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  • STEVE REICH: What this Nightcap concert

  • amounts to is showing a genre of music which

  • might have been sort of brought into being to a certain extent

  • by these counterpoint pieces, but which has been in the air,

  • I think, for a long time, of simply

  • having a soloist multiplied.

  • What happened vis-a-vis the counterpoint pieces,

  • I got a telephone call from Ransom Wilson, the flutist.

  • And he said, hi, you know me.

  • I'm Ransom Wilson.

  • I'm a flutist.

  • Will you write me a flute concerto?

  • And I said no.

  • I don't write for soloists.

  • But we sort of unpleasantly hung up.

  • And I thought to myself, here's this world class musician.

  • He's asking me to do something.

  • And all I can say is no?

  • I mean-- so I remembered that I had written a piece called

  • Violin Phase, which is for a solo violin who is prerecorded

  • several times and then plays against these pre-recordings

  • in a multiplication.

  • I thought to myself, hm.

  • So I called Ransom Wilson back.

  • I said, Ransom, I don't know if you'll consider this,

  • but would you consider the possibility

  • of pre-recording yourself on flute, on alto flute,

  • on piccolo, and then playing live against it?

  • And he said, yeah.

  • That sounds great.

  • So that was the birth of Vermont Counterpoint, which is

  • for just that instrumentation.

  • A few years later passed.

  • And Richard Stoltzman kind of asked the same kind

  • of question.

  • And I wrote New York Counterpoint,

  • which will be played by Anthony McGill.

  • In the case of Nico Muhly, this piece

  • is, again, another thing where he, instead of notating

  • quite clearly exactly what he wants,

  • he's throwing out a series of musical ideas

  • and letting the player determine that.

  • I mean, he sent me the score, and he said,

  • you can see it's more of a shopping list than a score.

  • So and Nico's usually very, very precise in his notation.

  • But it's quite attractive.

  • And it's for gamba.

  • Gabriella Smith-- I saw Carrot Revolution on YouTube

  • and I said, this woman is a force to be reckoned with.

  • So she's a very interesting case.

  • And she's obviously going to be one of the great composers

  • of her generation.



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スティーヴ・ライヒ、ナイトキャップと "Soloist Multiplied "の作曲について (Steve Reich on Nightcap and Composing for "Soloist Multiplied")

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日