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  • top of the morning to you, ladies.

  • My name is Jackson Guy.

  • And welcome back to little misfortune, the cute little girl in all the land.

  • Wow.

  • Oh, I was gonna literally press the button to shoot.

  • Sparkles everywhere, but yes.

  • Missing kid called 112 Uh, okay.

  • Kind of looks like me.

  • I don't like this way.

  • I should go back home by.

  • Don't go now, Miss Fortune.

  • I can protect you.

  • Really?

  • Yes.

  • All right.

  • Send you shut up.

  • Sparkles, shine.

  • Everybody have a nice day.

  • Uh, God and seeing ghosts everywhere.

  • That's the girl in the picture.

  • She did.

  • Oh, God, You like it.

  • But it is wildly curious.

  • I also wonder if the stuff she's going through is actually happening or if she's just imagining things.

  • Only got there So freaky high.

  • You are.

  • You want sparkles.

  • So ashamed.

  • Rainbow.

  • Who's, uh Okay.

  • Also, there's a lot of chromatic aberration going on.

  • I like it.

  • I don't know.

  • The exact details of a chromatic aberration is, But if you see the sign on the top right away, the color shift happens on.

  • Then the more you go into it, the more it all kinda like goes back into the one color.

  • It's the same of the fence on the left.

  • It's like a visual effect movie people do, and I don't know what the intended effect started office, but it gives us, like, dreamy, kind of weird quality to it to make it seem like everything is not okay.

  • And it's like an effect around the edge of the lens.

  • It blood borne has a lot of it as well.

  • But in blood borne, it works really, really well.

  • But most games doesn't.

  • This one actually works pretty well If we're not in our reality.

  • Yeah, it's bullcrap!

  • Misfortune!

  • Watch your language!

  • Maybe it is crap.

  • Shit.

  • The world needs a plan, Eunice, like go get it.

  • Very clever misfortune.

  • Everything's just hot.

  • Thank you At kill Monday games.

  • It's written on the wall.

  • You graffitied your own game phantasmagoria.

  • The horror fair phantasmagoria is goingto be.

  • Oh, maybe we could find time to check it out later.

  • Who knows why?

  • Don't play with my feelings Now let's focus on finding the eternal happiness first.

  • Then we'll see.

  • All right?

  • I can't wait.

  • I don't trust him.

  • Shot on such a sparkle Rainbow is for everybody you know, if you ever want to hang out or something available, don't engage with that Wild Fox.

  • I told you foxes are dangerous.

  • Let me handle this.

  • Andy, are you a while being jurors fucks my old lady.

  • Oh, he's got Let that wild beast run off.

  • I don't want anything bad happening to you, all right?

  • Yeah, because this guy's like Pennywise in my mind.

  • He's trying to get me to the end.

  • Generally, kids were going missing you Children, hide your Children!

  • Hide!

  • Hide your Children!

  • Uh, this is thanking stuff.

  • This is absolutely the best art I have ever seen.

  • It's a person now.

  • I didn't know Benjamin Iwas so created created That looks like a child has drawn it.

  • I think you just say, Oh, I didn't mean it like that.

  • Hey, shouldn't you be focusing on finding the prize?

  • I'm focused.

  • Yeah, focus.

  • You also.

  • That's the the antler thing that's been following us in the other dimension.

  • Something gets our guy.

  • It could be way off.

  • Full kits.

  • Park kiosk.

  • Ok, wait.

  • Can I do anything with these?

  • Didn't really check.

  • How come she gets running tricks like she's out of breath immediately.

  • What language?

  • She's the best.

  • Float out of your fuck.

  • It's forcing your language app.

  • Whatever.

  • Fuck you.

  • I love it.

  • Yeah.

  • So charming.

  • Yes.

  • Misfortune.

  • Has everyone reached the end of the game?

  • I've got in the other now?

  • Happiness?

  • Yes, off course.

  • They lived happily ever after.

  • That sounds nice.

  • You know, I want to win this price for my mommy.

  • I wish I could give her some happiness.

  • Please.

  • Buckle doesn't work with her.

  • Oh, that's really sweet.

  • First dying everywhere is back.

  • Oh, that's not necessary.

  • Don't be silly.

  • You go t.

  • Oh, well, thank you.

  • Anyway.

  • Find the prize and make mommy proud.

  • Mr.

  • Voice, what about everything dying?

  • Because also, she's walking past people who have even the site and everything.

  • Maybe life is just shit.

  • She uses her sparkle on things because then she could look at it differently and be like, Wow, everything so nice.

  • But she doesn't work.

  • It doesn't work in her mom because she sees her mom all the time.

  • That's what everyone have.

  • Don't feed the birds.

  • Uh, okay.

  • That's why everyone has masks on because they're not actually happy.

  • But she likes to think that they're happy.

  • There's a lot of sweet What?

  • You're waiting on the bench.

  • Death.

  • It's alive.

  • And it's eating from you saying, um, interesting.

  • What do you think?

  • A misfortune.

  • Do you really need to read those poems?

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • Listen to this one.

  • So hanging too low.

  • No signature.

  • When are they hanging from doing that?

  • Come on, misfortune.

  • Let's go.

  • All right.

  • Balls hanging too low.

  • Wasn't even written.

  • Okay, Drunks, Ego.

  • Look at the sea.

  • Go.

  • It looks like Kevin's bad.

  • Who's that?

  • He used to see them.

  • The some books.

  • Next.

  • Just go.

  • He didn't have any clothes on.

  • And the chalice over Sort paid him with a stick.

  • Remember that fish picked up earlier?

  • You mean my fish from forever?

  • You should give it to the seagulls.

  • I'm sure it would appreciate some company, huh?

  • I guess that maybe that will be 1/3 thing to maybe No, I guess I'm gonna give the fish just because I want to see what happens.

  • I know officials gonna die, and she's gonna be sad and everything, but this is weird.

  • Let's keep it weird.

  • E hope this fish brings you as much joy and love.

  • That was very kind of you.

  • Thank you.

  • Uh huh.

  • What?

  • Of course.

  • Segal's love eating fish.

  • We didn't You say something?

  • Well, now, you know.

  • Isn't it fun to laugh?

  • Wow.

  • Learning of our natures need, uh That's just what you want to play with something.

  • She just throws it directly at it.

  • Next time I hang out with friends, and we were like, Hey, dude, check out this picture of me on my phone, but I'll bury him later.

  • Oh, that's sweet.

  • But now you also have a dead fish in here pocket.

  • That's kind of gross.

  • Said that to you, Mr Siegel.

  • Kevin's dad.

  • Make it stick, man.

  • Would you like to ride the royal holes off the park, huh?

  • Yes, very much So, Roy.

  • Off course.

  • You see, my point is, you know, yes.

  • I used to love these guys.

  • God, unfortunately, are you all right?

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, I'm worried because I'm such a little late.

  • This course you are really tiny.

  • And you could break.

  • I broke my arm ones.

  • So you know what I mean.

  • Thank you.

  • I thought it was one of the ones that swing back and forth.

  • There's a There's a peek in your life when those go from being like, oh, super fun.

  • And then it's like I'm a little too heavy for it.

  • And then it's like, Oh, really fun, because then you start smacking off the ground.

  • He said, Look, dope.

  • I love her.

  • She just falls out of everything.

  • She's so clumsy.

  • Shake out that back.

  • Let's just go his fortune.

  • You don't want to get involved with ducks.

  • Prada coat.

  • He's carrying a boom box.

  • This could be my opportunity toe finally bounce for reals.

  • Would you like to show you some of your Oh, give it to him.

  • Give him Yes.

  • Okay.

  • Check.

  • Oh, yet.

  • Oh, God.

  • She's gonna get high.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • That was unfortunate.

  • Whether you're talking about Ellis Normal.

  • Oh, if you say so.

  • Okay.

  • Yet shake it out now.

  • Yeah, I think what's she seeing is like, that's just a random young dude who's smoking weed in the Paris when she sees it as a duck.

  • Because that's funnier to her.

  • Would you like to write this one?

  • It's like a tornado.

  • Oh, yes.

  • I'm doing all the things that are gonna be fucked up.

  • She's gonna fall off if you puke of glitter again.

  • No misfortune.

  • What a fucking legend.

  • Also, those things are terrifying.

  • You go out, fire in them and you swing and it's like, Oh, that's a bit fine.

  • And then you pull yourself in.

  • It's like a It's like fucking training to be a fighter pilot.

  • No, they don't.

  • But the trees air naked when the wind is cold.

  • When the smell of rotten apples smash smashes against the stone.

  • What are you talking about?

  • Misfortune?

  • Nothing.

  • That's what you got out of that s O.

  • If she's seeing people as creatures, then maybe Benjamin is not actually a fox.

  • Maybe he's an actual person.

  • Some creepy.

  • Hey, they're using this.

  • Looks like the art off.

  • Benjamin, don't you think?

  • I think it's garbage on.

  • It should be raised with fire.

  • The fuck, Dude, I see great potential here.

  • He's obviously very artistic, just ignored.

  • Let's keep playing my game.

  • The prize is closer than you think.

  • Really?

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Shut down such miracles.

  • I can almost feel the afternoon happiness.

  • Good.

  • The last challenge awaits at the pet cemetery.

  • A pet cemetery That sounds like the best place to end the game Exactly by thoughts.

  • I'm glad you feel the same way.

  • I don't think the game's gonna end there, but we'll see what goes on.

  • Are all the dead gonna come back a life?

  • So I was thinking while we're walking, mind if I ask you a couple of questions?

  • You're pretty good at answering questions.

  • Great.

  • Just answer as honestly as you can.

  • All right.

  • First question.

  • Have you ever stolen anything?

  • Um, I don't know how she and really have I ever stolen anything?

  • Yes.

  • When I was a kid, I stole a packet of crisps from a shop.

  • My guilt.

  • It almost destroyed me.

  • I stole my friend's Swiss army knife once.

  • I felt so bad, I bury it in the yard and never told him.

  • Oh, I'm so sorry for the booth.

  • Second question.

  • Are you happy right now?

  • Yeah.

  • E mean, nothing bad is happening right now.

  • Thanks.

  • Happy?

  • Well, the last question.

  • Do you feel loved?

  • Oh, I don't think she does.

  • I don't think your parents make her feel like she's loving.

  • She doesn't have anybody else.

  • That's why I like my stoney so much.

  • It's just the rock.

  • Understand?

  • Get angry or study?

  • E wish I could be like that sometimes.

  • Thank you for your honesty.

  • Yeah.

  • Look, we arrive at the pet cemetery.

  • Two missing kids.

  • We're going to see the other one as well.

  • This is creepy.

  • What about you?

  • But I've never seen a pet cemetery.

  • Oh, shake this out.

  • More kids are missing.

  • If I go missing, how will I tell Mummy you won't go missing?

  • Well, go back home right off that we find the prize.

  • Uh, okay.

  • Nice.

  • So is he stealing kids?

  • Killing kids ready to find the prize of eternal happiness?

  • Sure.

  • Yes.

  • What is it?

  • I have hidden it in one of the graves.

  • I have to dig in.

  • And grain.

  • Which one?

  • I'll give you a hint.

  • It's where the goldfish is.

  • Barrett, That gold.

  • Okay.

  • Alright.

  • Must I did with my timing hands.

  • Next.

  • Four other?

  • No.

  • Use the shovel.

  • What?

  • Show?

  • This shovel.

  • Shovel.

  • That travel.

  • Okay.

  • You're not gonna question anything as to why a shovel just came out of a demon hell portal.

  • Come on, Miss Fortune.

  • I know you're not the brightest, bold with the ceiling, but the only bold with sealing it seems.

  • Don't read all of these.

  • One step at least died surrounded by her loved ones in the fire.

  • Dig this grave.

  • No, Just dig all of them.

  • Okay, that's they.

  • Later, Lulu.

  • The first bug to ever drunk.

  • No, I think this is the fish.

  • Well, it said it was a pogue.

  • So no cheeses.

  • Christ, Lunar.

  • The book.

  • The first, the first book ever strangle a man Stuff on the Queen Writer off the erotic novel Confessions of a Cat Erotic novel Took a crisis.

  • Deliver delivery is obviously yes.

  • It says both I doing what?

  • They love it.

  • Simple Yanks forever.

  • Is this Christ?

  • I mean, it might be the 1st 1 unless there's more because the others are very clearly specific animals.

  • Let's say your damn act by never saw that window coming.

  • Don't get Royer.

  • I don't think so.

  • I'll keep looking at the graves is open.

  • Look, this grievous available bed Do you want to do Berry Rodrigo's bones?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I think all that.

  • We ruined your angle here.

  • He deserves it.

  • Any last words?

  • You may go smell like a fish like that.

  • Enough.

  • This was nice.

  • I hope he was nice.

  • He smelled like he is.

  • That was beautiful.

  • Thank you.

  • I got an achievement for it.

  • It says we stood above it.

  • Yes.

  • Congratulations.

  • Misfortune.

  • You found the prize is a gold.

  • Really?

  • Yes.

  • You see the little box?

  • Open it.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Excellent.

  • She's so cute.

  • When your ass's fortune You forgot about the prize.

  • Don't you want it?

  • All right.

  • I immediately forgot what I was doing.

  • Eternal happiness.

  • Is that the name of the goldfish?

  • Don't trust this.

  • Is this a surprise?

  • But there's no Liam.

  • No monument.

  • What?

  • Yes.

  • It says I stole your eternal happiness sign.

  • He's not gonna like that.

  • He already doesn't like Benjamin E o Happiness.

  • I knew the Fox was trouble.

  • He stole your prize.

  • But I disappoint month.

  • I really wanted to your price Mummy, with this.

  • What should I don't know?

  • We must find the fox and get your happiness back.

  • I'm sure he hasn't gone far away.

  • Let's go find him.

  • Yes, let's do that.

  • Oh, Sasha.

  • Leaped bone.

  • I'm not let down.

  • I have more game to play now.

  • Free.

  • It's just tell me what happened.

  • Cool.

  • No.

  • Gods back.

  • My happiness run after him.

  • We can't let the fox get away again.

  • He stole your prize.

  • You me really disappointed me.

  • I'm curious as to what the hell is going on.

  • Unloved Children in darkness search for what they have lost for.

  • Why they're in pain.

  • Did you find something?

  • Misfortune.

  • You're imagining things.

  • He's trying to warn me.

  • Kids going missing, all dead, searching for why they're in pain.

  • Maybe being in pain is what drives this monster should keep our eyes open.

  • In case we see the fox, they know how to hide Cunning little foxes.

  • I love Fox is that you have baby foxes over my my decking.

  • If we hit that well, I just go to the other dimension.

  • Ah, there.

  • That whole looks very much like where the fox would hide the prize.

  • You mean I should go down there?

  • Yes.

  • Don't worry.

  • Nothing bad will happen.

  • Nothing bad at all.

  • Okay, You're some very sure I'll trust you.

  • I'm not going under yet.

  • I want to hit this also, I do not trust him.

  • Oh, shake up this dumb.

  • It's different from regular stones.

  • I'm telling you, I think you're right.

  • The game off death.

  • It's what Booth shadows off the bio Her?

  • What does this mean?

  • That looks like nonsense to me.

  • Misfortune, huh?

  • Really?

  • Maybe there's no more nonsense around you see the game of death Oh, this business lose, I think for me Maybe it works tomorrow.

  • Lt's nice.

  • It's got No, there's nothing here.

  • Nothing I know.

  • Mmm.

  • Secrets of the dimension beyond Let me go!

  • I wonder why Pum Jimmy will still my prize My baby has no copy himself.

  • So because he tried to protect you.

  • But, I mean, that's happening myself and for Mommy.

  • Hello?

  • Anybody down there?

  • Hello.

  • I would be shocked, But it's not the first time you've fallen over their misfortune.

  • This is cozy, huh?

  • I was proven big faux Hello instead of voice.

  • Hey, yo!

  • Oh, he's not there.

  • I didn't miss any sparkles And how you have been keeping my eyes out, but I don't think I saw any.

  • Please, I am a little, uh, then control.

  • But, uh oh, no, wait.

  • Maybe you can find it again.

  • I want to find it again.

  • You lost the needle in a haystack.

  • Fox repellant Lovett Get it now Best 10 out of 10.

  • I can't find the bottle.

  • Sweet style.

  • I'll take it through picture of the fox is so cute.

  • It what?

  • At 60% of the time, it works every time.

  • That branch is a switch on it.

  • Wait, wait.

  • Shut down some trace particles.

  • Oh, okay.

  • So far, the game is a lot more straightforward than friend Bo.

  • Benjamin, What are you doing?

  • You know he's the fox repellant on Benjamin.

  • No, I don't want you cheeses.

  • Oh, no.

  • Have I gotten myself into What if the same stuff just happens anyway?

  • Maybe it was a mistake choosing her for this.

  • I mean, I saw her eating letter.

  • Who does that?

  • It's not natural.

  • There's puke again.

  • It's a glittering it for June.

  • You're alive and well, that's great.

  • Yeah.

  • What am I?

  • What happened?

  • The dangerous Fox attacks you and you mean attacked me.

  • So he really is a bad folks.

  • See, I told you that Fox is evil.

  • Yeah, maybe I should listen to you.

  • We still need to find a fox and take back the eternal happiness.

  • Maybe we could find out where he lives.

  • Yes.

  • Give me a minute to figure this out and I'll get back to you.

  • Okay?

  • I'll just hang around.

  • I'll just be here, bro.

  • You know supporting later.

  • Every reporter enough glitter on the puke so it covers it up like sought us.

  • These masks is so creepy.

  • Opens field blood.

  • A open field is on fire.

  • 1993 Bird invasion.

  • We didn't win, but we had for local artists.

  • GM retires after incident.

  • My son is missing.

  • What?

  • What's a meal?

  • Okay, something's going on in the town of opens field with Volcom now opens.

  • Feel zoo should be at the zoo.

  • Actually made a quick Google search.

  • I found out the fox has a cousin in the zoo.

  • Are really We could go and see if he knows where the Fox lives.

  • But how do we get through this?

  • So it's, like, really far away.

  • Why we take the bus.

  • Of course, that should be bust up nearby.

  • Uh, Okay.

  • Okay.

  • We'll go there sometimes.

  • Markets for everyone, huh?

  • Said it.

  • Okay.

  • It's I okay.

  • Huh?

  • How did I get to the town centre?

  • I carried you here.

  • But how?

  • You're just always in my head.

  • Just a voice.

  • No, I can do more than that.

  • You know, I don't need to say anything to you.

  • Whatever.

  • You're staying there, boys.

  • Fine.

  • You really want to see what I can do.

  • Wait, She's so cute.

  • Jeez, that Did you see?

  • I'm not just a voice in your head.

  • Misfortune?

  • No.

  • What?

  • Did you see him?

  • So I had a problem.

  • That's just going them.

  • It's like I showed you a big, scary man.

  • Wait, my shooting fucking adorable.

  • You look familiar.

  • What?

  • I see dead people like a lot.

  • Oh, she's 1/3 eye.

  • Really?

  • You know this child?

  • Yes.

  • From school.

  • She told our leisure to show the homework.

  • His back is very poorly in.

  • You know, she probably ran away from home.

  • She will turn out you.

  • You think so?

  • Yes.

  • Uh, she's dead, bro.

  • She's shown up anywhere except the cemetery locator.

  • Check that everybody later.

  • Those people in the picture looks so happy drinking their heels.

  • Robin in the back.

  • It looks like Mommy brings me here all the time.

  • It's really boring.

  • Sometimes she sends me to buy cigarettes while she hacks strangers by the dumpster.

  • Is that so?

  • Graze really feeling good about Mommy bringing you to buy cigarettes or this is 1993.

  • He could actually back when I was growing up.

  • All of you zoom er's aren't there?

  • When I was growing up, you could actually send kids to go get you, like alcohol and cigarettes on.

  • Then of course, they changed it.

  • And now it's, like, way.

  • Was that ever okay to allow kids to do it just makes so much sense.

  • I'm wondering what in, like, 20 to 50 years?

  • Time way.

  • Look back upon it.

  • Be like, how did we ever allow kids to do that?

  • How do we ever allow people to do that?

  • That man just dropped his wallet.

  • What do you want to do?

  • Give it back to him?

  • I'm a nice person.

  • You dropped your wallet.

  • You're welcome instead for me.

  • Thank you.

  • Hello.

  • Have a look.

  • Isn't a winner?

  • Yes.

  • Scratchy.

  • Scratchy.

  • Thank you.

  • You win.

  • Okay, go to the last one.

  • You win.

  • And oh, gluing Maybe next time.

  • Just my luck, huh?

  • Well, I went in my heart one time.

  • Mommy took me here.

  • L forgot me.

  • I got to play inside all night and you love security man from me.

  • But I was a record.

  • Well, that sounds like it was a fun night for you.

  • Yeah, except for me crying a lot But it was fun.

  • That's horrible.

  • God, your mom's a dick.

  • My heart grows ever fonder.

  • Maybe a strong heart is what I need.

  • Do you wanna smile and put on a happy face?

  • Excess?

  • Let's face it.

  • Sometimes we're just too tired to smile.

  • You happy?

  • Stop pretending, Mr Man.

  • Were you following me?

  • I know what it is.

  • You Who is it?

  • Cases that Who's Casey?

  • Front from scope.

  • Haven't seen him for a while.

  • Bo.

  • She's probably missing and dead like all the other kids in this time.

  • Oh, my friend again.

  • But all the missing kids Sweet Jesus.

  • Even Norma's in Children.

  • Posters.

  • So, Mommy, I wonder what they're miss thing?

  • Oh, don't you worry about them.

  • I'm sure they will all turn up one day.

  • You think so?

  • Off course I don't know, Mr Voice, This is starting to smell me starting to smell like a big old stinker.

  • Shut down!

  • I'll make it all go away with my glitter kids Going missing Mr Voice sounds kind of like a weirdo.

  • Have you ever taken the bus all by yourself before?

  • Haven't I'm not sure what to do.

  • Do we need a cake?

  • Let's find out.

  • There's an information board.

  • Okay, look, we have to wait two minutes.

  • You explore other Explorer to me.

  • Thank you.

  • Means closing up this.

  • So I'm gonna tell her Bubbly.

  • When'd you mean behind?

  • And that Benjamin should be ashamed.

  • That sounds great.

  • He Yeah.

  • Gonna talk to the ladies.

  • I don't wanna progress things too quickly because I want Oh, you'll see.

  • Everything is about that drink.

  • Is gold becomes road.

  • Who get it?

  • Thank you.

  • Oh, she actually feels like a kid.

  • Get it, Dick.

  • Hey.

  • Hello.

  • What, did you take me to?

  • The steak with their friends.

  • So, you know, because of you, I can make you their party.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Okay.

  • Shaft on reeks.

  • It says that all Children under 15 years old can write the bus for free.

  • I have eight, so I'm good.

  • Great.

  • But I think about it.

  • Maybe You mean above a ticket, you son.

  • Oh, Donna, I'm definitely older, but nobody can see me.

  • Okay.

  • You like 12?

  • Yes.

  • More or less.

  • 20,000 years old because he had even do us.

  • You Please.

  • Okay.

  • Thank you.

  • Donna, Wait.

  • I'll sit.

  • I'm a bit tired from all the walking.

  • You know.

  • I can't imagine you have very small feet.

  • Yes, my little landing.

  • That's what I am.

  • Those old ladies out.

  • They're a little scary, don't you think?

  • Honestly, I've seen worse.

  • Really?

  • Yes.

  • You know, my mommy also uses the same.

  • Uh, she likes to hide her smile.

  • Known.

  • You like to have a mask like that?

  • I don't know.

  • The bus is here.

  • This world is miserable.

  • Hey, ladies, not wearing a happy face.

  • Love yourself.

  • Get happy face.

  • Yeah, that's a good message.

  • This'll mustard might take a while.

  • Are you okay with that?

  • That's okay.

  • He is keeping me company.

  • Who is hero?

  • He's my friend from Yap.

  • Um, his.

  • You know, his always.

  • Sam, you have really funny misfortune.

  • There is no such thing as ghosts.

  • Hey, misfortune.

  • Look, there's a bunch of cows on the field.

  • You are?

  • Does that mean I need Evelyn?

  • She speaks it.

  • You don't let anything bad happen to the cows, you little baby.

  • My You see that baby Coke, huh?

  • Things seem to happen all the time.

  • Not now.

  • You're part of something.

  • We're getting close to the zoo now.

  • Okay, Break next.

  • The zoo, Parkin.

  • Yeah, I can't wait to go inside.

  • You have the ticket, right?

  • Oh, didn't I give you a ticket earlier?

  • What?

  • No, you didn't.

  • Oh, dear.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I totally forgot.

  • Do you have any ideas on how to get inside?

  • You know, without pay?

  • I saw Mommy showing her boobies to the guy in the store.

  • She got some 34 but I haven't got any pieces yet, so that might not work.

  • Well, I have an idea.

  • What use diversion?

  • What's this that dealership mean?

  • Well, make the cashier look somewhere else, you know?

  • Fool him.

  • Okay, Let me think what I can piece is Chris, I don't have any titties yet, so I can't Thank God Wolf.

  • He looks really sleek.

  • Just wait and see fortune away.

  • Mr.

  • Voice, You bringing me zoo because you want me to die, huh?

  • They knew about the missing Children here.

  • Know about missing Children here more and more every day.

  • Let's look at everything else first.

  • Anything?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Not pickups only.

  • Okay, only Yoki.

  • Okay, this is breakable.

  • Like like with a rope or something.

  • Stony like a stone.

  • I think I came up with the idea.

  • What?

  • I don't know If I want to vandalize stuff, just tell a lie.

  • You saying like my parents are in there?

  • I'll tell a lie.

  • So he believes it.

  • Ally.

  • Misfortune.

  • Are you sure you want to do this?

  • I mean, that's the only way to get in a fight.

  • Trust me.

  • All right, let's go.

  • Well, let's see if this works.

  • Hello?

  • Excuse me.

  • There was one of them is essential.

  • Run at the bus stop.

  • I just saw her.

  • You may want to go and check it out.

  • Oh, that kind of lie.

  • Yes, it would.

  • Now he was easily convinced by this is gonna lie about how to get into the zoom.

  • I mean, technically should do.

  • Isn't this wonderful?

  • We'll get to see so many cage animals.

  • By the way, you did a great job not getting caught by the vendor.

  • Thank you.

  • Impressive way.

  • But now way should find out the wolf exhibits left Brandon got?

  • Yes.

  • Remember, he knows whether Fox lives.

  • What does the fox say?

  • Huh?

  • But look at these purse.

  • What do you say to me?

  • Oh, yourself.

  • What?

  • You watch that mouth.

  • I don't think I mean the idea.

  • We need to get your happiness back as soon as possible.

  • Oh, take a fuck.

  • Pirate parrot.

  • Num num pirate Life span 10 to 20 years, Omnivore.

  • Widely spread around the planet story.

  • It's kind of parrot lives across the entire world.

  • They talk much, but savory little.

  • They usually work together with human pirates.

  • Natural born thieves, Founders of the liberation front route birds spread is not It isn't.

  • Trust me.

  • He's drinking sweet coffee beans all day, Lucius.

  • Okay, Span.

  • Succeed to 100 years.

  • Big cities.

  • These owls normally hang near libraries, bookstores on coffee shops.

  • Although they seem incredibly spared their self, they're huge.

  • Self centered lifestyle drives them to gather useless information.

  • They live off it.

  • So it's like a hip, sir.

  • Hipster Alfa, face the chicken.

  • We feel offended by this bird.

  • Don't be.

  • It doesn't know what it's doing.

  • It's the fuck you birds!

  • Fucking hell!

  • It's fucking Delius!

  • The ship is on its thes birth.

  • Multiply at a very high rain with different partners leaving behind dysfunctional offspring.

  • They don't care about anything as long as they are occupied by mindless entertainment.

  • This shave you these.

  • But that's okay with different partners with them behind this functional off.

  • Bring.

  • They don't care about long as they are occupied.

  • My mind Entertainment.

  • Fuck Delius This shit.

  • It's dumb, but I love it.

  • Steel bird seeds.

  • Why not?

  • I want to see the birds.

  • So they're not hungry.

  • Okay.

  • Can actually go back and feed them yet.

  • No, no, no, no, no.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I love you.

  • I love you.

  • Come up.

  • Your food is your name.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • These unseen.

  • Like they have food already.

  • You go.

  • You in the food you like.

  • Okay, I got an achievement feeder.

  • I'm good at feeding birds.

  • You concede anything?

  • You just throw food at them hard enough.

  • Find a wolf area so we know where to go.

  • I think there's a zoo is about to close.

  • It's okay.

  • I'm gonna get stuck in here anyway.

  • I always get stuck in here, okay?

  • I can't do anything with any of these.

  • Oh, no.

  • Try again.

  • Usually Iwerks.

  • But that's for a space.

  • Great job.

  • Let's hurry up now.

  • So we got to We need to go to six.

  • I'm feeling really only like what's happening to me.

  • I smell hormones waking up, you know, almost what's that body's preparing to create life inside you.

  • You get a lot of new feelings that are completely normal, and you'll leave for 3 to 5 days from your vagina.

  • Thanks forever.

  • You will also suffer each month for many, many years on society.

  • Are you for real?

  • Yes, I think this is an emergency later.

  • So much better.

  • She's shut down.

  • Bigamy.

  • Yes, those are people's wishes for wishes.

  • People nowadays think they got my everything money.

  • I go through a coin and asked for my happiness house so that Benjamin transforming to a good folks because I would totally go out on a date with him.

  • You're eight.

  • Done here?

  • Yeah.

  • Also, he said he smelled life waking up beside her.

  • She's about to hit puberty.

  • She's eight.

  • That's very early to be hitting puberty.

  • Not impossible, but very early.

  • I wish I could write Japanese, so I got some acute post card to my friend hitter.

  • But where does the ghost limb you're pining was fortunate.

  • Ghosts are not really.

  • They're just jealous because you don't have a ghost friend.

  • Volcom now stopped.

  • Look at those sweet flashing.

  • They could be on my way.

  • Don't get to touch those toys of the little Swedish accent.

  • Now, then I'm just looking.

  • Wait till the wolf.

  • Yes.

  • Let's go them!

  • Let's heave ho!

  • Tally ho!

  • You were in a mask.

  • Popsicle.

  • The polar bear.

  • Oh, my.

  • Looks like this area is closed to the public that you will have to psych and sneaked the janitor to get through the other side.

  • Don't let her see you.

  • Otherwise, she will lock you in a while.

  • Your mommy?

  • I'm like a sweet little behind those boxes.

  • Right.

  • Great idea.

  • Hide behind a box on she turns her back to you.

  • All right, I'm ready.

  • Let's do this.

  • Let's do these that they're in.

  • The picture is sucking on a Popsicle.

  • It looks like it's strawberry flavored.

  • Youngmin.

  • I really wish I had a Popsicle right now that I don't miss fortune.

  • Now, back to you.

  • I know why you're doing movies like it's bird.

  • Well, this isn't a movie, so just do as I say.

  • When she turns around, you can jump out and keep moving.

  • All right?

  • Just she never saw me yet.

  • There's one box you have to sneak past.

  • You better watch me when I made these for her ass again.

  • Well, done like a sweet little mentally doormats.

  • Close.

  • Also, that janitor lady was a crow.

  • Hey, these women, it's like the other one.

  • But they don't look like the other ones.

  • He'll sleep.

  • Yes.

  • So you know.

  • Yes, I know.

  • I look at it.

  • Eyes.

  • This one say Somerset is twisted by the malevolent games from Balboa Island.

  • What a bug.

  • Twisted too.

  • Don't pay any attention to Leeds.

  • Silly rocks.

  • He's making me play a little game of them.

  • I don't fucking appreciate it.

  • Trying to get me to go to the place of beyond.

  • Okay, Nobody's coming.

  • You really proved your Minya skills.

  • Naive, Virginia.

  • But I'm pretty sure I was the best.

  • Hiding back.

  • You're not a little lady like me.

  • You're just a boy.

  • Oh, you see money Much more than that.

  • However, Now you should go and meet the wolf.

  • Got it?

  • Meet their wills.

  • Mamie Paddock.

  • Benjamin's address.

  • Like gambling?

  • Yeah, like a Kenya.

  • Also, that dude's voice is awesome.

  • That reminds me the sandy parable guy.

  • It's locked.

  • I mean, I keep with us.

  • Yes, you do.

  • It says Communist locals, also known as the big Bad Wolf.

  • His favorite snack is read her.

  • The little girls that silly.

  • Remember the missing Children?

  • Maybe he's behind.

  • Oh, sneaky eating.

  • The Children knows you're right.

  • We should call the cops on him.

  • No, we don't want to get involved with the police.

  • I don't trust him.

  • It must say where the fox lives.

  • Way need to take it.

  • I can reach it from here.

  • We need to find a key to open the cage.

  • I find out you'll say for confined it really good.

  • Are you, Benjamin?

  • Nothing.

  • You know a lot of books with the most dearest eat boys.

  • I don't know anyone called Johnny.

  • He's sweet looking.

  • Fuck upstairs.

  • My happiness.

  • I'm not that into him.

  • Maybe you should stop talking to him and find a way inside the cage.

  • Misfortune?

  • Uh, All right, I'll be back.

  • And we'll sort this out about Benjamin.

  • Yeah, we're talking about Benjamin.

  • Then you think they're going back in there?

  • I don't know.

  • Let's go and see quietly.

  • Yeah, like I let I mean, you got it like little a They misfortune running.

  • Elena, She's so cute.

  • Little lady Nina Linger lady has entered the room.

  • We need to find a key now.

  • I know you already.

  • I'll find that.

  • You'll sit watch along howto find a key straight to the computer.

  • Maybe we can find a clue in the computer.

  • Yeah, but it needs the password.

  • I find that.

  • Okay, I find a little code inside that.

  • Back it.

  • No boots.

  • Check those pockets.

  • Look, I found a paper with some members.

  • Hell, yeah.

  • It might be helpful.

  • 8945 Wait, That's a six, does it?

  • 8645 or five s H 68.

  • Okay, 8645 Okay.

  • Excess safe heroes for humbling the big bad wolf if th

top of the morning to you, ladies.


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SO FUNNY AND SO DARK|ちいさな不幸~後編 (SO FUNNY AND SO DARK | Little Misfortune - Part 2)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日