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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • How much time do we have left?


  • [The SEVENTEEN chefs rush to finish up]


  • [4 different LA style burgers ]

    [LA の香りを込めた4人4色ハンバーガー]

  • I'm nervous


  • First place goes to...


  • Who has won Joshua's heart and won the Battle of Burgers?




  • [What if Seventeen made burgers? - The final episode of the Battle of Burgers] [WOOZI adds in a side menu]

    [もしもSEVENTEENがハンバーガーを作ったら? - ハンバーガー対戦ラストストーリー] [サイドメニューを追加するWOOZI]

  • [Chopping onions]


  • [A bit of barbeque sauce over the chopped onion]


  • [Stir fry]


  • [Advanced pan manipulation]


  • Onions need to fry until they turn golden brown


  • [Turn brown, onions~]


  • [First side menu - golden brown stir-fried onion]

    [サイドメニュー1 - こんがり玉ねぎ炒め]

  • [Second side menu - beef separately cooked]

    [サイドメニュー2 - 別に焼いた牛肉]

  • [Barbecue sauce]


  • [+ tomatoes]


  • [Fourth side menu - freshly caught (?) salmon]

    [サイドメニュー4 - 取れたて(?)サーモン]

  • [Subscribe]


  • [Fifth side menu - the finishing touch, fried eggs]

    [サイドメニュー5 - 最後の仕上げ目玉焼き]

  • [WOOZI is generous]


  • Is there anything else?


  • [The juicy WOOZI burger is complete, the plate is full of food]


  • [VERNON, who is new to cooking, is nearly done as well]


  • [The well-cooked chicken patty goes on top of the bun!]


  • [+ jalapenos]


  • [+ olives]


  • [And it's done with the bun on top]


  • I wanna eat it now


  • [It looks good to eat right off] Oh yeah this one I really want to eat

    [すぐにでも、かぶりつきたいビジュアル] これ本当に食べたい

  • [Urge resisted, the plating begins]


  • [+ snacks for Vernon]


  • [The Vernon burger (made with Joshua) is complete!]


  • [Chef Ming stands out again, choosing a different kind of bun]


  • [Veggies to give that mouthfeel on top of the baguette]


  • [With fresh fried squid on the side!]


  • Wow the squid looks really nice


  • [Mingyu likes the compliment]


  • Hey was the squid preprocessed?

    これ、さばいてあったの? イカ?

  • - No I cleaned it! - He cleaned it

    - さばいたよ! - Mingyuさんがさばいたんだよ

  • [Full of pride] Awesome!

    [満足] かっこいい!

  • [The fancy looking Mingyu burger is complete!] Ok done!

    [華やかなビジュアルMingyuバーガー完成!] あ、終わった!

  • [But the taste.. not even the chef can predict] I wasn't able to taste it

    [でも本人にも予測できない味…] まだ味見してない

  • [A bit nervous] I was so busy making it..

    [少し不安] あまりにも忙しくて…

  • [Meanwhile, SeungKwan is struggling to match pace]


  • [A sauce full of diced garlic]


  • [Barely completed one]


  • [The chef is losing it]


  • [It's too much] Wow this is really tough

    [しんどい] 本当、しんどい!

  • [Can't miss the side menu]


  • [The plating was done without full control of his faculties LOL] I'm laughing at myself all of a sudden

    [無意識が支配したプレーティングwww] 急に笑えるんだけど

  • [The time is almost up]


  • [It's almost over...] - SeungKwan, are you done? - Uh yeah, yeah I'm done

    [もうそろそろ時間なのに…] ‐SeungKwan、終わった? ‐はい、終わりました、終わりました 今

  • ['Kay] - You do know we have to make two burgers right? - I was placing them on the plate...

    [うんうん] ‐ハンバーガー2個作らないといけないの、知ってるよな? ‐プレーティング中です

  • [Done!]


  • [SEVENTEEN chefs, thanks for the effort~]


  • [It's over..?]


  • Nice


  • [Bragging time] - What's the sauce inside? - It's...

    [お互いの手作りハンバーガーを自慢中] ‐中のソース何? ‐ソース…

  • [Let me taste the sauce!]


  • Hey this sauce is good


  • [Well of course it is.. Joshua made it] Joshua made this for me

    [当たり前だろ…Joshua作だから…] これJoshuaさんが作ってくれた

  • [SeungKwan calmly works to finish his burger]


  • [The chef puts in effort to the end]


  • [It'll taste good..right?]


  • [Found the shrimp shells] Wow look at all the shrimp shells

    [エビの殻を発見] わぁ、エビ剥いたの見て!

  • [Traces of hard labor...] The shrimp must have really taken some effort

    [労働の証···] あ、エビ本当に大変だったみたいだね

  • I almost cried


  • [Now for the sauce] What will it taste like if I mix chili sauce, mayo, and strawberry jam?

    [今度は付け合せソース作り] チリソースとマヨネーズとイチゴジャムを混ぜると、どんな味かな?

  • [Hardworking to the finish]


  • [It's quite empty../ Chef does not cry, lonely or sad]

    [がらん/寂しくても悲しくても シェフは泣かないさ!]

  • [Burger made with SeungKwan's sweat and tears is complete!]


  • [Battle of Burgers]


  • [Celebration / 4 different burgers by 4 chefs are complete!]


  • [Finally it's time to taste & test]


  • You've all worked so hard


  • Joshua: You were going so hard at it


  • [Midway taste evaluation is good] I tried a little bit while they were being made, it was delicious

    [いい感じの中間試食評価] 少しずつ味見しましたが、とてもおいしかったです

  • [Joshua's expectations have shot up↑] That's why I'm looking forward to it even more

    [Joshuaの期待は垂直上昇↑] なので、審査がますます楽しみになってきました

  • [Joshua's stringent testing standards!] Yes, the standards will be, as I said earlier,

    [Joshua's 厳しい審査基準!] はい、審査基準は私が最初に言った通りに

  • [Standard #1 - harmonious plating] How harmonious the plating is

    [審査基準1 - 調和のとれたプレーティング] プレーティングの調和

  • [Standard #2 - unique DIY ingredients] And how each member was able to make the given ingredients come to life

    [審査基準2 - 個性的なメイン材料のDIY] 各メンバーに与えられた材料を、どのように生かしたか?

  • That's mainly what I'll be looking for


  • Is it okay if it tastes bad then?


  • [Not so fast] It has to taste good

    [切り捨て] 美味しくなくても良くありません

  • [Standard #3] - The taste is a given - Of course

    [審査基準3] - 味は当たり前! - やっぱり

  • [Introductions prior to tasting] Firstly my burger..

    [試食前のハンバーガー紹介タイム] まず、僕のハンバーガー

  • [SeungKwan's burger] Mine is called shrimp dip burger

    [SeungKwanバーガー] 名前はえびディップバーガーです

  • It's a dipping burger


  • [Dipping sauce] When I eat burgers sometimes the sauce isn't evenly distributed

    [ディップソース] SeungKwan:僕はいつもハンバーガーを食べる時、 ソースがしっかり塗れてない所もあるし、足りない時もあるので

  • [Complete agreement] So I put aside some sauce

    [うんうん共感] なのでソースを別にして

  • Made some signature sauce of my own


  • [When that tiny oomph is missing, use the dip!] When I want to cut it up and dip it I can do that

    [少し物足りない時は、ディップソースをつけて] 切り分けて、付けて食べたい時は付けて食べれる

  • It's that kind of burger, and I'll look to captivate Joshua with this today

    そんな感じのえびディップバーガーで、今日は審査委員の Joshuaさんの味覚を捕らえてみたいと思います

  • [The taste of real shrimp]


  • [The shrimp dipping burger]


  • [WOOZI's burger] My burger is called the BBQ fried burger

    [WOOZIバーガー] 僕が作ったバーガーの名前はBBQ炒めバーガーです

  • WOOZI: I made the patty with meat stir-fried in barbecue sauce


  • [An astonishing 5-piece menu! / burger 1, burger 2, salmon, lettuce, tomato, fried onion, beef, fried eggs] I put the meat and the onions together

    [ボリュームたっぷりのサイドメニュー5点セット!/ハンバーガー1、 ハンバーガー2、サーモン、レタス、トマト、玉ねぎ炒め、牛肉炒め、目玉焼き] 玉ねぎ炒めと残りの肉炒めを一緒にして

  • WOOZI: If all of this goes into the burger it might make the burger too big

    WOOZI:下手すると一つのバーガーにこの材料を全部入ると、 バーガーが大きくなりすぎて

  • [Nods] [Brainy chef has calculated even for the tasting] - True, true. - It could be a little hard to eat

    [うんうん] [試食まで計算した 電子頭脳シェフ] - そうです、そうです - 口を開けて食べるのに

  • in one bite,


  • [How will the burger with the side menu added together taste?] I thought it would be a good idea to add the side menu so I prepared it separately instead of mixing them together

    [サイドメニューを添えたバーガーの味は果たして?] ちょっと添えて一緒に食べるといいんじゃないかというアイディアで 中に入れずに外に出してセッティングしてみました

  • [Gastronomy of choosing the food you want to eat]


  • [BBQ fried burger]

    [BBQ 炒めバーガー]

  • [Vernon Burger] The menu I prepared is called 'Ding Dong Dang' set

    [Vernonバーガー] 私が用意したメニューの名前はピンポンバーガーセットなんですけど

  • [Ding dong dang?] It looks simple

    [ピンポン?] すごく見た目も単純でなんか

  • and it made me think of the 'ding dong dang~' song when you get a question right so


  • [YEAH we know the feeling] - Ding dong dang~ - Yes

    [感じ分かる YEAH] - ピンポン - はい

  • [Back to the basics - Vernon's burger] For the patty I used chicken and onions

    [基本に忠実なVernon’sバーガー] パティは鶏肉、玉ねぎ

  • and since both the top and bottom buns have Joshua's sauce on it


  • [Super confident] It's a sauce that I made with help

    [パワー 堂々] 本当しっかりとサポートしてもらって作ったソースです

  • This is... a competition, right?


  • [LMAO]


  • Vernon: I believe that Joshua would enjoy it


  • [Ding dong dang burger]


  • [Mingyu burger] My burger is named 'dumbfounded' burger

    [Mingyuバーガー] 僕のバーガーの名前はとんでもバーガーです

  • - Dumbfounded burger? - Yes

    - とんでもバーガー? - はい

  • I was dumbfounded while making it


  • but I believe that the taste will be so good that it will dumbfound you


  • [Listening carefully to the briefing] because it might get too heavy if the bun is on both the top and the bottom,

    [ブリーフィング傾聴] パンが上下にあると、ちょっと負担になるかもしれませんので

  • [Making an appeal 1] I went for a lighter taste by taking out one

    [アピール1] パンを一枚取って少しライトな感じを

  • Mingyu: and since each time you want to eat a burger, there is the inconvenience of sauce oozing out


  • [Making an appeal 2] In order to get rid of that, we made sure that

    [アピール2] そういうのをなくすためにサイズは小さく

  • the size is small enough, for one bite


  • It's called dumbfounded burger


  • [Overcoming the limitations of a burger]


  • [Dumbfounded burger]


  • [4 people, 4 different tastes SVT BURGER]

    [4人 4色 SVT BURGER]

  • [First to be judged, WOOZI's BBQ fried burger] I'll first try WOOZI's burger

    [1つ目の審査はWOOZI's BBQ 炒めバーガー] まずWOOZIバーガーから食べてみます 

  • [Beef that was selected as his favorite beef in the first session]


  • [Joshua starts with the side dish]


  • [Stir-fried onions]


  • [He smiles as soon as he takes a bite] Ah it looks tasty

    [食べたとたん顔の筋肉緩む] あ 美味しそう

  • This couldn't be bad

    あ これはまずいわけがない

  • [Feels relieved] Your smile of relief, great

    [よかった] 満足してる笑顔本当にいいです

  • [Good at cutting burgers] You're very used to cutting it, I guess?

    [ハンバーガー切ったことある手つき] よく切ってみたよ

  • [Takes a big bite] Take a huge bite!

    [わあん] 大きく一口!

  • [Also takes a bite of the main menu(?) stir-fried onions] This is the main, the onions

    [メインメニュー玉ねぎ炒めも一口!] これがメインですよ、玉ねぎがメインです

  • It feels like you're adding this together


  • [Nervous]


  • - Are we moving onto the next? - Yes

    - 次に行きますか? - はい

  • [Sample tasting ended without a special comment]


  • [This is serious] - Hmm the taste is.... his facial expressions are like.. - Without comments or a judgement, we are moving on?

    [やばいけど?] - なんか味が?表情が? - 評価なしで?

  • [Next up, SeungKwan's shrimp dip burger] - The next burger is - SeungKwan's

    [次はSeungKwan's エビディップバーガー] - 次のハンバーガーは - SeungKwanのハンバーガー

  • [Suddenly stops smiling and gets serious] Ah I am excited for SeungKwan's

    [笑いがさっー] あ SeungKwanの期待してる

  • [Slave of preparing the ingredients / guessing whether the hard work of preparing shrimp will be helpful overall]

    [材料仕込みの奴隷 / 真面目にエビをさばいたかいがあるのか!]

  • [The patty is already cut out into two] The patty is already divided into two, isn't it? Oh this is...

    [すでに半分に切られてるパティ] パティはすでに切れてますよね?あ これも..

  • [Trying to make an appeal] This is being sensible and giving a nice touch

    [隙間アピール] センスですよ

  • For you to be able to eat it easily


  • [Look at his face LOL]

    [表情 注目WWw]

  • [Dip the shrimp burger in the sauce] There you go!

    [エビバーガーをソースにつけ] つけます!

  • [Puts it right into his mouth]


  • I'm scared :(

    怖い.. ㅠㅠ

  • [Just devouring for now, leaving the comments for later]

    [審査は後回し ハンバーガーグルメ放送]

  • [WOOZI eats well, deliciously]


  • [The third burger will be Vernon's Ding dong dang burger] Next up, Vernon's burger

    [3つ目の審査はVernon's ピンポンバーガー] はい 次はVernonのバーガーを食べてみます

  • [80% of the burger is made by Joshua LOL]


  • [Always takes a huge bite for sample tasting] I think it will be good? at least the color...

    [試食はいつも大きく一口] 良さそうだけど?色は?

  • The color is great


  • - Hmm I can't read Joshua's face - I can't read his face

    - あ Joshuaの表情が分からない - 読めない表情ですよ

  • [Feeling nervous] It makes me wonder, what he is thinking about

    [焦る気持ち] 気になる!どんな考えをしてるか

  • [Another bite]


  • Well if you eat so much, would you be able to eat mine, being so full?


  • [Ending the sample tasting with Vernon's snack (=pineapple)!]


  • [How does the burger which has your taste reflected 99.9% taste?] This can't be bad

    [本人の好みが 99.9% 入ってるバーガーの味は?] これはまずい訳がないんですよ

  • So that's why I put it in


  • [Last up, Mingyu's dumbfounded burger] - Yes, this is the last - You made the burger with baguette

    [最後の審査はMingyu's とんでもバーガー] - お ついに最後! - バゲットでハンバーガーを作りました

  • [The patty that Joshua hated the most: squid]


  • But the fry's color is so beautiful

    おわ~ でも天ぷらの色がアートです

  • [Puts it right into his mouth] He is taking a bite

    [一口に] かじってますね?

  • [Squid fry getting cut out softly] The squid is cut out quite easily

    [柔らかく噛み切れるイカ天] イカも軽く切れまして

  • [How does it taste, Joshua?] It means that it wasn't too tough to chew on

    [Joshuaさんどう?] 固くないって意味でしょ?

  • [Smiles slightly] - Oh is he smiling? - A little?

    [少し上がる口元] - お 笑顔が? - お 若干?

  • [Puts on the salsa sauce that goes so well]


  • [And one more time]


  • - Take a big bite! - A bold one!

    - 贅沢に! - 迷いなく!

  • Go boldly


  • [I want a bite too]


  • [Smiles slightly / can't hide his smile of satisfaction] - Oh... it's like eating makes you smile? - He can't help himself but smile

    [口元アップ / 隠せない満足の笑顔] - お? 食べれば食べるほど笑いが出る? - 笑いが出ますよ

  • It's making you dumbfounded!


  • [Finds Vernon]


  • Who made Vernon starve?


  • [Embarrassed] Should we all return to our seats now?

    [恥ずかしい] 各自席に戻りましょうか?

  • [4 people, 4 different tastes burger taste sampling finished!] Ah I'm nervous

    [4人4色ハンバーガー試食完了] あ ドキドキ!あ ドキドキする!

  • Now did you all rank the burgers in your mind?


  • [All the 4 burgers were great] Yes, I was very shocked today

    [4つバーガー全部驚く味] はい、今日本当にすごく驚きました

  • when I was tasting the burgers


  • [The burger tasting competition results that we have been waiting for!] Now I will open up the results,

    [大望のハンバーガー対戦順位発表!] これから順位を発表しますが

  • [Feeling nervous as they were in the 26th of may, 2015] - I'm nervous - This is making me shake

    [2015年 5月 26日ぐらい震える瞬間!] - わードキドキする - わーこれ本当に緊張する

  • [Who will be the winner of this competition?] It will be revealed after 60 seconds

    [果たしってハンバーガー対戦の優勝者は?] 60秒後公開します

  • [Let's make it brief for 17 seconds]


  • [A DARK patty he has never seen in his life before & oil that is getting everywhere]

    [生涯初めて出会ったDARK パティ&OVERする油]

  • Vernon, keep checking


  • [Cooking challenge that was tough for everyone] Ah this is tough

    [長くてつらかった料理チャレンジ] あー簡単じゃない!

  • [Having gone through all the fuss] Failure is the mother of success

    [大騒ぎの時間を走り過ぎ] 失敗は成功の母

  • Ah this is a big mess


  • OMG it is serious!!


  • [SEVENTEEN chefs who finished the burgers] - It is a real burger - This is Mingyu's, right?

    [最後までバーガーを完成したSEVENシェフ達] - 本当ハンバーガーだよ - Mingyuの合ってる?

  • It's great


  • [The 4 different burgers by 4 chefs you will never see but here] Ah I'm tired

    [世界に一つだけの4人4色バーガー] あー俺本当につらい

  • [Now, here comes the winner of the Battle of Burgers]


  • I'll announce the third place first!


  • [He doesn't want to miss the third spot, not today] Woah Joshua

    [今日だけは譲りたくない3位] わ、ジョシュア!

  • Third place goes to...


  • [Anticipation/Tension]


  • [Thrill/Heart pounding]


  • [Third place in the Battle of Burgers, Vernon] 3rd place goes to Vernon

    [ハンバーガー対戦3位はVernon] 3位はVernon

  • [Satisfied YEAH]

    [満足 YEAH]

  • [Hey cool, grats Vernon!]

    [おぉw Vernonおめでとう!]

  • Joshua: It tasted amazing


  • Joshua: It really was, but compared to the buns


  • [Deductive point] and the ingredients, the patty was too thin, wasn't it?

    [減点要因] 中に入ってる材料に比べてパティが薄過ぎるかな?

  • [The judge is quite detailed]


  • Vernon: I made it thin because the meat might not fully cook, it's enough for me that it was fully cooked


  • [Following right up with number two!] Now for the second place.

    [早速2位発表!] 2位を発表いたします

  • Second place goes to..


  • [Please at least let me be second]


  • [I just don't want to be last]


  • WOOZI.


  • [Second place in the Battle of Burgers, WOOZI]


  • [Roar of inner delight]


  • Joshua: It tastes a lot like the burgers I used to eat in the U.S


  • [That be true] Yeah it is similar

    [認める] うん、そうです、似てます

  • [Deductive point - not a new flavor] It was really good, except I'd tasted it before

    [減点要因−新しい味ではなかったけど] すごく良かったけど食べたことがある味だから

  • [Familiarity is quite powerful] That's probably why it still got second place

    [知ってる味だから一番難しい] とにかく、だから2位じゃないかな?

  • [Highest praise] Joshua: But I think it's an amazing burger

    [激賛] Joshua:でもとても素晴らしいハンバーガーだったと思います

  • Thank you


  • [Now the expectancy is reaching its peak] Am I last or number one?

    [期待感がMAXに到る] ビリもしくは1位?

  • Vernon: The only two burgers that Joshua


  • smiled while tasting are


  • [Oh dear, SeungKwan...haha] - to take first and fourth place - Ah the two menus that made him smile!

    [とほほSeunKwan〜www] −1位と4位を戦っているんですね? −あ、微笑んだ2つのメニュー!

  • [So sad] Those two menus are now

    [わあわあ] その2つのメニューが今…

  • [Remarks from the nominees for first place!] - The two menus that made him smile! - They now have first and fourth place before them

    [優勝候補たちの一言!] −微笑んだ2つのメニュー! −1位と4位を争っていますが

  • SeungKwan: Well for me I'm ready first of all to accept whatever result may come


  • [But the sweat refuses to stop,,] And more than anything it was such a meaningful time

    [言葉とは違い空気読めずに流れる汗] まずこんな意味深い時間がとても有意義でした

  • I wish there'd be more time in future for me to go out and eat food together with Joshua


  • [The long-awaited first place reveal!] Now I will present to you the first place winner!

    [大望のハンバーガー対戦、優勝者の発表!] 大望の1位を発表させていただきます

  • The first place goes to


  • [The final contestant who will receive the glory of first place]


  • [The hard-to-clean squid with its fishy smell]


  • [The shrimp, hand peeled with love]


  • [Who will take the first place in the Battle of the Burgers?]


  • The first place goes to..


  • [Heart beats]


  • Mingyu!


  • [Mingyu, Winner of the Battle of Burgers] It's Mingyu!

    [ハンバーガー対戦の優勝者Mingyu] Mingyuです!

  • [Holy cow!] Number one!

    [あら、まさかの!] 1位!

  • [Bitter] Squid!

    [錯雑] イカ!

  • It was so hard to predict


  • [The unpredictable squid burger] Joshua: I couldn't imagine a burger made with squid

    [予測不可だったイカバーガー] Joshua:‘イカでハンバーガーをどうやって作れるか?’ それが想像できなかったのですが

  • And I loved the harmony


  • that elevated my imagination


  • [Sad premonitions are seldom wrong] Joshua: I ate the bread and cucumber with salsa and coriander

    [悲しい予感は違わぬ] Joshua:パンときゅうり、そしてサルサとパクチーを その上にのせて食べてみたんですが

  • It tasted amazing


  • [Overwhelmed by the heaps of praise] I enjoyed it so very much

    [相次ぐ絶賛に押し寄せてくる感動] とてもとても美味しくいただきました

  • - Thank you - I want to eat it again.

    −ありがとうございます −今度また食べたいです

  • [Really amazing] It could have been the worst set of ingredients

    [本当すごい] 一番不利な材料だったかも知れないのに

  • And fourth place..


  • [Must you really..]


  • [Entering acting mode] Hey who's fourth?

    [演技始動] あ、4位誰だ?

  • [The last place goes to SeungKwan] Fourth is SeungKwan

    [ハンバーガー対戦のビリSeunKwan] 4位はSeunKwanですが

  • And the reason..


  • [Consoling applause]


  • [Confused] Look at the expression on his face

    [キョトキョト] 顔みて

  • Are you guys making fun of me or what?


  • Joshua: It wasn't because it tasted bad


  • [Deductive point] I couldn't taste much of the original ingredients

    [減点要因] 材料本然の味があまりしなくて

  • Joshua: The sauce and garlic and stuff covered up much of the flavor (of the shrimp)


  • Garlic.. you told me to add garlic!


  • Hey, can you add a little bit of garlic


  • [The cause] - Here? - Yeah, a little bit

    [ビリの主犯] −ここに? −ああ、少しね

  • But it had to be a little bit of garlic..


  • [Suddenly remorseful] But there was too much

    [急に反省…] 入れ過ぎたから…

  • The patty was really good


  • I want to compliment you on that


  • [The results could have been different if Vernon had judged? Haha] If Vernon had been the judge you might have gotten a higher score

    [審査委員がVernonだったら違った結果?www] 審査委員がVernonだったら高い点数をもらってたかも知れません

  • [Disappointed for some reason] You like garlic, right? Come have some later

    [なんか残念] にんにくめっちゃ好きでしょう?後で食べにきてください

  • Thanks everyone for the hard work


  • [The Battle of Burgers is over!]

    [ガチャガチャ ハンバーガー対戦終わり!]

  • Woah what's that?


  • [You thought it was over right?]


  • What in the world is that? Hahaha


  • [First place prize] - Let's go on a date! - Okay

    [1位の優勝商品] −俺らデートしに行こう! −いいよ

  • [Sudden finish] You've been watching

    [急いで締めくくり] はい、ここまで

  • - The Burger King Selection Contest hosted by IF - Yes

    −IF杯バーガー王選抜大会 −でした

  • Thank you!


  • [Now the Battle of Burgers is really over!]


  • [#Mingyu_wins_anyway]


  • [#disappointment]


  • [#Congrats]


  • [#four_chefs #four_burgers #Battle_of_Burgers #Bye]




  • [Adorable Boo is full of love] - What do the strawberries mean? - The strawberries show my love for you Joshua

    [愛情たっぷり愛されっ子] −いちごはどういう意味? −いちごはJoshuaさんへの僕の気持ちですが

  • [Heart shaped strawberries full of love] And I arranged it specially to form a heart, so

    [愛をたっぷり入れたハート形いちご] 僕がまた特別にプレーティングをハートにしてみました、それで

  • Why is the strawberry jam there?


  • The jam...


  • [To dip the strawberries in]


  • [Boo's heart] Dipping the strawberries in the strawberry jam

    [プの気持ち] いちごにいちごジャムをつけて

  • But it's not strange because


  • Is it like we dipping Kimchi in pepper powder?


  • [I have my own dipping standards] No, it's like dipping tomatoes in sugar

    [僕のつけ食べの基準がある] いいえ、トマトに砂糖をつけて食べるように

  • - to bring out the sweeter.. - Is it like dipping tomatoes in ketchup?

    −甘さをもう少し… −トマトにケチャップをつけて食べるんですか?

  • No it's different from that


  • [How so..? Hahaha] Oh it's different?

    [どこが違う?www] あ、それとは違うんですか?

  • [Grave face / it doesn't have my love in it] It's different

    [真顔/俺の愛がこもってないじゃん] 違います

  • Tomatoes on tomatoes is not cool




How much time do we have left?



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