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  • Hamburgers and french fries have become a popular meal option here in Korea for children

  • and busy adults alike. As you might expect, this kind of diet is

  • having an effect on the nation's waistline and health.

  • Paul Yi reports. Fast food restaurants have soared in number in recent years... and become

  • a popular meal destination for those on the go.

  • Local fast food chain Lotteria had some 11-hundred stores nationwide as of 2013, a 24-percent

  • jump compared to three years earlier. Overseas chains like McDonalds and Burger

  • King have also grown in number,... as more and more people are reaching for burgers to

  • fill their appetites, despite knowing it's not very healthy.

  • "I don't think about the calories, because I'm very active."

  • "I worry about the calories because I'm a woman, but usually I'm cool about it when

  • it comes to eating hamburgers."

  • However, experts are advising consumers to think twice before ordering.

  • The Korea Consumer Agency recently analyzed the contents of trademark fast food burger

  • sets.

  • Let's take a look at the calories. Burger King's Whopper meal topped the list

  • at over 11-hundred calories. This is almost half of the daily requirement

  • of 26-hundred calories,... recommended for men between the ages of 19 and 29.

  • McDonald's Big Mac meal followed with just over 1-thousand calories,... and the burger

  • sets of Lotteria and KFC came in at around 9-hundred.

  • Sodium levels also approached daily requirements. A man in his 20s is recommended no more than

  • 15-hundred milligrams of sodium a day. KFC's meal had the most sodium content at

  • over 14-hundred milligrams,... followed by McDonalds at 12-hundred,... and Lotteria and

  • Burger King at around a thousand.

  • "Consumers should check the nutritional values carefully before eating hamburgers if they

  • want to maintain a healthy appetite, as even one set contains a high amount of calories

  • and sodium."

  • Experts advise that children in particular should refrain from eating hamburgers too

  • often,... as the calories and sodium content exceed their recommended daily intake.

  • Paul Yi, Arirang News.

Hamburgers and french fries have become a popular meal option here in Korea for children


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B2 中上級

専門家はファストフードの消費量を減らすようにアドバイスしています。 (Experts advise people to reduce fast food consumption)

  • 101 4
    richardwang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日