couldn't fix it so, sorry... In any case, we gotta talk about the flag and stuff.
So without further ado...!
Ahh Japan,
We've all been exposed to this country one way another I feel like everybody knows so I had to give you something about Japan.
So let's just jump into the flag and stuff, shall we? The flag known as the Hinomaru or "Circle of the Sun"
is a white banner with a crimson red circle in the center. The flag embodies the nickname of Japan known as the "Land of the Rising Sun"
with the crimson circle representing the...
Rising Sun???
Due to its location as one of the farthest East Asian countries that typically gets to see the sunrise first
Do you get it now?
Do you get it??!
Anyway! The Sun has always played a symbol of honor and plays a huge role in Japanese mythology
as the chief deity goddess, Amaterasu is said
to be the ancestor of the ruling Imperial House of Japan. It is said that the earliest use of the flag was
was recorded in the Shinto book "Shoku Nihongi"
in which Emperor Monmu was said to have used it in 701 AD.
This flag has generally kind of stayed the same since then except there are a few variants that have popped up here and then.
I'm sure you've probably seen the one from World War two with the sunrays. And now the Coat of Arms
which is not a Coat of Arms
but a seal, and it comes in two different forms: The Paulownia seal and the Imperial seal. The Imperial seal known as
The Chrysanthemum seal, is used both by the Japanese government and the Emperor of Japan and the imperial family often found on
Passports and money as well the seal is a yellow
chrysanthemum with 16 petals and 16 petal tips behind them some people in the imperial family use a 14 petal seal however overall it just
Symbolizes the authority of the Emperor the Polonia seal on the other hand is used by the cabinet and government of japan
Representing the Polonia plant with similar patterns of two smaller branches on the sides of a big one in the middle some have three flowers
Versus five and others have five versus 7 versus five five seven five like a haiku
mind are over 140 seals however the
Five-seven Polonia seals are used to symbolize the Prime Minister of Japan whereas the others take on various other
Governmental sectors keep in mind before the chrysanthemum this was actually used by the imperial family as their seal also the prefecture flags look really
Cool, they're just like simple bold imagery that depicts some kind of thing that represents their region, so yeah
That's pretty much it that was pretty easy and you know what that means now it is time for geography
Fan mail time which the next footage. I'm about to show you was pre-recorded at my house in LA all right
We're gonna make this quick because this is pre-recorded footage and at the time of filming this I have to leave for my flight
So they heard these trip in about 20 minutes, so let's go, okay Lara from, Jacksonville, Florida. I know your name is Cooper
Why did you write Laura on your letter okay? My name is Cooper
I'm in the eighth grade, and I am currently a cadet in the airman first class of the Civil Air Patrol
But you're in eighth grade, but you're part of the airman first. What is that? Okay? Okay?
well We are the largest fleet of Cessnas in the world and you sent me your two
Cadet airman first class rank pins is that okay? Is that legal for you to send me these I don't know okay well
Thank you, all right. We got
Slovenia from
Sasha and Michael my brother and I are big fans of your show your videos are always very interesting and entertaining
We issued the best of luck and keep up the great work greetings from Slovenia
We have great beer - thanks a lot Sasha and Michael alright. This is from Joanne from Malaysia. My name is Joanne
I am currently 21 years old and I'm studying architecture and taylor's university
Subang Jaya Malaysia says hope you visit Malaysia again, John really, hope I do. Thank you. This is a really cool postcard alright
This is really cool
Got a postcard from Kuwait from Isaac, hey bars
My name is Isaac
I'm from Louisiana, but I am in the army and currently deployed in Kuwait your videos help pass the time here
Love your work appreciate that I know you guys probably have a lot of downtime in the Middle East first of all
Thank you for your services, and I yeah, hope you're enjoying Kuwait. Hi this really cool
Daniel from Rio de Janeiro Brazil
But he is living in New Zealand and you are on the Boulanger side of the bullet apiece quite old war
But this is the best part he sends more
Marmite you guys know how much I love this stuff
I love putting on my toes more Marmite the more the merrier the more Marmite the more Marmite e'er this is from
Yosef from the Czech Republic. It's so cool. I'm Yosef from the Czech Republic
I also love your vids, but please don't call our country Czechia. It's a terrible name
See here's the thing I've heard people say they like it and they hate it
I've heard people on both sides of the spectrum, and he also says I try to pronounce some words for me
It looks like it says please stud three get three three, but nah. That's okay
yeah, I already butchered the whole thing this is from Spain hit Barb's, I'm
Vasco neum I'm sending over some stuff for you. He sends a
Catalonia flag and a Basque Country flag a lot of controversy with these two in terms of Spain, but yeah
Thank you for the flags
I don't have these yet, so thank you for sending them man
And this package is from václav and he says chuckya mmm controversy the other guy said he hated the word check yeah
Hi, my name is václav, and I am your fan from check T. Yeah. He wrote it. I'm not saying. I'm just writing
I'm just reading what he wrote. Thank you so much for using our country's official short geographical name
It gives me a big promise that people from all over the world are learning about Czechia. What is this?
I don't know what this is it looks like a sharp object. I don't know what this is he sends a
Check your hat Czechia Jersey look at that, so sorry if you do not like the word check
yeah, some people do though ah
It's a kind of a debate going on
But all right all right so that being said you know what time it is don't give him any more stuff
He doesn't need any more stuff
He's giving me a ride to the airport. So you know what time it is. It's a return address contest
I put all your return addresses in this bag. I pick one out whoever I pick gets a little gift from me
All right, you know actually scoots come here you you pick you pick in oh yeah, you just pick one just pick it
Just pick one read the first name and the country they're from okay
This is Jacob from Germany Germany Germany Jacob from Germany you win you win all right? So thank you guys so much
I subscribe if you'd like and I hope you're doing well. I love putting your country's on display
You've just been flagged stay cool stay tuned