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  • It's the new normal for families in the age of the Corona virus.

  • Normally, I'd get the kids up.

  • We have breakfast and be racing out the door by 7 30 But not today.

  • With my four kids home from school, it's a challenge to keep them from climbing the walls.

  • Okay, guys, stop fighting.

  • It's time for breakfast.

  • Let's get dressed.

  • The day starts just like any other making breakfast.

  • Now it's time for some schoolwork.

  • Okay, guys.

  • So just because we don't have school doesn't mean we're not gonna do any school work.

  • Okay?

  • Psychotherapist Dr Wendy Walsh says it's important to keep kids on a schedule.

  • Structure is the most important meaning.

  • This is not summer holiday, where you can sleep until noon, set up some kind of schedule that's reasonable.

  • She suggests these tips for parents.

  • Engage them when you are making the plan for what the schedule will be asked them.

  • Let's make a family project, and let's figure out what our schedule will be.

  • It's a great time to stay connected with loved ones from afar.

  • This'll is an amazing time because we're getting this wonderful gift of time to spend with our closest family.

  • Kids also should not be stuck inside all day getting the kids outdoors with some fresh air.

  • Now I don't recommend crowded playgrounds, of course, but just taking a walk outside a couple times a day is very important.

  • Having the kids ride their bike, get some fresh air as long as they're not around lots of other kids, this is perfectly safe to d'oh!

It's the new normal for families in the age of the Corona virus.


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A2 初級

検疫中の自宅での子供の扱い方 (How to Handle Kids At Home During Quarantine)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日