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  • Oh, no, I'm messing with you.

  • This reporter didn't want anything to do with the bison that were roaming nearby while he was out in the fields covering a story at Yellowstone National Park.

  • So we quickly packed up and got in this car.

  • Little did he know the whole event was recorded on his camera.

  • Normal out department, My gear away.

  • I got so caught up in the moment, I was just worried about Dion.

  • Broxton is a reporter for NBC Montana and has been to Yellowstone more than a dozen times.

  • He knew when one of the bison made eye contact.

  • She was time to hightail.

  • It began walking toward free.

  • As like, you know what?

  • I'm not gonna stick around to see what happens if I stay here.

  • And the Yellowstone commended you because they said that you did the right thing.

  • Yeah, we I mean the Yellowstone.

  • Plenty of times for people getting too close to the animals.

  • The barks at what Dion did was a perfect example of what to do when approached by wildlife staying socially distant in this case 25 yards away for safety.

  • Oh, no.

Oh, no, I'm messing with you.


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A2 初級

バイソンが彼を見つめ始めたので、レポーターはボルトを打つ (Reporter Bolts Because Bison Starts Staring at Him)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日