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when you're not, like touring or like at Craft Service is with Kelly Clarkson, which isn't my look.
Hang with Kelly.
Oh, Callie.
Hey, what's up, guys?
Today we're gonna be talking about another haunted location.
And today's location does not get any more haunted than this because we are going to be going to a haunted cemetery.
Now, I don't even really need to explain why this location is haunted.
It's a fucking place where people bury dead bodies.
I think that explains it enough.
But as I was researching, I did find a cemetery that is pretty close to my house.
That actually has a very scary stuff.
So today we're going to be talking about and exploring with Garrett Andrew.
Later in the video the ball Hollis Cemetery, the ball hall, a cemetery was founded in 1923.
The word Valhol Amines Palace, fallen heroes.
The cemetery was built partly as a memorial and a graveyard for deceased aviation heroes.
Now in the cemetery, there's a lot of famous pilots, a lot of people who have lost their lives in plain accidents, and it's right next to the Burbank airport, which feels kind of weird to me because it's like an airport next to a cemetery filled with people who died in plane crashes that now at the entrance of the cemetery, there's a huge structure.
It's called the Portal of the Folded Wings, and it's to commemorate people that have lost their lives.
And then, on July 18 of 1969 something fucking crazy and sadly, a small plane fell from the sky and crashed into the structure.
The pilot and one of the passengers.
But just think about it.
How crazy is it that a plane crashed into a structure that was built to remember people that died in plane crashes?
I can't bring it now.
Another really fucked up things happen in this cemetery, and it is so fucking creepy to think about.
The founders of the cemetery had it taken away from them at the state of California because they were convicted of fraud, and it turns out they were double and sometimes triple selling plots.
That means that they were burying bodies on top of bodies.
Now, as you know, most coffins were dropped six feet underground to make sure that they stay there.
But because they have been triple selling the plots.
Some bodies are buried Onley, Stewie, feet under the ground And it has been reading a lot this season, so that was gonna come up.
Now, One last thing that is very, very uncomfortable and unsettling about this place is something that happened in the mid eighties while Holly got wrapped up in controversy because they were illegally storing over 16 1000 dead aborted fetuses.
I know very, very dark.
And supposedly the cemetery is haunted.
Now there's more to that story.
But we're gonna wait till later on the video because Garrett has all the information and he's gonna break down.
Okay, so here's what we're going to look for when we go to the cemetery tonight, we're gonna check out the structure that plane crashed into.
We're gonna try to get into the mortuary so we can see what's really going on because of all the rainstorms we're going to see if we see any hints of bodies rising from the ground.
And of course, we're gonna record sound and audio by plane crash and take pictures and try to see you catch any ghosts.
And last but not least, this is just kind of cool thing.
But Tim Burton actually grew up down the street from the cemetery, and he would go and hang out there all the time when he was a kid.
And in that cemetery is is he huge creepy fountain, and it's surrounded by a bunch of little structures.
And that's what he would hang out right?
Stuff with.
Years later, when he made his movies, he started putting that cemetery fountain into a bunch of You can see it here in Alice in Wonderland and here in the 19 year before Christmas.
All right, so here we go.
Let's go check out.
Okay, guys, we are in a car on our way to the cemetery.
Are you excited?
Big sign.
I'm really excited.
Like cemeteries.
We're all gonna end up their true, but it's true.
Would you Where would you want your ashes spread its way to the cemetery?
And I'm really excited because, I mean, this is, like, legit, like, Yes, we've been hunted places, but this is actually where there are dead views.
Like we are going to see some shit.
So we have cameras with flashlights.
Now, you said to me that you knew the full story about all the dead babies, so I didn't tell it.
So what's the whole story?
Okay, it's really horrifying.
Any guys, this is crazy because it happened in, like, 83 or something.
So I had I was like, looking on the Internet about this.
Not really curious.
I was going into, like, lawsuit cases to find out about this cause there's no like articles that sum this up.
Basically, this guy was found in the Woodland Hills with this shipping container, and he used to be like a doctor or something.
He was found with illegally with the shipping container and in it was 16,500 dead babies.
And basically, the owner of this cemetery came forward and said, Oh, we'll bury those babies.
And then it caused this huge shit storm with the Catholic Church arguing over who should bury the babies.
And it turned into this three year thing with these babies just stuck in like, you know, formaldehyde for years and years anyways, though, but apparently they were at this cemetery.
They're not buried there, but apparently they were at the cemetery for a long time, like in their mortuary trying to figure out the whole situation.
Why wouldn't they just eat?
I know that's the big thing is a lot of people were just saying, Well, just gobble him up.
I'm the one baby that's in there that's still alive.
Twist all right with this, isn't it?
So we're that it always rains every time we do.
One of these videos can dispute me.
All right, here we are.
So this is just that That's the mortuary where they keep the bodies.
And who's the ho?
My God.
So it's like a medical facility to, you know, that's where they, like in bomb people do all those things.
Oh, my God.
Okay, so, uh, we're having some trouble because they just installed a brand new gate, so it's gonna be really hard to get it, but we're gonna drive around back.
You want me to jump over that wall with my leg?
All flat tire for her, but it's like steps back.
I'm wearing a brace.
You know, I could carry Oh, my God.
Also, that's us.
Okay, so that's the cemetery.
But there's a fence around.
It looks like the Jeepers Creepers truck.
This is terrifying.
Oh, my God, there's the graves.
I can see them.
All right.
So Garrett's gonna check to see if there's a way into that.
Oh, my God.
Then they bury him there.
And that's how you get in.
What's the verdict?
But it's just really, really, really thick shrubbery.
It's more than a gate.
Why don't we just go up to the building and, like, knock on the door and say, Hey, we love cemeteries and we hang out for, like, 20 minutes.
Okay, that's a good idea, but I have money.
Should we give the money like you do it for 50 books?
But I mean, let's just first make sure there's not a super obvious way to get it.
All right, there's a phone call that Dr Yeah, but more stuff Who?
Oh, my God.
Way almost.
Just got a couple of all holla victims.
Okay, so what?
Another back entrance?
And there is the structure that we're talking about earlier.
Oh, my God.
It's so big.
Yeah, So in the twenties, this was like the main entrance to the cemetery.
Now it's like a weird back injuries that no one goes to err on the side entrance and This is a neighborhood.
People live next to this.
That's so scary.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Those air graves, they're all graves.
There's a grave two feet away from someone's bedroom.
Okay, so now we're literally just in the interest.
So creepy.
You right?
So you're gonna go ask the guy.
I'm gonna talk to someone.
Oh, my God.
See what happens?
I don't know.
Some guy.
All right?
What happened under way?
I just wear a crematory gay open.
So we have to kind of go in.
And then there's a broken gate.
Just you know what?
We can't.
But I'm gonna drive away in case there's someone watching us right now and going like, you know.
Oh, they're sketchy, guys.
We got it.
So we're literally just walking through the front door.
Well, there's a There's a broken gate and they let the door kind of I'll go 1st 0 I'm already, like, freaked out.
I'm already uncomfortable, so get that creamy.
Wait where we go.
What is this?
We were just walking in crematory.
Wait, where we going?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Thank you.
It has to be because the bodies were burned.
Oh, my God.
Guys were fucking where?
Where is, like an area where people won't see us.
That car.
There's a car right there.
Is there somebody in it?
There's like a lot of people here.
I don't know if you guys can see that, but there's, like, 10 cars.
Huge, creepy like cars that they put dead bodies in.
Okay, guys.
So we're walking up to one of the graves.
It's raining.
I really want to make this cemetery is lit joke.
But I won't know until we get the flashlight out, but we can't yet.
Let's try to find a more safe place.
What is that?
It's a It's a little squirrel, baby.
Can't see it.
She was almost there.
Oh, my God.
Literally got so close to the whole Oh, my God, we do some EVP way.
Already stole one corpse.
I feel like they should bury it, right?
No, you know somebody.
It shouldn't just be out on the street.
Oh, this is cute.
They, like, set up a whole thing's Valentine's Day.
Guys, that is relationship.
That's actually gonna make me cry.
But I actually will cry if I think about it too much.
Oh, my God, that's awful.
Just being here is making me, like, feel real weird.
That's fucking crazy.
What was that?
Oh, my God.
I'm so freaked out right now.
Okay, There's two big white fans over here, But you don't think there's anybody in them?
What are they?
Are these the van?
Secure the bodies.
We're getting close to the portal of the folded wings.
Where the plane crash Waas.
What are those that they put the actual caskets inside of underground lakes?
Are their bodies in there right now?
No, I don't think Oh, this is not for two.
That's interesting.
Move like a high.
So this is for the survivors of the Columbia Kratch.
It's just There's their photo with the survivor.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
That would be e sad.
Oh, my God.
This is it.
This is the big structure.
Holy fuck!
That's so huge!
The guy who built this is buried underneath.
What does that say?
What does this say?
Welcome to Shrine of American Aviation Plaque.
Syrian marked the final resting place of pioneers of flight.
You're going?
Can we?
Is it open?
Okay, Were their bodies in there.
These air mausoleum.
What does that mean?
That means there's bodies inside of you.
These are private and very expensive.
Oh, who?
This is making me feel really sketchy.
It feels I'm not crazy, right?
Feels different.
Maybe Just go inside one of those.
Close the door and turn off the lights.
What does that look at this?
Oh, my God.
I don't like the sound of a plane next to where a bunch of people died in a plane crash.
Okay, I just gave German cameras.
Just take some pictures around.
Let's see if we could see any orbs.
Well, that's a lot of little spirits.
Zoom in on it.
Hold on.
You see that?
Look at all the little room.
There's a fucking shit.
That's not rain, because there's a ceiling over us and I'm not feeling great.
Okay, wait.
Do you keep taking pictures?
All right.
What is that?
Okay, so I got this little guy for TV, so I think you should Okay.
Are there any spirits here with us right now?
Do you want to tell us something?
Are you upset?
Do you feel like this cemetery isn't treating you, right?
Do you want us to leave?
Also, did you use to fly?
You ask a question.
Do you miss what we have?
Question, Jer?
Okay, so we'll listen to that back in the car.
Okay, so now we're gonna go to where?
The actual plane crash Waas.
I think that's where we should take some pictures too.
So right here is the area where an actual small plane crashed, hit the top, caused a lot of damage.
When, right here, the pilot died, and so did, uh, one of his passengers.
There was one survivor, but this is what it is, right?
Point up right there and just start taking pictures there.
Total side note.
Garrett noticed this.
This truck has been there with its door open for, like, two hours.
Okay, so these are all marked graves.
Those were those big boxes that we saw.
Yeah, So there's probably did have bodies of them.
Oh, my God.
And we were, like, knocking on them and stuff.
Oh, my God.
Put that down.
That's that's too much.
So those aren't very deep.
That's what's crazy.
You know what else is crazy?
That there's fucking dead people in here.
I hope that, like all the spirits aren't generally just interested in that.
I hope you don't think maybe some of them tried to be YouTubers.
And this is like every chance.
Oh, my God.
Here we are.
The fountain was telling about.
It's kind of hard to see, but say how scary it is now.
It is pretty.
The water is like under the waters of grade ghostly water.
Touch it.
Oh, way.
Saw everything we want to see.
You know, it's gonna suck out of here and hopefully not get arrested.
I'm gonna turn the camera off and hide mass D card compensates it back in the car.
Okay, We're back in the car.
We survive.
We're listening to the VP from earlier.
Do you want Do you want?
What is that?
The tapes are creepy.
Know that honestly, the scare his heart was when you re well, Yeah, but just to break that down, I feel like I feel like we need to get an actual ghost hunter who can really help us with this.
I can learn more ghost knowledge.
Were that ghost hunters?
No, I really heard stuff.
I don't know how to decipher that.
Were, like sending you think we should wear like the next?
Because we should do, like, a more proper EVP session.
Like Sit down.
Well, I heard something, guys, if you heard something leaving the common, they're a little breathy.
There was weird shit.
I don't know.
That was great.
That was a cemetery.
And drew, I felt pretty good.
Ah, a good time.
Let's go back.
You guys go.
Hopefully enjoy that creepy if you did.
And you want more videos of me here and drew exploring locations, Please give me a thumbs up.
So I know also subscribe to my channel right down below, because I make videos every day.
And if you want to see all the other videos of this exploring locations But a link to a playlist, right on top of description.
All right, you guys sleep safe.
Now listen, I have introduced you to cure stand if you don't remember where she is and I even get Kirsten a glow up for 2017.
But your son got into an accident.