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what's going on, everybody And welcome to a very much awaited a tutorial, and that is packaging your TV application for Android.
So obviously this is just a really basic example, and this is only one example, and there's like, lots of little stuff that's gonna get in your way is you try to package things any time you're trying to convert something to inexcusable or packaging for a different operating system.
Uh, you're gonna have problems.
Okay, so I'm gonna show you at least one example of us getting through everything and hopefully show you how you consort of the bug things along the way.
But you're probably gonna have a hard time.
I'm just letting you know when you try to make your own application, and you just have to slowly debug through the process.
But just know there is light at the end of the tunnel.
The tunnel might be long, though, So getting started here, uh, let's see.
So the first thing you need to do is for home on Lennox.
I'm on a boon to 18 04 You have to be on Lennox to package this for Android.
Um, you could use like a virtual machine, I think probably on Windows.
I don't know.
Anyway, I just wanted to eliminate all the variables that I could, so I'm using my laptop.
That has a boon to on it.
So, um, the next thing is so first you have to install Ky v on Lenox.
Okay, so if you go to keep it out or ge and then just go to slash hashtag download and then come down to Lennox install for Lennox, just do whatever Lennox operating system you have.
So, um, apparently is gonna take 20 years toe to go.
I think it's cause I'm recording o B s on here.
Hopefully, the recording isn't terrible, huh?
Anyway, um, I guess I'll wait 10 years for that to go.
Um, So the next thing is like, once you're once you've got things installed on Lennox, which should be pretty basic, like there's really no hang up that I had you just simply add, um you just add this repositories.
Uh, yeah.
Can you do an update and then install Ky v?
Um, I can't remember if Bill Dozer is using upsets for obvious.
I can't remember if Bill Dozer is using python two or three.
But just for the record, this machine as Python 2.7 point 15 and then also for Python three, it's 36.7.
Both those just come with a boon to 18 0 for.
So if you have a fresh install, it should be good.
At least I believe they do.
I might have installed to seven.
I can't remember.
I don't think so.
Anyway, carrying on.
So go ahead and do those things.
Get TV on the machine and you're good to go now.
The next thing is, if you do a search for packaging TV Android, you should find yourself on a page.
Probably not like this, but instead you'll find a page like this and then we're gonna go with the builders or option.
I'll try to put links to all the stuff in the description.
If I forget, someone remind me, I'll do it.
Um, but yeah, cool.
So we get here and you can either get billed over this way.
You can also just do a pip in stall for Bill Dozer.
So if you come over here, you can just maybe, you know, pick three.
Install builders, er or pip.
Either one would be fine.
Probably it should say already have.
It's already done it on this machine here.
Okay, Okay.
S o.
Now you've got Bill Dozer.
But then Bill Dozer has, like, a bunch of dependency.
So, uh, here, you'll see there's a little link here that says, hey, installed bulldozers dependencies.
So open that a new tab.
And, um, yes.
Oh, here they say, Just pip.
Install, Upgrade Bill Dozer.
Um, then they have the this list of things.
Either if you're on 18 0 for been two or 60 No.
Forbidden to do these four commands.
That's great.
But it's actually not just those four things.
I was having issues, and I guess it's on my desktop.
Probably let me pull up a notes file this over.
This is our ruby lips.
Minimize this so hard.
I'm on a track pad right now.
It's really painful.
Uh, open this up.
So whenever I after, I did all the things that they said to do and then to build those air in it, which I'll show you guys in a second, I got these errors on Basically, the main crux of this error is basically this.
The auto recall not found this thing here.
Um, so then I was just kind of poking around, and I saw that these were also some dependencies to, uh, Bill does so sooner Pseudo aps get installed.
Auto make oughta comp in lib.
Lt d l Dash Dev.
So install those as well.
So once you have those, then you're ready to least build wth e application.
So the way that works is let's go to key V Convert tutorial.
That's great.
I'm happy that it's ready.
Will open in terminal and let me just make it lips.
Let me see here today.
There you go.
Um, so the first thing that you would do is do, um, in it, But also since in the tutorial Siri's I didn't call this like a main dot pie.
That's gonna be a problem down the line.
So go ahead and rename your actual ky V file.
Um, main dot pine mean dot pie.
That was another issue.
I ran into that I don't think would set anywhere, and I just had to figure that one out.
So then Bill Dozer in your, you know, directory that you're in Bill Dozer, Dash dash in it, Um, or is it maybe No.
Dash dash, Bill Dozer in it told maybe go back to the docks.
Okay, cool.
So now you got that speck file and there's lots of things in the spec file you might want to take a peek.
Siete respect file.
One thing we'll talk about real quick is somewhere in here.
There's a thing about Internet.
I can't find it.
So I'm just gonna do control f for Internet.
So for permissions, right now, the permission to use the Internet is commented out.
We actually need that because we want to use sockets and communicate over the internet.
So I'm gonna uncommon that out and go ahead and save that.
That was one of the things that was killing us.
The APP was just crashing immediately, and it was dang near impossible for us to figure out.
How the heck do we debug this?
And so I'm gonna I'm gonna post in the text based version of this tutorial how we actually debugged the app because it just crashes.
There's no console on your phone.
And so he was a pain in the butt.
Um, So thanks to Daniel for figuring out a good way to debug.
And, uh, yeah, so we share that with you guys.
So anyway, um, that was the issue.
It didn't have the rights.
He got, like, a permission denied, basically to access the internet.
So, um yeah, fun.
Now, once you've got that in it and you change other things, you could change like your APS name and stuff.
Like when I move this to the phone, it's just gonna be called like Mikey v app for something stupid.
But that's okay.
We just wanted on her phone.
For now, we can worry about customizing and all that stuff later.
So once you run the builders air in it command, the next thing you're gonna run is, um, like, if I go over to this Yeah, it says after you've run that in it, you can run this, like, build a bug, whatever.
And I might get away with running that right now, but it turns out that that didn't work for me the first time.
And I'm pretty sure it won't work for any of you guys the first time.
I gotta check my notes, figure out where to put this flag.
But anyway, this was just hanging at a certain spot for me When I went and ran this this command here and I didn't know why it was hanging.
It just waas.
And so I started looking around trying to figure out how do I do bug this cause again, just like the app crashing on my phone.
It's, like, impossible to debug it because you're not getting any errors.
So then someone mentioned there's a verbose flag, and so I ran that so I could see the error.
And rather than air it's act, it was actually a like an agreement you have to agree to, so I probably won't get it any more.
But I'll just go ahead and build Dozer Dash V here just to see if I get it.
But I've already accepted it once, so I'm not really sure I'm gonna have to get it again before we run this command.
Go ahead and connect your android device to the machine.
So you just plug mine in really quick.
So cool.
So Bill Dozer, Dash v Android bug, deploy, Run.
So let's go ahead and run that and yeah, it looks like I want to say I'm just gonna move this up if I can.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm trying to think at which blue thing?
See, we're seeing, like, all these great text because of the verbose flag.
It might have been like it might have been here that I was hanging or something.
I honestly can't remember probably, though, because this is, like, another agreement thing that probably initially I had to say yes to.
Anyway, make sure use that verbose flagged the first time because you'll probably run in that same issue I had.
So then this will take a while on your phone.
You might get something like, uh, you know, do you want to allow access to the data?
I'm gonna say, Yeah, um, that that may or may not be necessary.
I'm pretty sure it will be exactly like how your phone will become visible to the machine.
But anyway, just watch out for those notifications, and then this goes on for quite a while.
Um, after you've run this one time, if you making edit to your file, you can run this step actually really quickly.
I don't know why the first time it takes so long, but then you can edit it really quickly, But just know you don't have to go through this process like if you just change a few lines of code in your python file.
You don't have to do this for like 20 minutes.
So, um, I think what I'm gonna do is just kind of pause for now.
And then once this is done, I'll pick back up, and then you guys can do the same because your computer might do this quicker.
Whatever, all right?
And finally, after it has been a long time.
Uh, it's done.
You can see it's, uh says it's the application has started, and sure enough, it is already running on my phone.
And now you can put in an I P.
Port and username.
Obviously you can't do local host anymore because we're not running the server on her phone.
So you can run the server maybe on your on your machine or something like that.
And then, rather than 1 27 zeros there one run it on poor running on I p 0.0 point 0.0, uh, and then connect to your local I P.
Do like I f configure something like that.
Figure out what your I P addresses connect to that.
Um, and yet cool.
So let me just test that real quick, Philip.
My user name hit join.
And then hello.
And awesome.
That works so pretty cool.
Hopefully it worked for you guys.
Um, probably the hardest thing will be.
Now, you just need to make sure you're running that server locally and then connect to it.
But otherwise, theat should definitely be working on your phone.
Now, at least this one.
Now, as you continue trying to work with more, uh, just different types of APS doing different things running different python libraries.
All kinds of stuff could start going wrong.
So definitely check out the text based version of sartorial.
Put the link in the description as we hear of issues from other people.
I'll just continue to kind of append to that page over time so hopefully we can help you guys out.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, whatever proof, really, those below.
Also, if you want help, you can join the discord.
Discord dot g slash Centex.
Otherwise, that's it s o get to creating some cool.
Keep the APS on your phone.
Uh, I've received many requests for, like, open CV and maybe even like tensorflow or tensorflow light object detection or something with TV, so I'll definitely be looking at that.
Maybe we'll add a couple more videos with that in mind, but otherwise, that's it.
Check out the key V A P I docks and start making some stuff.
Check out the examples and all that.
I will see you guys in another tutorial.